the president's wife

Chapter 027: You are worthy of him if you are happy

Chapter 027: Your happiness is worthy of his Lei Chenyi standing outside, his eyes are as deep as the sea.Hearing the soft sigh in the bathroom, my heart was heavy.

Standing at the door of the bathroom, 10 minutes later.


There is no response inside.


Lei Chenyi suddenly pushed open the bathroom door, looking at Cheng Hanlei who was slowly sinking in the bathtub, the water had already covered her face.Lei Chenyi was startled, and immediately strode over, pulling Cheng Hanlei up and hugging her tightly.Looking at Cheng Hanlei's closed eyes with overly panicked eyes, he patted Cheng Hanlei's face with his big hand and shouted nervously: "Leilei."

Cheng Hanlei felt the pain on her face, and opened her eyes to see Lei Chenyi's nervous face.

Before he could open his mouth, he heard Lei Chenyi's roar: "Cheng Hanlei, are you crazy? I can understand that Shangguanjue is sad to leave you. I can forgive you because you got depression because of him. But Cheng Hanlei, don't waste my money wantonly." For your tolerance, there must be a measure of sadness. Don't forget your own identity. You are my wife, Lei Chenyi, and the mother of three children. Do you know that what you are doing now makes me and I How sad and worried the children are, when you were sad about Shangguanjue's death, did you ever think how sad and worried the children and I were when we saw you depressed..."


Cheng Hanlei's voice was too low, drowned in Lei Chenyi's angry voice...

"Cheng Hanlei, how can you have the idea of ​​dying. Do you want to pay for the official title with your own life? You also have to ask me if I allow it. Cheng Hanlei, let me tell you, you are mine. You are mine. Wife, it belongs to me, Lei Chenyi. Shangguanjue's death has nothing to do with you, these are everyone's lives, and whether he left city S to go to England, or he delayed treatment, these have nothing to do with you. You Did you hear me clearly?"

Lei Chenyi's voice was so loud that it hurt his ears.


Cheng Hanlei's voice was still drowned in Lei Chenyi's voice, Cheng Hanlei had no choice but to put her arms around Lei Chenyi's neck and kiss his thin lips, so as to block Lei Chenyi's angry voice.

Lei Chenyi's eyes widened, looking at Cheng Hanlei's big eyes.Seeing that Lei Chenyi's mood gradually calmed down, Cheng Hanlei stepped back a little and let go of Lei Chenyi's lips.

"Honey, I fell asleep just now."

In a word, Lei Chenyi has dishes on his face.Looking at Cheng Hanlei's small face, she didn't lie.

Lei Chenyi suddenly stretched out his arms to hug Cheng Hanlei, feeling too much helplessness in his heart.Because I love her so much, I can't even blame her.Seeing her sad made him sadder than anyone else.He obviously didn't want to see her depressed because of another man, but his reason understood her.Because I understand, I have the heart to blame.I just want to be more tolerant, and I just want her to come out quickly.

Over the years, he had thought about countless ways Cheng Hanlei would react when she found out that Shangguan Jue was gone.And he also persuaded himself countless times, how to be tolerant and tolerant, and spend time with her.It was only when he faced it that he realized how scared he was.Leilei, who was afraid of him, would have any accidents, and had been walking together for so many years.

He wants to hold her hand and go on together, and wants to experience every road of life with her in the future.Without her company, how lonely his future would be.

He couldn't lose her, he was afraid of losing her.

"Leilei, I can't lose you."

With a hoarse voice, Lei Chenyi hugged Cheng Hanlei very tightly.The voice of fear and worry revealed the most sincere feelings in a man's heart.

Cheng Hanlei's heart twitched, and she hugged Lei Chenyi naked and drenched.The eye sockets are slowly getting wet. Not only has he lived in pain for the past few days, but Lei Chenyi has also lived a bad life with him.

"Honey, I'm sorry."

It's understandable for her to be sad about Jue's departure.But because of this, she let Lei Chenyi and the children accompany her in pain and sorrow, people always have to look forward.And she trapped herself in guilt, forcibly placing all the responsibilities on herself.He clearly knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't get over that hurdle no matter what.

"Cheng Hanlei, you know I'm a stingy man, and I don't want any other man's place in your heart. So..."


Cheng Hanlei thought that Lei Chenyi wanted him to completely remove Shangguan Jue from her heart starting today...

