Harry Potter's Otherworldly Archmage

Chapter 49 Mrs. Lori Incident

The temperature in the room became abnormally cold with the arrival of night, "I can't take it anymore," Ron muttered, his teeth chattering.At this time, the band began to play again, and the ghosts and ghosts returned to the dance floor in a fluttering manner.

"Let's go." Augustus agreed.

They moved toward the door, nodding and smiling at everyone who looked at them. A minute later they were hurrying down the aisle of black candles.

"Probably haven't finished the pudding yet," said Ron hopefully, leading the way up the steps leading to the hall.

Walking in the narrow passage, Harry stopped suddenly.He staggered to a halt, clutching the stone wall, listening intently, looking around, squinting up and down the dimly lit hallway.

"Harry, what do you—?"

"That voice came again—don't talk yet—"

"Sound?" Augustus glanced around, and after making sure there was nothing, he looked at Harry suspiciously.

"Listen!" said Harry urgently, and Ron and Hermione froze, watching him.Seeing that Harry was so sure, Augustus took out his silver wand to bless himself with an auditory amplifier, held his breath, and a group of meaningless hisses came into his ears.

"There is indeed a sound. The source seems to be the ceiling. Could it be a ghost? But the sound is just a meaningless roar." Augustus nodded, looking at Harry who was still looking around.

"It was a man's voice, I'm pretty sure, he meant.. to kill.. it's time.."

Harry quickly explained, and Augustus continued to listen suspiciously, but the voice in his ears was still a meaningless hiss.

The voice was getting weaker and weaker.Harry was sure it was moving - moving up. "This way," he called, and broke into a run, up the stairs and into the hall.Here echoed the laughter of the halloween feast in the auditorium, and it was unlikely that anything else could be heard.Harry ran full speed up the marble stairs to the second floor, followed by Augustus, Ron and Hermione.

"If we hear the same voice, although I don't know why the content we hear is different, but his source should be improved to a higher level, follow me." Augustus is confirming and Harry After hearing the same voice, he signaled the three of them to follow him.

Several people climbed up a flight of stairs in three steps and two steps, while Augustus continued to listen to the sound of his heavy footsteps.

The four of them ran around the third floor, and Ron and Hermione followed behind panting, non-stop, and finally turned a corner and came to the last empty corridor.

"Mr. Augustus, Harry, what the hell is going on?" said Ron, wiping sweat from his face. "I can't hear anything..."

Hermione gasped suddenly and pointed down the corridor.


Something was shining on the wall in front of them.They approached slowly, squinting to make out in the dark.Between the two windows, on the wall a foot above the ground, some writing was scribbled, and the emblem shone in the light of the burning torches.

The chamber of secrets was opened.

Those who are enemies of the heir, be vigilant.

"What's that - hanging down there?" said Ron, his voice trembling.

As they approached cautiously, Harry almost slipped: there was a large puddle of water on the ground.Ron and Hermione grabbed him, and they inched closer to the sign, their eyes fixed on the black shadow below.The three of them saw what it was at the same time, and jumped back in fright, splashing a splash of water.

It was Mrs. Norris, the janitor's cat, with its tail hanging from the torch-bracket, its body stiff as a plank, and its eyes wide open and staring.The three of them stood motionless for several seconds, and then Ron said, "Let's get out of here." "Should we try to save them—" Harry said incoherently.

"Looking at the situation, it should be petrified. If it's just like this, there should be a chance to save it." Augustus looked at the petrified cat with a complicated expression on his face.

. "Listen," said Ron, "we don't want to be found out here."

However, it was too late.A muffled din, like distant thunder, told them that the feast had just ended.From the ends of the corridor in which they stood there came the sound of hundreds of feet ascending the stairs, and the cheerful chatter and laughter of people who had eaten their fill.Then, the students crowded into the aisle from both ends.

When the people in front saw the upside-down cat, the buzzing and chattering suddenly disappeared.Augustus, Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood alone in the middle of the corridor, and the students fell silent for a moment, crowding forward to see this terrible scene.

In the silence, someone spoke loudly.

"Those who make enemies of the heir, beware! You'll be next, Mudblood!" It was Draco Malfoy.He had squeezed to the front of the crowd, his cold eyes were alive, and his usually bloodless face was flushed red.He looked at the still, stiff cat hanging there with a grin on his face.

What's going on here? What's going on?" Filch, no doubt attracted by Malfoy's shout, pushed his way through the crowd with his shoulder. Then, seeing Mrs. Norris, he stumbled back a few steps , clutching his face in horror. "My cat! My cat! What's wrong with Mrs. Norris?" he screamed. Then his protruding eyes caught sight of Harry. "You!" screamed, "You! You killed my cat! You killed it! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to—"

"Filch, be careful, correcting a student without evidence is no small matter." Augustus said lightly.

"He must have killed my cat, he knows I am, I am!" Filch suddenly sobbed, and all the students watching couldn't bear it, looking at Harry as if they were looking at a heinous demon king.

Dumbledore arrived on the scene, followed by many other teachers.In the blink of an eye, he was past Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and unhooked Mrs. Norris from the torch holder.

"Come with me, Filch," he said to Filch, "and you, Mr. Augustus, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger."

Lockhart stepped forward anxiously.

"My office is closest to here, the Headmaster—upstairs—you can—'" Thank you, Gilderoy. said Dumbledore.

The silent crowd parted to let them pass.Lockhart was very excited, and hurriedly followed Dumbledore with a look of high spirits; Professor McGonagall and Snape followed.

Before leaving, Augustus glanced at the wall where Mrs. Lori was victimized, and the puddle of water on the ground that had not been cleaned up, showing a thoughtful expression. The scene was like a huge attractor, drawing the surrounding All the clues are covered and reorganized, and a crucial and fatal line is looming, hidden in layers of suspicious clouds.

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