the president's wife

Chapter 013: The Blue-faced Confidant

Chapter 013: Lan Yan's confidant turned off the hair dryer, then patted Qiu Ze who was deliberately showing off and said, "Go to bed."

Qiu Ze glanced at Qin Ziyan and stood up.Glancing at Qin Ziyan who was motionless, she pulled out the broken hair on her forehead.

"In this world, you are probably the only one who is not bewitched by my charm."

As Qiu Ze walked towards the bed, he spoke to Qin Ziyan.

Qin Ziyan looked at Qiu Ze quietly. After Qiu Ze said it, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have said something wrong.In fact, there is another woman, a little woman who has been put into the deepest part of my heart, and is not confused by myself, a woman I want to get and confuse the most...

The sadness in her eyes was very obvious at that moment, Qin Ziyan seemed not to notice, she stretched out her hand and patted Qiu Ze's back.

"hurry up."

The words urged, it was already 11:30, and I was already a little tired.

Qiu Ze also came back to his senses, suppressing the sadness.She closed her eyes and lay down on the bed, while Qin Ziyan watched Qiu Ze close her eyes, a faint sadness flashed in her eyes.

It's been three years, and in a flash the two of them have lived together like this for another three years.

In her world, speaking of it, there is only him.

And in his world, speaking of it, she was the only one.

Stop at friends, only stop at bosom friends.

He is her confidante, and she is his confidant.

"Didn't you say hurry up? What are you thinking?"

Qiu Ze waited for a long time but did not wait for Qin Ziyan to respond, he glanced sideways at Qin Ziyan and urged.

Qin Ziyan glanced at Qiu Ze, which made Qiu Ze immediately shut up obediently.Some people say that cannibals have soft mouths but short hands.But now that he needs Qin Ziyan, he should lower his posture.

2 minutes later……

The mature male voice sounded in the room.There was no trace of depression at all, and the long tail sound seemed like the two of them were doing something.

Qin Ziyan was half-kneeling behind Qiu Ze, pressing her hands on Qiu Ze's body.Every force was precisely pressed on the acupuncture points, so comfortable that Qiu Ze couldn't help but make a sound of refreshment.

Qin Ziyan felt hot behind her ears, and her calm and indifferent face was also stained with an unnatural blush.It was as if something fainted slowly from the bottom of my heart, looking at Qiu Ze who was enjoying himself with his eyes closed.The strength on the fingers moved back and forth appropriately, sliding from the back to the side of the waist, and then to the top of the buttocks.

In fact, two years have passed since An Ran's mother's wedding.She also chats with An Ran and occasionally meets her.And it's not the first time she's massaged Qiu Ze, but every time she presses it down, she still can't help but feel a little astringent.


A heavy slap was slapped on Qiu Ze's buttocks. Qiu Ze was feeling comfortable, he opened his eyes after being slapped, looked at Qin Ziyan and said with some protest: "What's wrong?"

"I suggest you find a woman to vent your anger, do you have that name?"

"Yo, Zi Yan, are you shy?"

Qiu Ze seemed to have discovered a new continent, a smile flashed in his eyes.In front of Qin Ziyan, he has never been restrained.She is very presumptuous, even when she is joking, she has never restrained herself.Since that time, when he pressed her on the bed, the conversation between the two of them.He was already completely at ease with her, and purely regarded her as a good friend, a friend who shared his depression and pain that he couldn't tell the outside world...

"Shut your mouth, there is so much nonsense. If you don't want to press it, go back immediately."

Qin Ziyan's face turned cold, and she withdrew her hand.

"All right, all right, I was wrong. Your Lady Queen, forgive me, I really know I was wrong. If I press it again, I will die of pain. I shut up and stop screaming, can't I?"

Those who know current affairs are Junjie, Qiu Ze immediately took Qin Ziyan's hand, and spoke to Qin Ziyan in a flattering manner.Qin Ziyan looked at Qiu Ze with a gleam in her eyes.The icy little face slowly relaxed, shook off Qiu Ze's hand, and half-kneeled beside Qiu Ze again.And Qiu Ze knew that Qin Ziyan had stopped losing her temper, she was not as hypocritical as other women.Anger comes and goes quickly, rarely gets angry.To be angry is to be angry, and never pretend that you are not angry.Happy is happy, unhappy is not happy.With her, you don't have to guess.This feeling is really good.

The hand continued to press it up, Qiu Ze closed his eyes.Don't let out those sounds that make people's ears red and heartbeat, in fact, sometimes Qiu Ze does it on purpose, just wanting to see Qin Ziyan's blush when she is teased by him.Her character is too cold, too indifferent.Apart from seeing a different version of her like this, it's really hard to see Qin Ziyan's mood swings.

