Riddle looked at the ashes of the basilisk in dismay, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes. For him, the basilisk accompanied him through his school days very early on, and it can be said that he had been with him for a long time. The big loyal partner, now only a handful of humble ashes are left, and it is inevitable that the rabbit will die and the fox will feel sad.

"You won. As the winner, this diary and my memory are at your disposal. I hope you can do it simply. Even if I exist as a memory, I just want to leave here quietly." Riddle slightly Smiled, although it is only a memory, but still has a lot of nostalgia for the world.But the matter has come to this point, there is no violence and anger, just accept everything calmly and calmly, Voldemort's arrogance prevents him from doing some unnecessary struggles when dying like a weak person.

"As respect for the legend, and out of courtesy to an opponent, I will let you go quietly." Augustus nodded, and a gleam of appreciation flashed in his silver pupils. A person can be weak and ignorant , but demeanor and integrity are always the most worthy of respect. For human beings, the most test of mettle is always before leaving this world. There is great terror between life and death. True courage is often displayed at this moment.

Riddle nodded slightly and closed his eyes, as if welcoming the coming death. Augustus waved the silver wand lightly, and a black flame flew out from the wand. The pitch-black flame stained Riddle's hazy body. Like a black hole devouring everything, Riddle's body gradually disappeared in the flames until he was completely nothing.The phoenix landed on Augustus's shoulder and sang a deep song, as if to see him off.

Augustus sighed slightly, stepped forward to pick up the diary that was devoid of spirituality, and walked towards the exit with Phoenix.

"Mr. Augustus, are you alright?" At the entrance to the secret room, Loki saw Augustus approaching with a phoenix, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

"It's over. Riddle and Slytherin's basilisks will never appear again. You can rest assured." Augustus nodded with a smile and told everyone the news.

Harry and Ron breathed a sigh of relief, and Ron had a happy expression on his face, "I said a long time ago that with Mr. Augustus around, both the Dark Lord himself and Riddle are doomed to fail." In Ron's eyes, the status of Augustus has long been deified.

"The battle with the basilisk this time is quite thrilling. If it wasn't for Fox's help, I might not have eliminated it so smoothly." Augustus patted Fox with a smile in his eyes, and the Phoenix was proud He raised his head proudly and honked a few times.

"Since the matter is over, let's take Ginny out as soon as possible and tell everyone the good news." Harry looked at Augustus happily, and couldn't wait to leave this ghostly place.

"Harry, you take this diary first, and you decide what to do with it." Augustus handed the diary to Harry, and Harry nodded and took the diary.

At this time, a soft groan came from the ground, Ginny started to move, and slowly sat up, her blank eyes fell on the diary in Harry's hand, she shivered, gasped, and burst into tears. Then it flowed down. "Harry - oh, Harry - at breakfast, I - I wanted to tell you, but in front of Percy, I couldn't - couldn't. I did it, Harry - But I—I swear I—I didn't mean to, R—Riddle made me, he—he got me. How did you—how did you kill that—that guy? Riddle was in — where? I — the last thing I remember is that he came out of the diary —”

"It's all right now, Mr. Augustus ended them, don't worry, Ginny, there will be no more diaries and basilisks." Harry gently comforted Ginny.

After sobbing for a while, Ginny got up to thank Augustus. Augustus helped Ginny up, comforted her for a while, and then they prepared to leave the secret room. "I'll be expelled!" sobbed Ginny, as Harry helped her wobble to her feet, "I've been looking forward to coming to Hogwarts ever since Be--Bill came. , now that I have to leave, what will Mom and Dad do—how should I say it?”

Several people walked up to the pipe and looked at the dark water pipe. Harry looked at Augustus helplessly, "How do we follow the water pipe back up there?"

Ron shook his head.Fawkes the phoenix whizzed past Harry just now, and now it was flapping its wings in front of him, its bright eyes were extraordinarily bright in the darkness.It flapped its long golden feathers on the back of its tail. "You can grab the tail of the phoenix and pull the other one up." Augustus obviously understood the meaning of the phoenix and said to Harry.

"But there are five of us here, can Fox bear so much weight?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"Just take Ginny and Ron with you. I will follow you with Loki." Augustus didn't explain too much, and Harry nodded in understanding, and grabbed Fox's tail which was surprisingly hot. feathers, Ron took Ginny's hand, and the other took Harry's robe back.The cold air blows through everyone's hair.While they were still enjoying the fun of the flight, the journey was over.

The three of them landed on the wet floor of Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, and the next second, Augustus pulled Loki and landed not far away.Myrtle stared at them. "You're alive," she said to Augustus, disappointedly. "I let you down." Augustus smiled helplessly.Myrtle lowered her head shyly, "Oh, that's right.. I've been thinking about it. If you die, you are welcome to share this toilet with me." Her pale face turned silvery white as if dyed. "In a hundred years' time, there might be a chance." Augustus waved his hand slightly, and several people turned and left the bathroom, heading for the empty corridor outside.

"It's unimaginable. We sneaked into the secret room all the way, and together with Mr. Augustus, we solved the thousand-year-old basilisk in the secret room. This kind of experience is really exciting. If I have children and grandchildren in the future, I will definitely tell them about my adventures every day "Ron's eyes are full of beautiful fantasies. Even if he didn't solve the basilisk himself, his footprints are absolutely indispensable in this story. This is enough. Their heroic deeds will be sung by everyone, just like sneaking into the devil's castle to save the princess. Warriors, such an experience is exciting to think about.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Augustus’s mouth. The adventure stories of teenagers are always full of surprises. Every moment is worthy of meaningful reflection. Time flies. After a hundred years, if there is such an experience, it is still worth remembering forever.

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