Harry Potter's Otherworldly Archmage

Chapter 64 Removal of the Principal

Under the starry sky, the Forbidden Forest became more and more quiet and profound, only Hagrid's hut beside the Forbidden Forest was brightly lit. In the house, Hagrid was looking at Cornelius Fudge with sweat on his face, and threw Dumbledore from time to time. A few looks for help appeared in the corner where no one noticed. Augustus and Harry Ron stood stealthily on the side, silently watching the conversation between the three.

"Too bad, Hagrid," said Fudge, in a crisp, quick tone. "It's so bad it has to come. There have been four attacks on Muggles, it's gone too far, and the Ministry of Magic has to act." "I didn't " Hagrid looked at Dumbledore pleadingly, "you know I don't, Professor Dumbledore, sir..." "I hope you understand, Connelly, that I trust Hagrid completely." Dumbledore said to Fudge frowned.

Said. "But you see, Albus," said Fudge awkwardly, "Hagrid's criminal record is against him. The Ministry of Magic has to do something—the school board has been contacted." "But Cornell Leigh, I still have to tell you that taking Hagrid away won't help at all," said Dumbledore.

His blue eyes shone with a fury Augustus had never seen before.

Take Hagrid away, why is Hagrid detained at this time, is he related to the Chamber of Secrets?But it shouldn't be. With Hagrid's level, it is impossible to commit so many petrification cases. Or is it because he has close contacts with the murderer, and if he catches Hagrid, he can follow the clues and find the murderer?Now everything is full of fog, and the Minister of Magic came to arrest Hagrid in person, which made Augustus puzzled.

"Look at it from my point of view," said Fudge, toying with his top hat, "I'm under a lot of pressure. Something has to be done. If it turns out it's not Hagrid, he'll be back, Not a word. But I had to take him. Shouldn't I have done my—"

"Take me away?" said Hagrid, trembling all over. "Take me where?" "A short time," said Fudge, not looking Hagrid in the eye, "not a punishment, just a precaution.

If another one is caught, you will be released with full apologies..." "Not Azkaban? asked Hagrid in a hoarse low voice.

Azkaban!There was a flash of shock in Augustus' eyes, this is simply too ridiculous, are they going to bring Hagrid there?If this is the case, what is the difference from direct conviction? It should be noted that if it is not an unforgivable and heinous criminal, it is impossible to be taken to that place. After all, the existence of dementors is not a decoration. For any prisoner, then It is a place like a nightmare, the concentration of negative energy in the magic world, and the place closest to hell.

Augustus quietly watched the three of Hagrid meditating silently. At this time, Hagrid was already dripping with sweat, with panic and anxiety in his eyes. Augustus noticed that he was looking at Hagrid almost pleadingly. Dumbledore, and Dumbledore's eyes were full of helplessness, and he seemed to have no way to change this decision.Augustus shook his head. The system of this world is still too powerful. Even a legendary mage must submit to the system. The existence of such ultimate force should be beyond any organization, but now, even keeping one of his own No one can do it.

Someone knocked heavily on the door.

Dumbledore went to open the door.This time it was Harry's turn to get an elbow in the ribs: he let out an audible exclamation.

Mr. Lucius Malfoy strode into Hagrid's cabin, tightly wrapped in a long black traveling cloak, with a cold, contented smile on his face.Tooth started barking.

"You're here, Fudge," he said with satisfaction, "very, very good.." "What are you doing here?" said Hagrid angrily. "Get out, get out of my house!"

"My dear friend, please believe me, I'm not happy to enter your—oh—you call this a house?" Lucius Malfoy looked around the small shack and sneered. "I just came to see the school and I was told the headmaster is here."

Another uninvited guest. Tonight is really lively. One after another, people who shouldn't appear have come to Hogwarts. In this eventful autumn, it's really not a good thing.Augustus's eyes shone with tiny rays of light, watching everyone in the room.

"Things are terrible," said Mr. Malfoy lazily, taking out a long roll of parchment. "The board thinks you should be let go. This is a removal order—except for the Julius family, all other All ten directors of the school have signed their names on this, and the Julius family occupies the five-vote veto power of the board of directors. Unfortunately, they are alone and cannot save your position as principal.

It seems that the worst thing happened, Dumbledore was dismissed as expected, even though he had already greeted the family, but he did not prepare properly in advance, he was generalized by Lu Xiusi, and still pulled Dumbledore from the position of principal Come down, sometimes, the magical world under the institutional system is really helpless. Even if you are powerful, you still have to succumb to politics. This is indeed a drawback of this world. Which empire does not regard him as a guest of honor, how could such a thing happen!

"If the board wants me to go, Lucius, of course I'll give up my seat." "But—" stammered Fudge. "No!" Hagrid growled.

Dumbledore's piercing blue eyes remained fixed on Lucius' cold gray eyes. "However," said Dumbledore very slowly and clearly, so that everyone present could hear his every word, "I will not really leave the house until everyone here betrays me. School. You'll also find that at Hogwarts, help is always available to those who ask for it."

At that moment, Harry was almost certain that Dumbledore's eyes had glanced towards the corner where he and Ron were hiding. "Sentimental," Malfoy said, bowing. "Your - oh - highly individual way of handling things will be missed by us all, Albus, and we can only hope that your successor will stop the - ah - murder once and for all."

Malfoy strode to the cabin door and opened it; bowing to see Dumbledore out.Fudge played with his - 154 - hat, and waited for Hagrid to get in front of him, but Hagrid stood still, took a deep breath, and said cautiously, "If anyone's looking for something, they just have to follow the spider, You'll find yourself in the right direction! That's all I'm saying."

Spider, is this a literal guessing game?Or do you really have to follow the spider to find clues?Augustus thought about it incomprehensibly, and then slowly emerged. Harry and the two also came out of the invisibility cloak. The development of things tonight was really ups and downs. First, Hagrid was going to be taken to Ards. Caban, followed by Dumbledore's removal order.Now, we must catch the spider as a clue. This may be the only way to save the school and the principal. For Augustus, this year’s campus life is still very comfortable, so, no matter from himself From a moral point of view, this time, Augustus must personally capture the heir to the secret room and bring him to justice!

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