the president's wife

Chapter 015: Broken heart sutures also have seams (5)

Chapter 015: A Broken Heart Can Be Sutured ([-]) This hate, this pain, when thinking about it, Sha Belle is in pain.How painful was that night.

Before she recovered from the shock of remembering everything, she faced Tong Yanjue's marriage proposal.She had no way to marry Tong Yanjue while bearing the hatred of Ruirui's death, what Tong Yanjue gave her was the most stable life, plain and beautiful.

She couldn't let herself and Tong Yanjue's future live in her neurotic madness.

Tong Yanjue is so nice, he should have the most genuine feelings.She has no way to marry Tong Yanjue with Ruirui's deadly hatred for Feng Qingyu, and then struggles every day, and she will even do many uncontrollable things.

This will affect Tong Yanjue and make his life unhappy because of her.

She can't.

So, on the day of the proposal, she refused.Even though, that was the stable life she wanted very much, a home she wanted very much.I really want to reach out, let him trap me, and lock up the future of the two of them.

She once loved a man to the bone, worked hard, struggled, and suffered for the man she loved so much. In the end, her son died and she ended up jumping into the sea.Love is poison, you can't taste it.She has been poisoned once, and she is in pain.After tasting the most painful thing in the world, she no longer needs it.

She just wants a peace, if God can show mercy and allow her a peaceful life after she put an end to the past, she will stand in front of Tong Yanjue and say to him, she is willing... …

She doesn't need a vigorous love, she just wants an ordinary life, and grow old hand in hand...

That's it.

So, she left, leaving only a few words for Tong Yanjue to leave.

She knew that he had always understood her.Even if he didn't say much, he would understand.

She set foot on Sicily, and came to this familiar but cold city full of strangeness.

She was walking on the street without deliberately looking for Feng Qingyu.But she knew where Feng Qingyu might pass by.Her luck was not bad, she met Feng Qingyu after wandering for three days.

It was much easier than she thought, she thought it would take longer for Feng Qingyu to discover her without any trace.

She successfully took her first step. Feng Qingyu is a person who does not trust people easily. It is more difficult than imagined to make him believe that she has amnesia.

The belief in her heart supported her.She performed an acting skill that shocked her, and brought her to the place where there were only painful memories.

When I saw the mansion that I knew so well, the shock in my heart was indescribable.

He didn't dare to reveal anything. When he saw the mansion, the pictures in his mind rushed into his mind one by one.

Here is the place where she and Ruirui have lived together for more than a year.Everywhere is full of memories left by Ruirui.Just looking at it hurts my heart.

Coming here, the hatred in my heart became more and more obvious.

In the past few years, he has lived more and more vigorously, while her Ruirui has been buried underground...

She had already made preparations when she decided to return to Sicily.What she has to face is not only Feng Qingyu, but also Yuan Diandian...

After fooling Yuan Diandian, Feng Qingyu's temptation followed...

Standing in front of Ruirui's cemetery, my inner emotions surged.The newly engraved name, mother: Sabelle...

Piercing her eyes, such an obvious temptation only made her feel more sad.

She suppressed and waited.When he said that he was his son, and when he shamelessly said that Ruirui died of illness, Sha Beier really wanted to pounce on him and asked him if he had any heart and if he wanted to be ashamed.

He killed Ruirui, and he was able to say that Ruirui died of illness.

He gave her a reasonable chance to vent her turbulent emotions, and the turbulent emotions could be completely vented.

In front of Ruirui's tomb, looking at that cute little face, they can change in a few years, but her baby Ruirui is forever fixed on that day.

There was too much guilt in her heart, and she forgot about Ruirui's four years. When she came to Sicily, she wanted to rush to Ruirui's cemetery as soon as possible.She wants to see her baby, she wants to say sorry to him.

Yuan Diandian's persuasion to stay was said to be an accident, but it was reasonable after thinking about it.From Aunt Yuan's point of view, she did have her own considerations.She didn't know what she and Feng Qingyu had said, but Aunt Yuan finally chose to lie to herself for Feng Qingyu.

Human nature is selfish.Deep down, who is not selfish...

She fell on purpose, and deliberately did not know that the doctor exaggerated her leg injury.

She was approaching her plan step by step, watching Feng Qingyu step by step into the situation she had set up, watching the light of inquiry in his eyes finally turn into the light of trust.

He, all doubts, doubts dissipated in the end.

Sha Beier knew that Feng Qingyu was too defensive.She didn't dare to do it lightly. Once she failed, it would be like killing him, and it would become an impossible thing forever.

She took every step carefully, taking every step carefully.No second chances, only one hit.She endured and waited for the opportunity. She should have delayed for a while, but his approach was inevitable.If she hadn't cared about it before, she wouldn't mind trading her body for the chance left, and make things go more smoothly...

