The long and winding stone corridor was silent and winding. Apart from the sound of their own footsteps, there was also the sound of water dripping slowly along the wall.The corridor ran downhill, which reminded Harry of Gringotts.His heart skipped a beat as he thought of the legendary dragons who guarded the wizard's bank vaults.If they ran into a dragon, a full grown dragon - Norbert would be tough enough. "Can you hear anything?" Ron asked softly.

Harry listened carefully.There seemed to be a soft rustling and clanging sound coming from ahead.

When they came to the end of the corridor, they found a brightly lit room with a high vaulted ceiling.Countless little birds, as dazzling as jewels, flapped their wings and flew around the room.There was a heavy wooden door on the opposite side of the room. ' "You mean, if we walk across the room, they'll attack us?" asked Ron.

"Obviously, to know the function of these little things, you have to go through this open space." Augustus glanced at the densely packed unknown creatures with wings in the air.

Harry took a deep breath, shielded his face with his arms, and dashed across the room.He thought there would be sharp mouths and claws tearing him apart at any moment, but nothing happened.He came to the door unscathed and pulled the handle, and it was locked.

Augustus walked over with Ron and Hermione, and Harry pulled and pushed, but the wooden door wouldn't budge, and Hermione tried her Arahorhole opening spell again, to no avail. "What?" Ron asked.

"Didn't you notice that these flying birds above your head are actually the key to open this door. If you look carefully, it's not difficult to find that these little things are keys with wings." Augustus looked around at everyone in the room. in a corner, while Ron and Hermione stared up at the mass of flying keys.

"But there are hundreds of keys on it." Ron looked carefully at the lock of the door.

"We're looking for a big antique key—it might be silver, shaped like a doorknob." Harry, Ron, and Hermione began to pick up the broomstick next to it and rush into the dense group of keys, carefully searching for this key. The key to the door.

Augustus opened his probing eyes and conducted a comprehensive scan of the entire key pile. In a short while, he found a big silver key hidden among the keys, with its wings drooping, as if it had been caught by someone , roughly stuffed into the keyhole.

The silver wand pointed to the key with sky-blue feathers, and a mage's hand cast it in a targeted manner. The somewhat listless key was instantly grasped by an invisible big hand in the air. After struggling a few times and finding it was useless, the key shrugged. The pull was handed to Augustus, obviously he was used to this rough way.

The three of Harry dismounted from their broomsticks and gathered around Augustus.

"It should be this one." Harry asked a little uncertainly.

"You'll know if you try it." Augustus picked up the key, stuffed it into the keyhole, and twisted it hard—yes, it was it.With a click, the key flew away as soon as the door lock flicked open.It was caught twice in a row, looking haggard.

"Ready?" Augustus asked Harry Ron and Hermione, holding the doorknob with his hand.The three of them nodded.So he pushed the door open.

The second room was pitch black and nothing could be seen.But as soon as they stepped in, the house was suddenly brightly lit, illuminating a shocking scene.

They stood on the edge of a huge chessboard, with black chess pieces in front of them, those chess pieces were taller than them, and seemed to be carved from black stones or something.At the other end of the room, facing them, were some white chess pieces.Harry, Ron, and Hermione were shaking with fright—the towering white pawns had no features on their faces.

"What now?" Harry whispered.

"Isn't that obvious?" said Ron. "We've got to play chess to get across the room."

They saw a door behind the white pawn.

"How?" Hermione asked nervously.

"In my opinion," said Ron, "we have to act as pawns."

"I don't think it's so troublesome, we can just go there." Augustus had a smile in his eyes.These constructed creatures are quite exquisite, but they are only superficially intimidating. Compared with the terrifying organ beasts in the mage tower in the different world, these chess pieces are still slightly cute.

The silver wand pointed to the midair of the room, and a huge dark cloud began to form on the roof. As the dark cloud slowly expanded, the entire room was covered by dark clouds, and huge hailstones fell densely from the cloud. It fell on the huge chessboard, sputtering clusters of ice crystals, and the frost grew on the ground, covering the entire chessboard and chess pieces. In less than a moment, the entire room became a world formed by ice crystal pillars.

The three of Ron, Harry, and Hermione stared blankly at the world of ice and snow in front of them. They didn't know what to say to express their current mood. In this kingdom of ice, any language seemed too weak.

"Okay, sure enough it's easier this way." Ron wiped his eyes vigorously, as if to prove that all this was not an illusion.Hermione nodded mechanically, and for the first time did not refute Ron's words.

"Let's go, I don't know what else is waiting for us." Augustus waved to them, and took the lead to walk through the mirror-like smooth and white ground covered by huge ice blocks, and walked to the front exit go.

"What do you think is going to be next?" Harry hurried after Augustus.

"We've gone through Sprout's trap, that devil's net - it must have been Flitwick who enchanted those keys - 174 - Professor McGonagall deformed the pieces, brought them to life - Then there is Quirrell's magic, and Snape's." Augustus answered Harry's question as he walked.They came to another door. "Okay?" Harry asked quietly. "Go in." Harry pushed the door open.A disgusting stench hit their nostrils, and they had to lift their clothes to cover their noses.The eyes of the two were also smoked with tears. Through the blurred eyes of tears, they saw a giant monster, bigger than the one they had fought last time, lying motionless on the floor in front of them, unconscious, head There was a big bloody lump on it.

"Great, we don't have to fight the troll," Harry whispered.They stepped cautiously over the giant's thick legs. "Come on, I can't breathe."

He opened the next door, and for a moment, the two of them could hardly see what awaited them next—but there was nothing scary here, just a table with seven bottles of various shapes lined up on it.

The seven bottles contain liquids of alluring hues that seem to contain endless magical powers, each color revealing a mesmerizing hue.

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