Harry Potter's Otherworldly Archmage

Chapter 72 Salazar's True Face

The four of them walked deep into the pipe in the dark. The road in the pipe was extremely sticky and slippery, and it was very difficult to maintain balance. There were many pipes branching out in all directions, but none of them were as thick as this pipe.Their pipe twists and turns, twists and turns, and the slope is very steep all the way down.Loki felt that he had slipped to a deep place underground in the school, a cold air surrounded him, and a gust of cold air gushed out from under his feet.

"This place should have been several miles deep into the school's underground. It seems that Salazar is really weird that the secret room is built in such a remote place." Augustus looked at the dark space in front of him and said calmly.

"Actually, from the location of the Slytherin common room, it is not difficult to find that he has an extraordinary preference for the underground, and the Chamber of Secrets is built in such a deep place underground, so it can be explained." Loki smiled slightly, For the founder of Slytherin, he is not at all cold.

"Probably down to the bottom of the lake by now," said Ron.He narrowed his eyes and surveyed the dark, sticky walls around him.

Going forward, there was no light at all, Loki took out his wand, "Luminescence flickering!" He whispered, a faint blue light flashed, and the walls of the secret passage reflected the light, showing the shadows of several people.

A few people continued to walk forward, the road became more and more tortuous, and the bones of some small animals began to appear in the ground, most of them were mice, and there were also some strangely shaped bones, which could not be distinguished what species they belonged to.

"Wait, what's in front of you." Loki stopped suddenly, looking vigilantly at a shadow not far away, and several people stopped accordingly. In front of him was the silhouette of a huge coiled creature lying on the other side of the tunnel. One side, motionless.

"Don't panic, it's just the shed skin of the basilisk." Augustus smiled slightly. The scope of the probing eye is now one mile. Even if there is no light, objects within a mile will be visible. For a mage In general, field of vision is a very important element, as long as you master the field of vision, you will be invincible.

Although Augustus's words made Harry and the others slightly relieved, the huge shadow in front of them still made them palpitate.Loki took the wand and walked forward cautiously. The light shone on a pair of huge snake skin, which was green and very bright. At first glance, it looked like the skin of a poisonous snake, coiled and lying on the ground of the tunnel. Inside was empty.Apparently the animal that had just shed its skin was at least twenty feet long.

"My God." Ron sighed weakly.

"Is this the length of that basilisk?" Harry's eyes were filled with shock, such a huge monster, with their strength, could they really successfully rescue Ginny?

"That's all. I thought the legendary basilisk in the chamber was terrifying. Just looking at its skin, you can tell it's just a big boa constrictor." Loki curled his lips, slightly disappointed. Before, I was quite afraid of this basilisk, but when I really saw the skin it shed, I lost a little bit of suspicion in my heart.

"For this kind of monster that has survived for thousands of years, no matter how much it is, it should not be underestimated. Similar to these basilisks that have evolved for so long, the survival skills they have mastered must emerge endlessly, so it is better to be cautious." Augustus Slightly remind Loki that although the strength of the basilisk is unknown, it is a taboo to underestimate the enemy before the battle. The lion is fighting the rabbit with all its strength, let alone this old monster that has existed for thousands of years.

Loki nodded, and several people walked through the huge snake skin, and the tunnel turned one bend after another.At last they carefully turned yet another bend, and at last stood before them a solid wall carved with two intertwined snakes with large, shining emeralds in their eyes. .

"It's time for you to play again, Harry." Loki waved at Harry, signaling him to come over.

Harry guessed what he had to do.He cleared his throat, and the emerald eyes seemed to twinkle.

"Open it," said Harry in a low, hoarse hiss.

The two snakes parted, the stone wall split in the middle and slowly slid to the sides and disappeared.Several people sorted out their moods, and walked slowly along the separated wall.

They stood on one side of a long, dimly lit room.Many stone pillars engraved with coiled and entangled snakes stand tall and support the ceiling that melts in the darkness of the heights, casting long and treacherous black shadows on the entire room filled with green and mysterious atmosphere.

"This kind of architectural style is undoubtedly the structure type of a secret room. It seems that we have reached our destination. These stone pillars are quite interesting. Have you noticed that the arrangement of these stone pillars coincides with a combination of magic spells?" Augustus looked around The stone pillars scattered around touched his chin with interest.

"This is indeed the style of Slytherin. I remember reading it in a book. The architectural style of Slytherin has always been a single line, and all types conform to Salazar's construction philosophy." Loki nodded slightly, After pondering, the arrangement of various facilities in the room in front of him is similar to the setting in the Slytherin common room.

A few people continued to walk along the stone pillar. Harry's heart was beating wildly, and he walked forward slowly. Could the basilisk be lurking in a dark corner behind a certain stone pillar? Where is Ginny? Taking a step forward, there is a hollow and loud echo among the four walls of the ghostly shadows.He kept squinting his eyes, ready to close them tightly at the slightest sign of trouble.He always felt that the empty eye sockets of the two stone snakes were always following him.More than once, he seemed to see something moving, and his stomach convulsed from nervousness.

He glanced at Augustus in front of him. The faint blue light in Loki's wand made Augustus's back abnormally tall. Harry felt a little relieved. With Augustus around, even the legendary There is no longer much deterrence for the basilisk, and Harry has always had a kind of blind trust in Augustus.Continuing to follow everyone forward, when they came to parallel with the last pair of stone pillars, a statue as tall as the room itself appeared in front of them, clinging to the dark wall behind.Harry had to tilt his neck high to see the gigantic face above: an old, monkey-like face, with a long, sparse beard that trailed almost to the hem of his wizard's robes carved in stone. Above, two big gray feet stood on the smooth floor of the room.

"This is the statue of Salazar? It's better to be famous than to meet him. I didn't expect the founder of our Slytherin to look like this. I have to say, it's a bit regrettable." Loki looked at the man in front of him playfully. Huge statue.

Augustus remained silent. Obviously, he did not expect the founder of Slytherin to be so elegant. Any wizard who can reach the legendary level should not be underestimated, but he did not expect that Salazar, who has always been known as a pure-blood noble That's what Slytherin looks like.Although it is said that people cannot be judged by their appearance, Salazar's appearance can indeed be described in four words. Simply put, it is unsightly.

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