It's just Feng Qingyu's character, and the reasons one by one have dragged on until now, and Aunt Yuan can hardly become the reason for her rejection.

His patience is already at the limit.

I bought medicine from a buyer online, and got it by going shopping.

She knew that neither Aunt Yuan nor Feng Qingyu would trust her, so she chose the safest and least suspicious place.In the bathroom stall, she got the medicine unsuspectingly.He also succeeded in keeping Feng Qingyu, and watched him swallow the excessive amount of gossypol-containing desserts and coffee in one gulp.

She has already found out what gossypol is to men.The weight she gave was enough to deprive Feng Qingyu of his fertility.In this life, he will never be able to conceive a child again.

Her Ruirui will be the only one in his life...

No one can replace Rui Rui, and he will never forget Rui Rui because of another heir.

Ruirui can really stay in his heart forever.

After more than two months of acting, she finally achieved her goal.

What Aunt Yuan said was correct, everything was premeditated.Everything was carefully designed by her step by step. Even if some accidents happened, they were going roughly according to her expectations, even smoother than expected...

just the only...

There is no way for her to leave here...

Get out of this prison...


One word gave Yuan a little bit of affirmative answer.

It also gave Yuan a little bit of a deadly knife, and there was nothing to hide. Aunt Yuan knew everything when she came here, and there was no point in hiding it.

"Amnesia is a fake, and I gave the medicine. My purpose is indeed to make Feng Qingyu suffer for the rest of his life. I can't kill him, but it doesn't mean I can't make him suffer. Feng Qingyu killed Ruirui, he You have to pay the price for this. Feng Qingyu deserves what he deserves, he deserves such torture. I want to make him suffer for the rest of his life, and suffer psychologically for the rest of his life, so that he will never forget it until he dies. For his beloved A woman killed her own son."

"I want him to never have another child in his life, and I won't let him have another child and forget Ruirui. I just want him to never give birth to an heir, the heir he cares about most. In this life, He is doomed to die without a child, doomed to die alone, a person like him is doomed not to get warmth. Never get it, never get it."

Sha Beier stared at Yuan with red eyes.When it comes to Ruirui, it is still a heart-piercing pain.The only thing she can do for Ruirui is to be the only one in his father's heart, Feng Qingyu's only child.As for Ruirui's death, Feng Qingyu will also be tortured for it, for the rest of his life until he dies.

"He has been condemned by conscience for four years, and Rui Rui's death is no less painful than anyone else?"

"This is what Feng Qingyu owes Ruirui and he has to pay it back. This is what he deserves, what he deserves."

Sha Beier clenched her fists and was tortured for four years. Ruirui would not have died if he hadn't ignored her back then.If he hadn't only cared about Cheng Beibei and neglected Ruirui, how could Ruirui have died.He was still so young, and he still had a great life, but it was ruined by Feng Qingyu's neglect.

What he owed Ruirui, even with his life, it would not be too much to repay.

"What about me?"

She gave Belle the most genuine affection and love.At this time, my heart is full of scars, from the sincere dedication, being deceived and used...

Sha Belle was asked a question...

Heart clenched...

Looking at Yuan Diandian's hurt eyes, there was an indescribable pain in my heart.

"Aunt Yuan, you are indeed very kind to me. You always seem to be on my side, but you are always protecting Feng Qingyu. He is your son, and your heart will always be on his side Yes. Aunt Yuan, why are you not selfish? You touch your heart, are you really thinking of me in every way?"

Get rid of everything...

After taking this step, there is no way to turn back.

Yuan looked at her beloved Sha Beier, she was right, but she couldn't tell.She is also selfish. From the perspective of a mother, she has indeed been selfish, not once or twice.Indeed, right and wrong are irrelevant.

Blame Belle?

Can you not complain?

However, the Feng family was sorry for her first, and she didn't even have the confidence to complain.

Yuan Diandian only felt that he was getting more and more tired...

"Belle, are you happy now?"

Yuan Diandian was silent for a long time, looking in front of her, talking and talking, Sha Beier, who was crying uncontrollably with tears streaming down her face, asked softly.

Sabel pursed her lips, tears rolling out uncontrollably.

Before Sha Beier could give her an answer, Yuan Diandian felt exhausted.

Turn around and go out step by step.

She is so tired.

When Sha Beier saw Yuan Diandian's indifference after being extremely sad, she felt sad...

Once, this woman who was hurt by him gave him the warmth of a mother.With the warmth of a family, she treated herself with the most sincerity, but in the end, she still hurt her.

Sad tears, but she has no regrets...

Hatred is hard to get rid of, obsession is hard to wear...

