Harry Potter's Otherworldly Archmage

Chapter 15 3 Dogs and Trolls

At the end of the corridor was a tightly locked door. The door was a bit quaint and dark. Walking in front of the closed door, a trace of despair appeared on Neville's pale face due to strenuous exercise, "What should I do? I can't get in. .” As he spoke, he habitually looked at Augustus, as if forgetting that he was also a wizard.

"Oh, come here," said Hermione roughly.She snatched Neville's wand, knocked on the lock, and whispered, "Alahoh hole!"

There was a click of the lock, and the door swung open—and they rushed in, shutting it hastily.Harry leaned against the cold door and panted heavily. Today was really unlucky. First he lost the duel with Malfoy, and then met Filch, the administrator who only catches students. He wondered if he could continue to be unlucky.Harry whispered, "I think we'll be fine - go away, Neville!" Neville kept tugging at the sleeves of Harry's robes. "What's the matter?"

Harry turned around - saw it, saw it clearly.For a moment, he believed that he must have walked into a nightmare - which was simply too much after so much had already happened.

They weren't in the same room as he thought they were.They are in a corridor.It's the forbidden corridor on the fourth floor.Now they know why it's off limits.

They were facing the eyes of a monstrously large dog so large that it filled all the space from the ceiling to the floor.It had three heads, three pairs of vicious, twitching eyes, three noses—twitching and trembling in their direction, and three drooling mouths that drool like sticky strings from a yellowed dog Teeth hang down.

It stood there motionless, with six eyes fixed on them.The only reason they weren't dead, Harry knew, was that it had been taken aback by their sudden appearance.But it is quickly coming to its senses, and it is clear what those deafening roars mean.

Different from the terrified expressions of everyone, Augustus is looking at the three-headed dog with great interest at the moment, a subspecies of hell, the watchdog of demons, as a weaker existence in the abyss of hell

, I didn't expect to meet one in Hogwarts here.

Harry's hand was already on the doorknob, and Augustus calmly cast a confusion spell on the hellhound. Although he didn't know what the hellhound was guarding, it was obvious that he wouldn't go too deep into it. To find out the secrets inside.Everyone didn't notice Augustus's spellcasting, but they all reacted after seeing the dog's bewildered eyes tilted up suddenly. Harry opened the door first, and while it didn't know what was wrong, everyone quickly walked through the door. rushed out.

Back in the corridor, everyone dispersed. Filch must have been busy looking for them elsewhere. They didn't see him.The thrilling night for each of them slowly condensed in their respective memories.

Halloween is coming, the auditorium is full of colorful decorations, a thousand bats are fluttering on the walls and ceiling, and another thousand are like low clouds, hovering and flying above the dining table, Make the candle flame in the pumpkin belly flicker.Delicacy pops up on golden plates, just like at the back-to-school feast.

Augustus ate his meal slowly, preparing to spend this first Halloween at Hogwarts. Malfoy was obviously used to eating with Crabbe and Goyle next to him, eating mashed potatoes casually while watching Looking at the pumpkin flames in the auditorium.

Professor Quirrell suddenly rushed into the dining room, his big scarf was tilted on his head, and his face was full of horror.Everyone stared at him as he walked over to Professor Dumbledore's chair, leaned over the table, and gasped, "The troll—in the dungeon—thought you should know."

After he finished speaking, he fell to the floor and passed out.

There was a sudden chaos in the restaurant.Dumbledore calmly used his wand to send several harsh fireworks explosions into the sky. After everyone calmed down, he asked the prefect to lead the students back to their dormitories.

Augustus was about to adjust the freshman gate to return to the dormitory when Harry and Ron rushed over suddenly. "Hermione, Hermione! On the third floor, she doesn't know about the troll yet, so it might be dangerous!" Harry panted to Augustus.

"Who cares about that Mudblood." Malfoy smiled gloatingly.

"Shut up, Draco. Harry, let me go and lie down with you. Hermione's direction is very close to the basement where the troll is. It is indeed possible to encounter a troll. Lilian, I leave this place to you." Ogu Stu frowned, agreed to Harry decisively, and then explained to a beautiful girl with blue hair next to him, and walked towards the third floor with Harry Ron.

The three of them mingled with the Hufflepuff crowd and walked in another direction.They slipped quietly down the empty side corridor and hurried to the women's room.As soon as he turned the corner, Harry sniffed. A foul stench entered his nostrils. It was a mixture of smelly socks and public toilets that were never cleaned.Then they heard it—a muffled grunt and the scuffing of huge feet.Ron noticed: At the end of a passage on the left, a huge shape was moving towards them.They quickly retreated into the darkness and watched it slowly walk into the moonlight.

It was a horrible sight.It was twelve feet tall, with dull, granite-gray skin, a huge, clumsy body like a giant heap of boulders, with a small head the size of a cocoa bean.Its short legs were thick as tree stumps, and underneath were large, flat, calloused feet.The stench from it was disgusting.It held a thick wooden stick in its hand, and because of its long arms, the wooden stick dragged on the ground.

The species in this world are really peculiar. Augustus laughed when he saw the simple and honest troll. The troll scratched its head, looked around, and found no one, so it stopped by a door and peeped inside. .It wiggled its long ears, made a decision with its small head, then lowered its head, and slowly entered the room.

Harry strode up quickly, took the key in his hand, and slammed the door, locking it firmly.

"It's done!" Looking at the door successfully locked, Harry smiled proudly at Augustus.Just when the three of them were about to return, a shrill, terrified voice came from the room.

"Oh, bad," said Ron, as pale as the ghost of the Bloody Baron.

"That's the women's room!" Harry gasped.

"Stop talking nonsense." Augustus pulled out his wand and blew the door open. The three of them rushed in quickly. Hermione Granger crouched by the opposite wall, as if she might faint at any moment.The troll was closing in on her, knocking the pool away from the wall as it went.

Both Harry and Ron looked at Augustus at a loss. Augustus calmly looked at the troll who was less than three meters away from Hermione. A green ball of light was formed at the tip of the wand and flew towards the troll. Some parts of the troll's body hit by the light ball were instantly corroded, and a zero-level magic acid splash was perfect for attracting hatred. The troll let out a loud wail, turned around, and looked at Augustus, with hatred in his small eyes, rushed towards Augustus dragging the stick.

There was a huge vibration from the floor of the women's toilet, and the wind pressure brought by the giant's huge body made Harry and Ron squint their eyes. The next moment, their slightly squinted eyes saw an incredible scene. Dozens of red high-temperature beams of light were formed around Augustus, instantly piercing through the giant monster's body at a speed invisible to the naked eye. The giant monster was pierced by countless red beams of light, and its body rose high into the air , the body fell apart under the beam of light, and in less than a moment, what fell on the ground was only a pile of minced meat, and some large pieces could barely be seen from the body structure of the troll, and the whole women's toilet became full of sight Creation, countless stones fell and shattered under the touch of the red beam of light just now, almost half of the room was destroyed, Harry and Ron opened their mouths blankly, Hermione also stopped crying, for a while, the atmosphere in the room Somewhat eerily quiet.

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