"Cheng Hanlei, although I don't think Shangguanjue loves you more than I love you. But it is undeniable that he really loves you. So, you heard clearly. In your heart, there is only such a small place Give it to him. Only a little bit, can you hear me clearly?"

Lei Chenyi's hand compared the position a little bit, then squeezed a little bit forward, and finally only a little protruding fingertips were left.

Cheng Hanlei felt warm in her heart when she saw Lei Chenyi's serious face.In the married life, Lei Chenyi made more and more compromises for himself.She is also becoming more and more considerate and tolerant of herself, how can she doubt her choice.

"I see, that's all."

Cheng Hanlei gestured with her hand.

"That's right."

Lei Chenyi held Cheng Hanlei's hand and narrowed the distance to the point that it couldn't be narrowed any further.He squeezed her hand tightly, and kissed her lightly on his lips.


Cheng Hanlei punched Lei Chenyi and asked Lei Chenyi to hug her.Dry off and put on pajamas.Put her in the bed and pull up the quilt, and then walked into the bathroom.He quickly took a shower and came out, put on pajamas and pulled the quilt to lie down.Big hands hugged Cheng Hanlei into his arms, and Cheng Hanlei leaned against Lei Chenyi's arms.

The bedside lamp has been turned to very dim, and Cheng Hanlei is listening to the familiar shallow breathing above her head.The two of them didn't speak, only the shallow breathing of the two remained in the huge bedroom.

"Husband, thank you."

Whispering before going to bed, with a hazy feeling.Lei Chenyi didn't speak, but stretched out his arms to hug Cheng Hanlei tightly.Because I cherish it, I am willing to give appropriate compromises to some places that I could not accept before...


Some pain does not mean that it does not hurt and it does not hurt, and some sadness does not mean that it does not mean that it is not sad.

Cheng Hanlei was a little surprised when she received a call from Peony.

To Peony, no matter to what extent, she has a certain amount of apology.I have been calming down my emotions, and when I want to let myself control my emotions, I call Peony and ask about Shangguanjue.

"I'm downstairs in your company."

Peony was leaning on the car at this time, holding the phone, wearing sunglasses and looking at the floor where Cheng Hanlei was.

It has been so many years since I left S City, and this is not her hometown.Even though she only stayed here for a few short months, she has deep feelings for this place, because her favorite man grew up here, and the place where her favorite man is most attached to is here.

"Get down now."

Cheng Hanlei hung up the phone immediately, stood up quickly, gave instructions to the secretary, and went downstairs.The stairs were originally fast, but they seemed so slow at this time.After a long time, Cheng Hanlei finally reached the first floor in the elevator, stepped out of the elevator and stepped on her high-heeled shoes and walked out.I saw Peony's figure at a glance, tall and thin, she was even thinner now.Still with long curly hair hanging down, looking out at Cheng Hanlei with eyes wearing sunglasses.

When Cheng Hanlei stood in front of her, Peony slowly took off the sunglasses.He smiled slightly at Cheng Hanlei and said, "Hanlei, long time no see."

A hello, it seems like many years have passed.

In the quiet coffee shop, Cheng Hanlei ordered a cup of coffee. The spoon in Peony's hand stirred the liquid in the glass, watching the lingering mist.What caught my eye was Cheng Hanlei's haggardness and eyes full of doubts, he hesitated to speak.

The identities of the two are somewhat intimate, and there is also some embarrassment because of Shangguanjue.Some pictures, it has been many years in a flash.

"If Jue knows that you are so sad because of him, he should be both distressed and happy in his heart. One of your emotions can always affect his emotions and make his emotions fluctuate violently."

Peony's voice is faint, and he has been traveling in major cities for so many years.I have seen too many landscapes and too many human accidents.The little girl back then has grown up and become a mature woman.Childish and immature who no longer love, sometimes, do one thing monotonously, but don't know the meaning.

However, she knew that that was what Shangguan Jue wanted, so she was willing to help him do it all the time.


Cheng Hanlei didn't know what to say, the two of them used to talk a lot.But after all these years, it wasn't because the two had nothing to talk about, but because Cheng Hanlei felt sorry for Peony.

"These are all things I do willingly, just as he loves you without complaint and without regret, and I also love him without complaint and without regret. Jue always said that if I really love someone one day, I will understand what he does. Everything. Yes, I already know. Because I was really in love with him when he told me that when I know love, I will know."

"I've spent the past few years proving that I love him no less than he loves you. It's a pity that he can't see it anymore. I really understand it, but he is no longer here."