How can you let go of the deep-rooted resentment so easily.

Just, is she happy?

Feng Tuoxi hugged Yuan Diandian, who fell limp when she walked to the door, she was very tired, and she was extremely tired from being injured.

I was exhausted physically and mentally, and finally couldn't support it anymore.

Feng Tuoxi hugged Yuan Diandian in his arms distressedly, and looked at Sha Beier in the room, with cruel eyes...

If it wasn't for Yuan Diandian, he wouldn't let anyone who hurt Yuan Diandian like this...

"I can't let go...I'm sorry...Aunt Yuan..."

The murmuring voice only echoed in his ears.


"Daddy, have you picked up Ruirui? I miss Ruirui so much. You and Ruirui should come back soon. I didn't go to kindergarten today. I'm sitting at the door waiting for you."

When the phone rang, Tong Yanjue thought it was Ruirui, but when he picked up the phone, he saw it was the nanny's phone.

Picking it up, the solemnity on his face was silently suppressed.

When the phone was picked up, I could already hear my daughter chattering on the phone. She looked so happy. I haven't seen her so happy for more than two months...

"Are you wearing a lot of clothes?"

"I obediently put on my thick coat, and Ruirui told me not to get sick. Besides, Ruirui is not here, so the injection is so painful. Daddy, Ruirui is coming back, Lily is really happy."

"Well, you wait at home obediently. You have to eat obediently, you know?"

"I know, I will be obedient, you should come back soon after you receive Ruirui..."


In Lili's joyful voice, Tong Yanjue hung up the phone.

Lily's excited voice echoed in her head, she once had guessed, because she thought it was impossible, never thought that Ruirui's past would have something to do with Feng Qingyu...

But, now, that doubtful voice is getting closer and closer to the truth...

It's been more than two hours since the two of them talked on the phone, so she should have arrived long ago.Even if it's delayed, it won't be such a long time. I've been waiting, but now...

Sent several text messages, no reply.Tong Yanjue's patience was slowly consumed by this anxiety.

Pulled out the phone...


The quiet room was broken by a sudden vibration. With Feng Qingyu's keen hearing, his gaze was fixed on a certain place in the room, where a mobile phone was lying there.At this time, the vibration was brought out because of the vibration.

When I got up from the bed, I lost a lot of blood, and my complexion was not very good.In addition, the torment in the heart, the figure of Feng Qingyu standing up for the first time makes people think that he also has weaknesses...

Bending over, picked up the phone.There was an unfamiliar number on it, Feng Qingyu stood there, the sunlight behind him did not make the room feel any warmth, but it was even colder...

"Ruirui, where are you?"

In the ear, what I heard was a man's voice, full of magnetism.A Ruirui, speaking at such a speed, has suppressed joy and concern.Even if it is well concealed, it cannot escape Feng Qingyu's ears...

Tong Yanjue...

He already had this person's information as early as the first day Sabel came back.

There is almost no need to doubt, but also know who the man on the other end of the phone is.

Silently holding the phone, he didn't speak or cut it off. When Tong Yanjue called Ruirui on the other side of the phone, Feng Qingyu pressed his thumb, returned to the main page and opened the text message.Sure enough, there are future and deleted text messages in it, and a few unread ones, as soon as you open it, it will appear in front of you...

"Wait for you."

"wait for me."

"Ruirui, I'm waiting for you."

"Ruirui, where have you been?"

"Rui Rui, Lily and I are waiting for you to come home."

Holding the mobile phone in his hand, his eyes were narrowed, and the hostility in his eyes was getting heavier and heavier.


The mobile phone in his hand flew out of his big hand and hit the wall.The torn mobile phone lay quietly on the ground, losing its function...

Tong Yanjue on the other side of the phone called a few times when Ruirui didn't respond, a wise light flashed in his eyes.

He is a lawyer, and he possesses acumen that is no less than others.When the silence on the other side of the phone, it should have been noticed.Just because the other party was Ruirui, he lost his vigilance for a moment...

Ruirui didn't answer the phone...

A short sentence, before I heard the response from the phone, I heard a bang, and then, there was a busy tone...

Pull it out again, it won't work anymore.

The other party smashed the phone.

Completely cut contact with Ruirui...


Ever since Feng Tuoxi left with Yuan in his arms, Sha Beier has been sitting there.

She didn't want to hurt Yuan a little bit...

However, Ruirui's death, the hatred in her heart is hard to get rid of.

She couldn't let go of Ruirui's death, and those midnight dreams, she really couldn't let go.

Yan Jue...

Sha Beier recovered from her sad emotions, and the words Tong Yanjue flashed in her mind.

He is still waiting for her.

hand, began to grope, where is the phone...

