Harry Potter's Otherworldly Archmage

Chapter 85 The Stars Are Bright

Numerous dementors were expelled from the world, the train restarted, and the lights in the carriages were turned on again. Under the hazy yellow light, Lupine's eyes staring at Augustus flickered unpredictably.

"If my guess is correct, you are Augustus, the only son of the Julius family?" Lupine looked at Augustus with doubts.

"Well, hello, Professor Lupine." Augustus greeted politely.

"It seems that the rumors are true. It's amazing to be able to exert such a powerful magic effect at such an age." Lupine smiled, his eyes full of admiration.

"It's absurd." Augustus said a little humbly.

Harry opened his eyes, and Ron and Hermione helped him back to his seat. "Are you okay?" Ron asked nervously. "It's all right," Harry said. "What happened? What? Where did that monster go? Who was that screaming?" "No one was screaming," said Ron.Harry looked around the brightly lit compartment. "What was that just now?" Harry asked rather nervously.

"A dementor." Augustus said indifferently. "Simply put, it's the watchman of Azkaban. I don't know why it appeared on the school train!"

Professor Lupine crumpled up the empty chocolate wrapper and put it in his pocket. "Eat," he added, "it's good to eat. I need to speak to the driver, I'm sorry..." He walked past Harry and disappeared into the corridor. "

"Did you feel cold just now?" Hermione trembled a little, "The icy breath has been surrounding the carriage, and that feeling is simply terrible."

"I just don't feel like I'm ever going to be happy anymore." Ron snorted awkwardly, his face pale.

"Dementors specialize in sucking people's happiness. All the positive energy in the air will be absorbed by it. Therefore, every time a dementor appears, there will be no more positive energy around. This kind of creature is simply It exists to create hell." Augustus frowned slightly, with a disgusted expression on his face.

"Will none of you pass out like I did, though? Did any of you fall off your seat, too?" Harry asked awkwardly. "No," said Ron, looking anxiously at Harry again. "Ginny was shaking like hell, but..." Harry really didn't understand.He felt limp and shaking, as if he had just recovered from a bad flu; he was beginning to feel embarrassed.Everyone else is fine, how could he be so frightened?

"Harry, your experience is different from that of ordinary people. Dementors must have a greater influence on you than ordinary people. So don't feel embarrassed. Dementors have always stalked people who have painful memories. If you still don't feel well, you might as well eat some chocolate." Augustus glanced at Harry and persuaded slightly.

Harry's complexion improved slightly, he glanced at Augustus gratefully, and then took a bite of the chocolate that Professor Lupine gave him. A warm feeling instantly spread to all parts of his body, and a warm current suddenly spread to his body. fingertips and toes.

"We'll be at Hogwarts in ten minutes," said Professor Lupine. "How are you, Harry?" Harry didn't ask how Professor Lupine knew his name. "Okay." He whispered, embarrassed.

The train moved slowly towards the station, and in less than a moment, it finally stopped in front of Hogwarts Hill. Augustus, Harry, Ron and Hermione followed the other students of the school onto a rough and muddy road, where at least A hundred carriages were waiting for the remaining students.

Augustus's silver pupils noticed the creature at the front of the carriage, and opened his eyes of inquiry with great interest, all kinds of data flooded into his mind instantly.Lilian waved to Augustus in a carriage, and after they climbed into a carriage and closed the door, the carriage started driving on its own, stumbling all the way.There was a faint musty and straw smell in the wagon.

"Mr. Augustus, listen to what they said, the dementors on the train were expelled by you." In the carriage, Loki, Malfoy, and Lilian were already seated, and Lilian's eyes flickered with an inexplicable expression.

"It's just light spells. For this kind of creature, your fire spells are also very effective, but your level is a bit lower. To completely expel these dementors, you need at least level five fire spells." Augustus nodded slightly and smiled.

"It's said that the idiot Harry fainted when the dementors came. If it's true, wouldn't it be too interesting? I bet he's the only one in the whole school that's so miserable, ha." Malfoy said carelessly, There was an unscrupulous sneer in his eyes.

"If you have Harry's experience, you must be more embarrassing than him. It really doesn't hurt to stand up and talk." Loki unexpectedly said something for Harry, with contempt in his amber pupils.

"Ahem, don't compare me with that scarred head." Malfoy coughed a few times in embarrassment, then fell silent.

The carriage rolled forward, and in front of it was a pair of magnificent cast iron gates, with many stone pillars on both sides, and there were winged wild boars in front of them. Augustus noticed that there were two tall dementors wearing hoods standing at the gates Guarded on both sides.Another wave of cold seemed to hit them until they walked through the gate.The carriage picked up speed on the long sloping drive until it reached the castle; Lilian leaned out of the window and watched the turrets and turrets gradually approaching them.Finally, the carriage wobbled to a stop.

The four of them just got out of the car, and the three of Harry also got out of another car.

"You passed out, Potter? Was Longbottom telling the truth? Did you really pass out?"

Malfoy pushed past Hermione, blocking Harry's way up the stone steps into the castle, his face smug.The pale eyes gleamed maliciously.

"Go away, Malfoy," Ron said through gritted teeth.

"Did you pass out too, Weasley?" Malfoy called out. "That horrible old fellow frightened you too, Weasley?"

"Okay, Malfoy, the performance time is over, if you don't go in, you will miss the sorting ceremony." Loki lazily said to Malfoy, Malfoy glanced at Loki angrily, and followed Augustus Into the auditorium.

The hall of the auditorium was already overcrowded at this time, and the stars above the head were shining brightly. After the sorting hat's wordy opening speech, the sorting ceremony began in full swing.

After a few people stepped forward to sort the school smoothly, the next second, Professor McGonagall's serious voice sounded again.

"Saul Stuart."

A handsome young man in a black robe walked slowly towards the front of the stage.

The Sorting Hat yelled out at the top of its lungs almost as soon as it touched it. "Slytherin!"

There was a burst of cheers from the long Slytherin table. Sol walked into the Slytherin side with a smile, and came to Augustus. Augustus nodded to Sol, and his silver pupils were full of illusions. A little bit of bright light.

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