Harry Potter's Otherworldly Archmage

Chapter 35 The Innocent Beating Willow

They kept flying north, checking the direction of the train every once in a while, seeing a different scene each time they descended.London was soon left far behind, replaced by flat green fields, then vast purple swamps, villages with churches like children's toys, then a busy big city with countless Vehicles are like densely packed colorful ants.

However, after a few hours, Harry had to admit that some of the fun was wearing off.The taffy made them - 40 - thirsty, and they had no water to drink.Both he and Ron had taken off their overalls, but Harry's shirt was sticking wet to the back of the chair, and his glasses kept sliding up his nose.He was no longer interested in admiring the fantastic shapes of those clouds, but missed the train dozens of miles below, where there were fat witches pushing a small cart selling iced pumpkin juice.

"It shouldn't be far away." Augustus looked at the densely packed ants-like houses under the sky.The sun began to sink below the clouds, turning the sea of ​​clouds pink. "Would you like to go down and have a look at the train?" Turning to Ron.

The train was still below them, winding around a high snow-capped mountain.Below the clouds, it was much darker.

Ron stepped on the gas and went up again, but the engine started whining.

"Maybe he's just tired," said Ron, "he's never been this far before.."

As the sky grew darker, the whining grew louder, and they all pretended not to notice.Stars lit up in the night, and Harry put on his smock, trying not to notice the feeble swinging of the windshield wipers, as if in protest.

Augustus pulled out his silver wand and performed a restoration on the old car. Most of the parts that had been overwhelmed by work were repaired in an instant, and the whole car suddenly regained some vitality.

"Not far," said Ron, more to the car than to Harry, "not far now." He tapped the dashboard nervously.After a while, they flew under the clouds again, squinting through the darkness for a familiar ground target. "There!" Harry shouted, startling both Ron and Hedwig, "right ahead!" On the dark horizon, on the top of the high cliffs across the lake, stood Hogwarts Castle. Silhouettes of turrets and towers.

In Augustus' sight, the majestic Hogwarts Castle was getting closer and closer, and it was about to arrive smoothly. I hope there will be no more mistakes before then.

Regrettably, the car started to shake and gradually slowed down.

"Help," Ron coaxed, and gently shook the steering wheel, "We're almost there, help—"

The engine revved, and puffs of steam spewed out from under the hood.Harry couldn't help gripping the edge of his seat as they flew towards the lake.

The car shook violently.Harry glanced out the window and saw the calm, dark, mirror-smooth water a mile below.Ron's knuckles were turning white as he held the steering wheel.The car shook again.

"Help," murmured Ron.

They fly across the lake..the castle is just ahead..Ron hits the gas.

There was a clang, then a crack, and the engine died completely.

"Oops," said Ron in the silence.

The car tipped over and they began to fall, faster and faster, toward the castle walls.

Augustus stood up from his seat and cast a spell on the front of the rapidly falling car. The rapidly falling car seemed to encounter layers of soft cushions in the air, and began to slowly slow down and land.

The car turned a large arc, brushed past the wall, flew over the dark greenhouse and vegetable field, and flew above the black lawn outside, and kept falling.

Ron simply let go of the steering wheel and pulled out his wand from his back pocket.

"Stop! Stop!" he yelled, slapping the dashboard and windshield, but they were still falling fast, and the ground was coming towards them... "Watch out for that tree!" Harry yelled, lunging for the steering wheel , but it was too late——crack la la.

There was a loud sound of metal colliding with trees, they hit the thick tree trunk, fell to the ground, and the car body shook violently.Steam billowed from under the distorted hood; Hedwig was screaming in terror; Harry's head hit the windshield in a swollen bump the size of a golf ball; Ron crouched hopelessly to his right Sound Shenyin.

"You're all right." Harry turned his head, looking at Augustus, who was a little embarrassed, and Ron, who had a dead gray face.

"My wand," said Ron in a trembling voice, "look at my wand."

It was almost broken in two, the upper end was pulled down, and only a few strands of wood were connected.

Harry was about to say that he would be able to fix it when he got to school, but before he could say something, something hit his side of the car.The force, like a charging bull, knocked him back toward Ron when the roof was hit just as hard.

"What!" gasped Ron, staring at the windshield; Harry turned his head just in time to see a branch as thick as a python hit the glass.It was the tree the car hit that was attacking them.Its trunk was bowed, and its gnarled branches lashed out at every part of the bodywork it could reach.

"Ah!" Ron exclaimed, another thick twisted branch smashed his car door into a big hole, and countless twigs as thick as finger knuckles launched a hailstorm of violent knocks, shaking the windshield Trembling, a branch as thick as a battering ram was pounding on the roof frantically, and the roof seemed to be dented.

"Sit still in your seat!" Augustus picked up the silver wand, turned around and told Ron and Harry, and then pointed to the huge willow tree, clusters of electric sparks danced around the wand.The willow tree seemed to be surrounded by some invisible cover. In a moment, dark blue lightning bolts formed in mid-air. The lightning crisscrossed and surrounded the huge willow tree. Countless forked lightning formed in the air began to attack the willow tree. There was a wail, whipped by the lightning that brightened the night around him, and a broken and scorched tree body was revealed. After a while, the whole tree stopped dancing and fell into complete silence.

Harry and Ron stared blankly at the scene in front of them, "Is it dead?" Harry asked a little nutritiously. "Who knows? Maybe it is." Augustus replied in the same dull manner, "It's so pitiful." Ron looked at the withered willow tree, thought about the countless huge lightning bolts in the sky just now, and couldn't help shivering. "Come on, maybe the sorting ceremony is not over yet, and we might still have time for dinner." After wiping his smooth silver wand, Augustus reminded Ron and Harry.The three jumped out of the car and walked towards the castle.

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