the president's wife

Chapter 035: Is this method reliable?

Chapter 035: Is this method reliable? "Mom, will Dad never talk to me again?"

Cheng Beibei's voice was hoarse, making her look even more pitiful.

"I really know that I was wrong. I shouldn't talk nonsense, saying that my father is not qualified to control me, that he is not my real father. I know that I hurt my father's heart, but I dare not apologize to my father. My father must be very sad , Dad loves me so much. Mom, I really know I was wrong. But I really dare not apologize to Dad, what should I do..."

Cheng Hanlei was stunned, and the only sound left in the living room was Cheng Beibei's crying.

Cheng Beibei once made a fuss about his background.Cheng Hanlei didn't expect Cheng Beibei to say such a thing.

The expression of Lei Chenyi when he entered the door appeared in his mind, and Cheng Hanlei's eyes turned to the crying poor Cheng Beibei...

"what happened?"

Dismissed Lei Zitong and went upstairs to test Lei Chenyi's mood first, Lei Zixuan knew that her mother wanted to have a chat with her sister alone, and read a book by herself.Sitting on the sofa, Cheng Hanlei looked at Cheng Beibei and asked...

"I saw my father beat up Anze, I..."

Cheng Beibei gave an overview of the matter, speaking intermittently, jumping here and there for a while.Cheng Hanlei probably understood what happened, and quietly let go of her heart.Anze really did not violate his promise, and the guilt in his heart also quietly fell.

"Do you really know what's wrong?"


Cheng Beibei nodded heavily, holding Cheng Hanlei's hand, afraid that Cheng Hanlei would leave her and ignore her.

"Do you know where you went wrong?"

"I know! I shouldn't hurt my father's heart. I clearly know that my father loves me the same as he loves Niannian. Even if he is not my biological father, he loves me more than my biological father."

Cheng Beibei spoke out all her mistakes in a hoarse voice...

"Beibei, you have to understand. Your father hit Anze because he loves you too much. Because he loves you, even if that person is Anze, he still thinks he bullied you. Your father is a little too nervous for you, but These are all because of loving you. I am afraid that you will go the wrong way, and that you will be hurt. This kind of protection may be too suffocating for you, but you are so old, you should be able to understand Dad’s intentions. If there is anything, I can sit down and talk to you Talk to Dad. You are 16 years old, and you will be an adult in two years. Dad is not unreasonable, right? If you want to do something, you must tell Dad clearly. Do you think Dad is too strict? , You can also communicate with Dad."

"Your father restrains you like this because in his eyes, you are still a child. Even if you are 16 years old, in his eyes, you still have not grown up and need him to protect you, understand?"

Cheng Hanlei's voice permeated Cheng Beibei's heart little by little, and Cheng Beibei nodded...

"I'll go up and apologize to Dad."

Cheng Beibei stood up and wiped away her tears.At this moment, Lei Zitong came out of the study and stood in the corridor looking at Cheng Beibei who stood up downstairs.She wrinkled her beautiful little face and shook her head, her big eyes revealed a signal, she looked like a big sister, this time the matter was serious, Dad was very angry, and the consequences would be serious.

"Mom, what should I do?"

Cheng Beibei's little courage just now was completely wiped out.She turned around and looked at Cheng Hanlei pitifully, her eyelashes were still stained with tears, and her eyes were still red and swollen after crying, this appearance really made people feel distressed.Holding Cheng Hanlei's hand, as if asking for help.

Lei Zitong went downstairs, stood there looking at Cheng Hanlei, and said, "Mom, Dad seems very angry this time, and he didn't even smile at me being coquettish. He just sat there smoking, and he has already smoked several cigarettes. Usually, Dad doesn't Is it right to smoke, not to mention that his precious daughter is still in the study?"


Cheng Hanlei knew that Lei Chenyi was really hurt internally.

"Mom, give me some advice. Dad will forgive me only if you tell me what I should do."

Cheng Beibei pinned all her hopes on Cheng Hanlei, and they knew it very well.Dad loves them very much, but the person who loves them the most is Mom.And the person who knows dad best in this world is definitely mom, there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking mom for help...


Cheng Beibei's voice became even softer...

"I want to ask my father to forgive me..."

Cheng Hanlei lowered her head and whispered to Cheng Beibei...

"Mom, is this method reliable?"

It's not that Cheng Beibei wants to doubt Cheng Hanlei, it's just that if it's so simple, dad will forgive him and stop being angry with him?She's a little unsure...

"What do you say?"

Cheng Hanlei flicked Cheng Beibei's head...

"Is there anything unreliable in what mom said? Sister, you have become stupid. Sure enough, what the book says is the truth. Women in love have negative IQs. Mom, when you were in love with dad, did you have the same IQ?" And my sister is like this now, so stupid."