Half an hour later, Qin Ziyan withdrew her hand, while Qiu Ze lay there happily.

I didn't know that Qin Ziyan could massage before, but since the first time I massaged him, her skills are becoming more and more exquisite now.

Qin Ziyan got up and walked into the bathroom to take a shower, and massaged Qiu Ze to get rid of the sweat all over her body.When the bathroom was closed, he heard the sound of water flowing from inside, and Qiu Ze also turned over and lay flat.

He half propped up his body, and when his eyes touched the bulge between his legs.A strange emotion flashed across Qiu Ze's face, and he pulled the quilt away with his hands.

Although, self-control is getting better and better.But sometimes he can't control the needs of men, Qiu Ze slowly calmed down his desire/thought.Fortunately, I was lying on my stomach just now, and fortunately Qin Ziyan didn't find out.In the relationship between the two, he didn't want any ambiguity and beauty to change the pure relationship between the two. He cherished Qin Ziyan and cherished such a woman staying by his side.

"I'll go first, and I'll go to my house for dinner tomorrow night."

The sound of water flowing inside was still ringing, but there was no echo.

Knowing that Qin Ziyan heard it, Qiu Ze changed into clean clothes.There was always a spare of his clothes here, put on his shoes, opened the lounge and let out.

Qin Ziyan turned off the water, walked out wearing a towel, and Qiu Ze was no longer in the room.Standing in the lounge, the bed was wrinkled, and one of the opened quilts was slightly sunken.Qin Ziyan wiped her hair, then dried it slowly, it was past twelve o'clock.

Picked up the phone and sent a text message.

"Drive slowly."

four words...

Just as Qiu Ze started the car, the phone vibrated, turned it on, and drove slowly.The four words made the corners of Qiu Ze's mouth rise slowly.The car drove out slowly.Even though there was very little traffic at night, Qiu Ze still drove very slowly.

in the lounge

Qin Ziyan changed into pajamas, turned off the light, and Qin Ziyan lay down on the bed.It happened to be the position where Qiu Ze lay down just now, and the difference in height between the two was much smaller than Qiu Ze's outline.The whole person was shrouded in it, and a faint emotion spread in his heart.I reached out and took the thin quilt to cover myself, wrapping and surrounding myself warmly.

The air was filled with Qiu Ze's breath lingering.

Qin Ziyan closed her eyes silently, actually she didn't want to sleep that much.The feeling of sleepiness is not complete. In the past two years, no matter how much he stayed up late, he also stayed up no matter how late he stayed up.I often receive calls from him at [-] or [-] o'clock, and sometimes even though I have already returned home, I still drive here, as if I have never left...

Why do you do this, sometimes don't want to find an answer.

Like him, she likes this way of getting along.

Some things are broken, maybe even meeting each other is embarrassing.

This is what she doesn't want, and it's what Qiu Ze doesn't want...

That's good...

Looking at the time, he should be almost home.After waiting for another 5 minutes, Qin Ziyan picked up the mobile phone that had just been put aside and sent a text message.

"Go to bed early when you get home."

Just as Qiu Ze's car stopped, when he opened the door to get his phone, the phone vibrated again.Pick up the phone and look at the text message from Qin Ziyan.Open it, go to bed early when you get home.

He understands what she means...

"Good night."

As Qiu Ze walked in, he pressed two words, send.

The phone never rang again, and Qin Ziyan was lying on the bed looking at the two words on the phone.After watching it quietly for a while, I put down the phone silently.


Qiu Ze opened the door and walked in. At the moment when the darkness enveloped him, Qiu Ze's heart still twitched.There is no yellowish light like before, and there is no soft voice that said softly: "I'm back."

In fact, even after so long, he is still not used to it.I'm not used to a home without safety, and I'm not used to not having that waiting light.Not used to such darkness, not used to such cold.

Qin Ziyan asked him, if he was really not used to it, why didn't he keep a lamp for himself...

Qiu Ze was silent at the time...


In fact, it's nothing more than wanting to bear the pain.

People are all vile.If you don't go to the pain, how can you try to forget.In this way, if you want the pain to the extreme, you can forget it.Just two years later, every time I go home in the middle of the night, I will face such coldness and the same pain.But the person buried deep in his heart still makes himself powerless to dig out that shadow in his heart.

11 years, 11 long years of love.Little by little is in my heart, how to dig it out easily.

Qiu Ze stepped in and put his things away as he did when he went home.Walking in again, the furnishings inside are the same as when An Ran was still there.With the lights turned on, the inside is clear at a glance.Qiu Ze's heart started throbbing again and again, every night was the day he dreaded the most.

In the study, Qiu Ze was sitting there.In fact, I didn't do anything, I just quietly looked at the photos on the screen, An Ran smiled softly...

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