Augustus smelled the breath of the sea and heard the sound of rough waves.A cold breeze blew through his hair as he looked out at the moonlit sea and the starry night sky in the distance.He stood on a high black rock outcropping, and the waves rolled and foamed beneath his feet.He turned his head and looked back.Behind him stood a cliff, the steep rock wall fell straight down, and it was so dark that he couldn't see his face clearly.Several large rocks appear to have been dislodged from the face of the cliff at some point in the past.The surroundings are bare and desolate, except for the vast sea and rocks, there is no tree, no grass and sand.

"What do you think?" Dumbledore asked.He sounds like he's asking if this is an ideal picnic spot.

"It's very good. Only when you face the sea every day can you have extraordinary courage and determination. It is indeed a good place." Augustus's silver pupils were full of appreciative smiles.

"Geniuses always have so much in common, mutual appreciation is inevitable, but you and Tom are fundamentally different, do you know what it is?" Behind Dumbledore's half-moon-shaped lenses, an elusive look flickered .

"Oh? There are indeed many differences, but I'd like to hear the details." A gentle smile appeared on the corner of Augustus's mouth.

Dumbledore looked at him, as if reminiscing through him of another young boy with high spirits and high spirits. "Family, friendship, these two most precious things, no matter what stage he is in, he has never had them."

"That's right," Augustus sighed slightly, "so now I'm here with you, the principal, instead of in the Riddle Manor. Once we have the so-called bond and insist on morality, we can't help ourselves."

"It seems that I should be thankful that you have parents and friends who love you." Dumbledore suddenly laughed.

Augustus shook his head helplessly and smiled.

Dumbledore's face was full of unconcealable appreciation, "Come on, our destination is still a little further away."

The many jagged indentations in the rock where you can step on lead to the huge boulders below, which are half exposed to the sea around the cliff.It is very dangerous to climb down from here, and the lower rocks are washed away by the sea.Augustus felt the icy water splashing around him, smelling like the sea.

"Luminescence!" Dumbledore went down to the huge pebble closest to the front of the cliff, knelt down and chanted a spell.Spots of gold shone on the dark sea a few feet below him.The dark rock wall around him was also illuminated.

"See?" Dumbledore asked softly, raising his wand a little higher.As far as the eye can see, there is a crack in the cliff, and the black sea water is swirling in it.

"Um, it doesn't look so conspicuous." Augustus stretched out his silver wand and drew a circle slightly, the flames scattered everywhere, and a crimson halo appeared on the sea level under the moonlight.

"Do you mind if I use a little trick?" Augustus asked politely.

"It couldn't be better." Dumbledore smiled and nodded.

Augustus's wand draws a dark blue straight line. Starting from the bottom of the rock, the sea water gradually separates into a wide road. Under the ice blue waves, the straight road leads directly to the entrance of the cave.

"It is really a happy decision to invite you here." Dumbledore's old face was full of joy, "Otherwise, although I am not young, I still want to go for a swim in the sea."

Dumbledore, suddenly as agile as a young man, slid lightly from the pebble towards the dark cleft in the rock face, Augustus following quietly.

Soon the fissure became a dark passageway, with slimy walls only three feet apart, gleaming wet like tar in the flickering light of Dumbledore's wand.Going a little further, the dark passage turned to the left, and Augustus noticed that it stretched all the way to the deepest part of the cliff.

Dumbledore was already standing in the middle of the cave, with his wand held high in his hand, he turned slowly on the spot, carefully inspecting the rock wall and the cave ceiling.

"Yes, this is the place," said Dumbledore.

"Indeed, there are traces of casting spells here." Augustus concluded simply by feeling it.

"Young people's sense of smell." Dumbledore sighed slightly.

"This is just the vestibule, the entrance hall," Dumbledore said after a moment. "We need to go inside... What is blocking us now is the mechanism set by Voldemort, not the obstacles set by nature..."

Dumbledore approached the cave wall, stroked it with his blackened fingertips, and whispered something in a strange language.Dumbledore walked twice around the cave from the left, touching the rough walls as best he could, pausing occasionally to run his fingers up and down in certain places.Finally, he finally stopped and pressed his palms flat on the cave wall.

Dumbledore stepped back from the cave wall, pointing his wand at the rock.Suddenly, the outline of an arch appeared there, emitting a dazzling white light, as if there was a strong light shining behind the crack.

"It's a good agency. With the strength and knowledge at the time, it's a bit of a merit to be able to set up such a first line of defense." Augustus touched his chin and said relaxedly.

Dumbledore nodded affirmatively, "Of course, the details are the key to the obvious."

Dumbledore had turned his attention again to the solid cave walls.He didn't try any other magic, just stood there, staring at the cave wall intently, as if there was something extremely interesting written on it.

"It's a pity that I just praised it just now. The setting this time is really mediocre." Augustus also stared at the wall, shaking his head and sighing suddenly.

"Yeah, it's too low-level," said Dumbledore, with contempt and even disappointment in his tone, as if Voldemort had failed to live up to the standards Dumbledore expected. "It's just such a price, it's really worth the defensive magic."

"I believe you also understand that the reason is to let the opponent weaken himself before he can enter. Once again Voldemort failed to understand that there are many things that are far more terrifying than the damage of the body."

"Of course, but with his mentality at that time, it's not a mistake to think so." Augustus commented with a slight smile.

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