Peony's eye sockets were slightly red, but they couldn't see clearly because of the lingering coffee mist.Tears never slipped down, even though the voice was choked.


Cheng Hanlei's heart is extremely heavy, loving a person who only has others in her heart, and this person is no longer there, what kind of belief makes her persist.

"Han Lei, you can never blame others for emotional matters. Love, or not love is really that simple. You are very happy, and you have loved someone who also loves you. Therefore, you and Lei Chenyi can be so happy. And I Hejue, both of us are doomed not to be with the one we love, so we are doomed to end like this."

"I settled him in the Aegean Sea. If you have time, go and see him. I think, even though he said that he doesn't want to disturb the peaceful life of you and Lei Chenyi, deep down, he still hopes that you can go to Look at him. Han Lei, we are all hiding you. You should know why. I know you are very sad because of Jue's departure. I think you are not the only one who is sad. You will be so sad , not only feel that I have let down a person who treats you so sincerely, but more because I have never responded, and I feel sorry for him.”

"Han Lei, he deliberately lied to you in order to make you feel at ease and live happily. He just knew that if you knew that he had passed away, he would definitely be very sad. On the one hand, he knew that you would be selfish. He is sad and feels relieved and happy, but he loves you so much that he is unwilling to satisfy his little relief, I would rather you never know, and I would rather you not become a burden in your heart because of his death."

"His love is so deep that he thinks about you everywhere, so deep that he can't bear to see you feel sad because of him. He wants to think about you even when he dies. You should understand this kind of affection. And if you really understand, then you should let him Don't worry. If you still can't let go of his death, and you are always immersed in the sadness of his death, you have really failed him and his deep affection for you. You have failed his love and consideration and failed me all these years Walking alone."

"If you can't even satisfy his wish when he died, then he really loved you for nothing."

"Cheng Hanlei, the only happiness you have lived is the greatest reward for Jue. This is what he wants to see the most. He said that he will feel relieved after handing you over to Lei Chenyi. Lei Chenyi is a person worthy of your entrustment." A man for a lifetime, I think you know this better than anyone else. Don't let Jue feel uneasy, let yourself be happy, this is the only thing you can do."

After peony finished speaking, he drank his last sip of coffee.Turning around with a smile, without waiting for Cheng Hanlei's answer...

She doesn't need an answer, she just wants to do something for the man he loves the most.Wanting him to sleep peacefully in the Aegean Sea, she knew what his wish was.She knew that he didn't want to see Cheng Hanlei sad, just like she didn't want to see him leave and feel at ease.


Walking out of the cafe, Peony's eyes were red.Over the years, he stopped and walked, imitating Shangguanjue's handwriting every time he walked.She has to bother to synthesize photos. In the past few years, her degree of simulation has become more and more serious.

Shangguanjue, you can love Cheng Hanlei as much as you want, and you have to think about her when you die.

And I can do anything for you because I love you enough to love you, even if it is everything you do to make other women feel at ease.

Shangguanjue, you are not the only one in this world who loves someone foolishly without asking for anything in return.I'll love you too, so much that I don't ask for anything in return...

The city has not changed much in the past few years. Peony went to Shangguanjue's former residence, the house has been kept, and the key was turned to open the house.Nothing inside has changed, it's just dusty. Peony put down the bag he was carrying and started cleaning inside and out.A whole body of dirt, a whole body of dust, in exchange for the windows, the ground is clean and free from dust.

Sitting alone on the floor of the room, the aura of Shangguanjue was no longer there.

The furnishings in the room have not changed at all, as if he was also knocked down here by Shangguan Jue. Peony sat there, looking at where Shang Guanjue was standing before.Eye sockets are getting redder, and tears are slowly pouring out of eye sockets.


The hoarse voice, relying on memories to support these long days, every day, every day.

Suddenly, Cheng Hanlei knew the truth.She didn't know if she was expecting Cheng Hanlei to know the truth, or if she was afraid that Cheng Hanlei would know the truth.When you don't need to walk in various cities, you don't need to do those things repeatedly.Life seems to have no support.

She seemed to have lost her target all of a sudden.

Peony sat all night in Shangguanjue's house.I didn't sleep all night until dawn.Get up and leave again.

If she doesn't do something, she doesn't know how to live.


She had accomplished what he wanted to do, and now she was going to the Aegean, to be with him.

Passport in hand, Peony walked to the airport.

Going to the check-in area, Peony wore sunglasses and walked to the special entrance for the first class cabin.There were not many people in front of her. Peony was holding the ID card, and a figure was leaving from the first position. Peony just took out the ID card from the bag and looked up, and that person happened to pass by her.