I haven't shown up for so long, he must be looking for me...

Without touching the mobile phone, Sabel immediately searched for the communication equipment in the room.When he saw the phone, he rushed over immediately.

Picking up the phone, she dialed Tong Yanjue's number.It's just that after unplugging, I found that the phone couldn't be unplugged at all.

Putting down the phone, Sabel opened the door, and there were two people guarding the door.When he saw Sha Bei'er, his eyes were indifferent, as if he was about to overwhelm her.

Their emotions will always follow Feng Qingyu.

Feng Qingyu gives her a good face, and his subordinates will be more polite to her.If Feng Qingyu showed her face, then she would be treated worse than a prisoner.

Before the people walked out of the room, one of them has already stretched out his hand unceremoniously...

The force made Sha Belle back uncontrollably, and she took several steps before she stabilized herself...

She knew in her heart that without Feng Qingyu's order, it would have been difficult for her to see him.Same now, without Feng Qingyu's order, she wouldn't be able to get out of here.

Standing still, no longer trying to rush out.

Most likely, her mobile phone fell into Feng Qingyu's room.

Yan Jue...

For a while, Sabel was in a mess.

Feng Qingyu will not involve the innocent, he is not really a cold-blooded and ruthless person, he is ruthless, but only ruthless to the enemy.He will not do anything to Yan Jue who has no grudges and no grudges, this is her bargaining chip.Don't worry, he will hurt Yan Jue and Lily.

However, if Yan Jue did something to anger him, the consequences...

She has to find Yan Jue and let Yan Jue leave here, he can't provoke Feng Qingyu just because of himself...

absolutely can't...


Tong Yanjue unplugged the phone a few more times, but still couldn't get through.Put down the phone and get in the car.The car started, and the destination was Yuan's Mansion, the largest mansion in Sicily.What Feng Qingyu owns is his kingdom.

In the eyes of outsiders, Yuan's house occupies a very large area.Four years ago, the security system of Yuan Residence became more stringent.The chance of entering Yuan's house is zero.

Tong Yanjue sat in the car, and the car passed by Yuan's house.

Even though there is no sound on the phone, Tong Yanjue has already confirmed that the person on the other side of the phone is Feng Qingyu.

If he knew that Ruirui's past was related to Feng Qingyu, would he let Ruirui bid farewell to his past?

I know in my heart that I have nightmares every night, how painful and deep such a past would be.

If it has something to do with Feng Qingyu, if Ruirui thinks about it, if you don't solve the problem related to the past, let it go completely.

Ruirui and him also have no future.

Ruirui's heart is puzzled, and she can't live happily for the rest of her life.

Her heart was bound, and she burst into tears that night, crying sadly every night.

What kind of pain caused her such an injury.

Car, leave slowly.

Clutching the steering wheel tightly, Tong Yanjue left at an extremely fast speed.

The opponent is Feng Qingyu, so he knows how difficult this road has become.


Yuan House

I was worried about Tong Yanjue in my heart. After calming down, Tong Yanjue was not an impulsive person.He will not easily compete with Feng Qingyu, how can he do things like hitting a stone with a pebble.

If he can't wait for himself, he should leave by himself.

He still has Lily, he won't mess around.

Even though she comforted herself in this way in her heart, Sha Belle couldn't really let go of her heart.

The current situation has already exceeded her original expectations.

Aunt Yuan said that she was worried about letting Tong Yanjue pick her up, and she also thought that Feng Qingyu would come back at night, so she had time to leave with Yanjue.She won't get him involved here, and after returning to Sardinia, she will tell Yan Jue everything.

If he would have her, she would leave Italy with him and find a place to start over.

If he is unwilling to leave with her, then she will leave here alone...

"Less wind."

The door was opened, and there was a respectful voice.

Sa Bell, who was sitting, came to her senses when she heard the respectful voice behind her.

When Feng Qingyu walked in, the lowered eyes slowly lifted up, looking at Feng Qingyu who walked in.

The door was closed from the outside.

Feng Qingyu approached Sha Bei'er step by step with a blank face, and Sha Bei'er sat on the spot, seeing Feng Qingyu approaching step by step, and stopped a step away from her.

When he forcibly pulled her back before, she already knew that he was injured.

Now, fully clothed, the extent of his injuries cannot be seen.His expression was so cold and without warmth, looking at him, the anger jumping in his eyes never subsided.

Those wounds seemed to be innocuous.

Feng Qingyu's eyes slowly poured into the turbulent haze, standing there condescendingly looking at Sha Beier, his tall body seemed to swallow Sha Beier's whole body...

Sabel slowly stood up, her head slightly raised...

"Feng Qingyu, does it hurt?"

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