It started to rain outside Hogwarts Castle, and dense raindrops slowly fell from the sky, forming a rain curtain that filled the sky covered by dark clouds. After lunch, Augustus and Malfoy Lillian walked through the castle and went to the Hogwarts castle. Go to the greenhouse, where all kinds of magical plants are cultivated.

In the afternoon, it was herbalism taught by Professor Sprout. They approached the greenhouse and saw other students standing outside, waiting for Professor Sprout.As soon as the three joined in, they saw Professor Sprout striding across the lawn, accompanied by Gilderoy Lockhart.Professor Sprout has many bandages on his arm.

Professor Sprout is a stocky witch with a patched hat on her flowing hair and a lot of dirt on her clothes.This witch has always favored Augustus, and in her classes, Augustus can always add a lot of points.

"Oh, hello!" Lockhart called to the students with a beaming face. "Just now I showed Professor Sprout how to heal the Whomping Willow! She's good! I just happened to see a few of these amazing plants in my travels.."

"Today to the third greenhouse!" said Professor Sprout.She was visibly sullen, with an uncharacteristically pleasant demeanor.

The students whispered with interest.They've only been in the first greenhouse—the plants in the third are more interesting, and more dangerous.Professor Sprout took a large key from his belt and opened the door.The fine rain is still falling outside the greenhouse, and the sky and the earth are connected by this rain, like a sparse Milky Way descending from the sky.Entering the greenhouse, Augustus smelled a smell of damp soil and manure, mixed with a strong fragrance of flowers.The flowers were the size of umbrellas and hung from the ceiling.

Professor Sprout stood behind a bench in the middle of the greenhouse.On the stool were about twenty pairs of earmuffs of different colors.The teacher said, "We're going to repot the Mandrake today. Now, who can tell me what the Mandrake has to offer?"

Professor Sproney's eyes fell directly on Augustus over most of the students. Augustus smiled helplessly and raised his hand. "Mandrake, also known as Mandrake root, is a powerful recovery agent." After pondering for a while, he continued: "It is used to restore people who have been transformed or who have been cursed to their original state." .”

"Very well, Slytheringa ten." Professor Sprout nodded. "The mandrake is an important part of most antidotes. But it's also dangerous. Can anyone tell me why?"

Lilian, who was sitting next to Augustus, raised her hand, and Malfoy pouted strangely.

"Hearing the cry of the mandrake will kill a person." Lilian blurted out, and then glanced at Augustus proudly.

"Exactly, plus ten points for Slytherin," said Professor Sprout. "You see, our mandrakes are very young here."

She pointed to a row of deep-bottomed plates.Everyone leaned forward to get a better view.There were about a hundred greenish-purple seedlings lined up there.Malfoy muttered, "It's nothing special, it's not as dangerous as Lilian said."

"A pair of earmuffs each," said Professor Sprout.

There was a lot of looting, no one wanted to get a pair of pink fluffy earmuffs.

"When I tell you to put on earmuffs, make sure you cover your ears tightly," said Professor Sprout. "I'll give you two thumbs up when it's safe to take them off. Well-- Put earmuffs on."

Everyone put on the earmuffs according to the professor's instructions, and it seemed that they were cut off from the world, and the sound of the outside world was instantly eliminated.Professor Sprout put on a pair of pink fluffy earmuffs himself, rolled up his sleeves, took a firm hold of a clump of grass, and pulled it up with all his might.It was not the roots that were pulled out of the soil, but a very ugly baby with leaves growing on his head.His skin was light green, spotted with spots.The little guy was clearly yelling at the top of his lungs.

Professor Sprout took a large flower pot from under the table, stuffed the Mandrake in it, and buried him in dark, damp compost until only the clump of leaves stood out.She patted the mud off her hands, gave them two thumbs up, and took off her earmuffs.

The students all took off their earmuffs, "I didn't expect such an ugly plant, tonight's dinner seems to be a mess!" Malfoy complained, touching his forehead.

"Just be content with it. More disgusting plants are still to come. This is just a child's disease." Lilian obviously didn't want to give up the chance to hit Malfoy, and said in a rambling manner.

"Our mandrakes are just seedlings, and hearing their cries won't kill you." Professor Splowney calmly reminded everyone, as if she just watered the begonias just now. "However, they'll knock you out for a few hours, and I don't think any of you want to miss your first day of school, so make sure you keep your earmuffs on while you're at work. I'll try to get your attention when it's time to pack up of."

A plate for four - lots of pots here - compost in the bag over there - watch out for the poisonous tentacles, it's teething. ’ She slapped a spiky, crimson plant, causing it to retract its tentacle that had crept toward her shoulder.

Augustus Malfoy Lilian was in a group with a boy named Antonio Class, "My name is Antonio Class," he greeted the three of Augustus shyly, "Mr. Augustus , I have always wanted to know you, and of course, Miss Lilian, you two have always been role models for our class of Slytherin students, and I have been in love with you for a long time."

Augustus nodded kindly. "Hello, they are all in the same class, so there is no need to be so polite. Relax." Lilian smiled.Antonio was still a little embarrassed, and still a little cautious.Malfoy was fiddling with the plants absent-mindedly, obviously out of state, and his thoughts had drifted into the depths of the universe.

They put their earmuffs back on and had to concentrate on the mandrake.Just now I saw Professor Sprout doing it very easily, but it was not like that at all.Mandrakes don't want to be pulled out of the soil, but they don't seem to want to go back either.They twisted their bodies, kicked their feet, waved their small pointed fists, and gnashed their teeth.

When class was over, it was still raining outside the window. Augustus and Malfoy Lillian walked into the rain. The drizzle fell on Augustus's black robe and long blond hair. A breeze blew, and the whole air There was a fresh smell of earth.

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