Lei Zitong shook his head like a grown-up, as if he couldn't fall in love and couldn't fall in love.

"As far as you know, where do children have so many problems?"

Seeing the ghostly daughter, Cheng Hanlei stretched out her hand and flicked Lei Zitong.Lei Zitong pretended to let out a cry of pain, and backed away with an ouch.The amusing Cheng Hanlei laughed out loud, while Lei Chenyi's thin lips were tightly pursed upstairs.Listening to the laughter downstairs, the emotions in my heart are complicated...

Someone, so awkwardly arrogant...


After waiting for a long time, Cheng Beibei did not come upstairs to apologize.In fact, Lei Chenyi regretted that slap.However, Cheng Beibei's words were really hurtful enough.Especially because a stinky boy was angry, and he was furious.The more Lei Chenyi thought about it, the angrier he became, he smoked one cigarette after another, the anger in his heart couldn't be suppressed no matter what.

Ever since Lei Zitong came to check on the situation, he thought that when Nian Nian went downstairs, Bei Bei would come up and apologize immediately when he knew he was so angry.But after waiting for two hours, there is not even a shadow...

Lei Chenyi began to think, should he take the initiative to soften up...

My precious daughter...

On the way back, looking at the red and swollen face, I wished I could chop off my hands...

No matter how angry you are, you can't hit your baby...

Lei Chenyi was hesitating whether to go downstairs, and finally there was some movement outside the study door...


As soon as the knock on the door sounded, Lei Chenyi immediately sat down the body that had just got up.Sitting there, with a cold face and a high posture with a cigarette in his hand.


Cheng Beibei stuck his head in and choked on the smoke inside.Lei Chenyi didn't even look at Cheng Beibei, but pressed the cigarette in his hand into the ashtray to extinguish it.Holding down the remote control with one hand, he opened the floor-to-ceiling windows to ventilate the study.

Cheng Beibei felt warm in her heart. Although her father was still expressionless, it could be seen from these small actions how much her father loved her...

With his hands behind his back, he walked towards Lei Chenyi in an unusual posture.


With a flattering cry, Cheng Beibei stood in front of Lei Chenyi's profile, looking at Lei Chenyi's cold face.

"Dad, Beibei knows it's wrong. Don't be angry. You are the greatest and best father in the world. You love your daughter the most. Please forgive Beibei's unscrupulous words. It's all because of this little mouth. Okay, talk nonsense and make Dad angry."

Cheng Beibei stretched out his hand and slapped her own mouth twice, Lei Chenyi couldn't hold back his face anymore.Turning his gaze to Cheng Beibei, he said coldly, "You're not angry, go out."

That cold voice was so awkward.Cheng Hanlei, who was outside, was really speechless to the arrogant Lei Chenyi, she must be happy in her heart.Mingming's heart is about to jump out of waiting, now that Beibei took the initiative to apologize and is still here, it's unreasonable to be arrogant.

"Dad, this is my sincere apology. The cake I just made for you, Dad, don't be angry, okay?"

Cheng Beibei put the small cake in his hand on the table, and then opened the lid on it.It says, Dad, I was wrong.A sad face is drawn below.Lei Chenyi's facial expression moved, almost tense.

Seeing that Lei Chenyi still didn't respond, Cheng Beibei really doubted whether the method his mother said was reliable.Standing there for a while hesitated, anxiously not knowing what to do.

At this time, Cheng Hanlei opened the door and came in, looking at the arrogant Lei Chenyi and Cheng Beibei who was already at a loss.


Cheng Beibei's voice was crying again. He was somewhat sure at first, but now, he was not sure at all.Dad doesn't seem to show any signs of forgiving himself... What should I do...

With eyes asking for advice, Cheng Hanlei stepped over.He stroked Cheng Beibei's head soothingly and said, "Beibei, since your father doesn't want to eat this cake, take it out and throw it away to feed the stray dogs outside, they are more interesting."

After Cheng Hanlei's words fell, Cheng Beibei immediately looked at Cheng Hanlei in confusion...

Didn't mom say to make a cake for dad?Why throw it away now, and this is what I did with my heart...


"Beibei, someone doesn't like it, so it's a waste to put it here. Are you right, listen to mom and throw it away..."

Cheng Hanlei said that she was about to pick up the cake...

Before touching the cake, the cake has moved, and Cheng Hanlei's hand is empty...

Cheng Hanlei looked at Lei Chenyi holding the edge of the cake with one hand, looking at her with a cold face and a stiff expression.Withdrew his hand as if nothing had happened, squinted his eyes slightly, and asked with a confused expression: "Aren't you not willing to buy it? What do you mean?"

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