The whole school auditorium fell into a sea of ​​carnival. As soon as Augustus brought Loki out, he was besieged by everyone. Hermione congratulated them incoherently for finding the key to the secret room. The one-year-old Colin seemed to have found the key to his life again. Another idol in , was going to switch different angles to take pictures of Augustus, but was blocked by Rocky.Justin hurried over from the Hufflepuff table and saluted Augustus excitedly.Lilian and Malfoy looked at Augustus surrounded by a group of students with smiles on their faces at the long Slytherin table.Everyone was in pajamas, and the festivities continued throughout the night.It wasn't until Dumbledore led a group of teachers to appear in the auditorium that everyone dispersed from around Augustus.

"First of all, what I want to say is that the monster in the Chamber of Secrets has been completely wiped out thanks to the efforts of Augustus and Harry's students." Dumbledore waved to everyone, and the students in the auditorium erupted. There was another burst of cheers, the shadow that troubled the entire school was completely resolved, and the boulder hanging in everyone's hearts finally fell.

"So, here, we will add [-] points to Augustus, Loki, Harry and Ron will get [-] points each." Dumbledore continued to wave his hand to signal everyone to stop, and then put the students last The colleges concerned are announced in stages.As soon as the words were finished, the students on the long Slytherin table broke out into loud shouts again, and Malfoy clapped his hands and cheered proudly, as if he was one of the people who got extra points.The hourglass of the Slytherin House Cup rose by a large section in an instant, far ahead of the other three houses.

Harry looked inexplicably sad. It seems that this year he missed the Academy Cup again. It can be said that he was lucky or unlucky to have Augustus in this year. With Augustus, he alone Supported the rise and fall of the entire academy.

For the first time, Snape's usually calm face also showed a smug look. It is a blessing for any teacher to have a student like Augustus. No matter in terms of ability or talent, Augustus has no Undoubtedly the leader of Hogwarts.This point can be confirmed from the previous duel club and the performance in every class. Such a genius cannot be buried in any school, just like the lone moon hanging high in the sky, every time it appears, it can make the stars Disappeared, disappeared.

"It seems that the decoration here needs to be changed." Dumbledore smiled and clapped his hands lightly. The whole auditorium suddenly turned into a sea of ​​green. All the teachers congratulated Snape respectively. Snape said calmly. There was a look of joy hidden under the face, and they stood up and returned the salute one by one.The students of Slytherin House cheered again, the auditorium echoed with the laughter of countless little snakes, and Augustus also had a smile in his eyes.

Professor McGonagall stood up from the teacher's seat and informed everyone that the school was going to cancel the exam for the smooth resolution of this incident.The corners of Hermione's mouth curled slightly, her expression ugly.Most of the students started to revel. There was no exam this semester, which was a great surprise for them.

Dumbledore raised his hand to signal everyone to stop, and the auditorium fell silent. "There is one more thing to inform everyone. Unfortunately, Professor Lockhart will not be able to come back next semester." The students who had just calmed down began to whistle again, with smiles on their faces, and several teachers also applauded.Among so many exciting things, Harry really didn't know which one was the most exciting and wonderful.Probably the only regret is the resentful Academy Cup.

"It's a pity," said Malfoy, holding himself a jam donut, "I'm starting to like Lockhart more and more."

"Hey, it seems that Malfoy, you have finally reached the age of love beans. Yes, even if Lockhart leaves, you still have a chance. You must pursue it boldly. Don't be afraid of the world's gossip. Trust you , I will definitely embrace the beauty in the end." Lilian's mouth showed a slight arc, her expression was inexplicably serious and serious.

"Don't disgust me." Malfoy suddenly felt a little nauseous, with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

"You are not young anymore, you really should consider lifelong affairs. I think Lockhart is really good, but he is very suitable for you." Loki nodded affirmatively, agreeing with Lilian's statement very much.

Malfoy looked at Augustus begging for help, Augustus smiled, "Stop making random arrangements." Malfoy finally heaved a sigh of relief, before he could take a rest, the next moment, Augustus He continued, "Isn't it always Neville?" Malfoy's face was instantly petrified, and he suddenly felt that he no longer believed in love.

The rest of the summer term was spent in a blazing sun.Hogwarts was back to normal, with only a few small changes: Defense Against the Dark Arts classes were cancelled, Lucius Malfoy was expelled from the school board, and this time he took advantage of the unsuspecting of some ancient families, The expulsion of Dumbledore by uniting some directors undoubtedly touched the interests of many families, so it is no longer possible for him to continue to serve as a director. Powerful radiation, this action is also an action to scare chickens and monkeys. It has not been moved for a long time and some people have forgotten the strength of these ancient families, so it is necessary to make some actions.

In a blink of an eye, they were going home on the Hogwarts Express.Augustus, Loki, Lillian, and Malfoy occupy a prefect's compartment.The sunlight outside the window unscrupulously passed through the glass and hit Augustus's white robe. His long golden hair shone dazzlingly in the dense light. His fair and handsome face was calm and indifferent. Bathed in the midsummer sun, Augustus Sidu held the scroll in one hand, and simply rested his chin with the other hand, quietly looking at the scroll in his hand.

"Mr. Augustus, in the last month, I have successfully broken through to the third-level magician. I have never been able to figure out whether the magic string is still useful after being promoted to the so-called legend, because according to the manual you sent us In fact, the spells that can be cast by each legend are no longer affordable by the magic string at any stage." Lilian stared at Augustus who was dressed in white, and a strange light flashed in her eyes.

"In fact, a legend is not so much a stage, but a state. Only when you can truly regard the elements of the world as a part of your body and use them like arms, instead of relying on the magic string as a bridge to connect and communicate For you, this step is still too far, and many people can hardly reach the edge in their entire lives. Don't be too ambitious, it's better to be down-to-earth." Augustus put down the Book, explained lightly.

The three of them nodded half-understood, and the train sped past. When the green outside the window gradually faded into the back of their minds, Augustus was as pure and dazzling white as snow, and it seemed like an indelible memory of the scenery slowly filled the eyes.

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