Peony's eyes froze at that moment, and the certificate slipped from his hand.Turning his head quickly, he looked at the man's back.When I passed by just now, that familiar feeling pierced my heart.

Over the years, what I have been thinking about is relying on memories to come back.Every feeling is deeply engraved in her mind, and she can only persevere by constantly rehearsing in her mind.So that familiar feeling made Peony unable to restrain his impulse.


Blunted out involuntarily, peony was about to chase after him.

"Miss, your ID."

As soon as Peony took a step, he was grabbed by the person behind him, and that person handed Peony's ID in his hand. Peony's mind was not on it at all, he took it quickly with one hand, and then hurriedly said thank you, then turned around and was about to chase after it.

When she turned around, she had already lost him.

At the airport, peony looked around.

"Grand... lord..."

Like losing his soul and going crazy, Peony was spinning around the airport.Before the security check, the figure could not be found.People have seen it one by one, felt it one by one, but that familiar feeling has never been found again.

Peony quickly turned around and ran towards the first-class ticket office...

"Who was that man just now? Where is he going? When is the plane?"

"Sorry, miss, we will not disclose customer information."

"Who is he?"

Peony slapped the table hard, his voice excited.


After the dissuasion was ineffective, Peony was taken away from the counter by the security guards.Peony picked up the phone and called Lei Chenyi.She wanted to know who that person was just now, she felt Shangguan Jue's feeling, that familiar aura was unmistakable.She was sure that that person was Jue, it must be Jue.

Even though she saw Jue die with her own eyes, she personally scattered his ashes to the Aegean Sea.However, she was so sure that that person must be Shangguanjue.

Holding the necklace on his chest tightly.The necklace that accompanied her day and night contained Shangguan Jue's ashes.Clenched tightly, Peony's tears blurred his vision.

"Jeez, you love me so much, that's why you came back, right?"

Mumbling to herself, others thought she was a fool, but peony didn't mind at all.

I believe this is a miracle.The miracle that appeared because of my waiting, the miracle that you created for me because you cared about me...

Lei Chenyi's work efficiency was very high, and soon, the flight was confirmed.And a ticket for that person's location has already been delivered to Peony. Peony reached out to take it, looked at Lei Chenyi's face and said thank you.

"I should thank you for taking care of Lei Lei these years."

"I'm only for the man I love."

Peony spoke softly, her expression was a little anxious, she didn't say why she wanted to know.This time, she wanted to be selfish for once.Holding the ticket tightly, nodding to Lei Chenyi, Peony walked towards the entrance of the security check.

The plane was about to take off, and Peony hurried through the security check.Register and look for a location.

In the first class, Peony quickly found his seat.

Standing there with the ticket in hand.He looked at the oriental man sitting inside, his figure was very similar to Shangguanjue.He looked down at the newspaper, as if he felt that the people around him were watching him.The eastern man looked away from the newspaper, and then turned to peony, who was standing beside the seat and not sitting down...

The voice of the stewardess reminded me warmly, please take a seat first.And Peony looked at the bent man as if he had never heard of it.Standing there, I can feel the familiar aura surrounding me.

Peony's lips were trembling because of excitement, and her nails dug deep into the palm of her hand, she couldn't restrain her emotions...

With a slight smile, he just looked at himself like this.Those eyes, deep in those eyes, seemed to see Shangguan Jue's faint look.


Peony murmured, tears rolled down her eyes quickly.

The eastern man saw a British woman in her 20s standing there, she was stunned for a moment when she saw herself called an unfamiliar name and burst into tears.Rao is usually eloquent, but at this time he also forgot what to say.


After talking with peony, the last trace of sadness in Cheng Hanlei's heart was dissipated.

About going to the Aegean Sea, Cheng Hanlei was thinking about how to tell Lei Chenyi...

After get off work at night, Lei Chenyi came to pick her up from get off work.

She stood downstairs waiting for Lei Chenyi, and when she got into the car, Lei Chenyi turned sideways to help her fasten her seat belt.

After Cheng Hanlei got into the car, she was a little silent.

The car didn't start immediately, Lei Chenyi looked at Cheng Hanlei's side face, took out the prepared one from the front and handed it to Cheng Hanlei...

Cheng Hanlei was thinking about how to speak, when something suddenly appeared in front of her, she froze for a moment, and reached out to take it.

There is only one ticket to the Aegean...

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