Harry Potter's Otherworldly Archmage

Chapter 11 Hogwarts Life Week

Just after dawn, Augustus walked out of the dark and luxurious Slytherin dormitory. Along the way, a small number of Slytherin freshmen who just got up greeted Augustus, and Augustus also Nod your head and respond one by one.

Passing through the damp and cold Slytherin lounge, the oncoming is the huge floating ladders distributed in every corner of Hogwarts.There are a total of 140 stairs in Hogwarts.Some of them are wide and big; some are narrow and small and rickety; some lead to different places every Friday; some go up halfway and a step disappears suddenly, you have to remember where Should jump over.Also, there are doors that won't open if you ask them politely, or poke them in exactly the right place; A solid wall of doors.It's hard to remember what's where because everything seems to be constantly moving.The people in the portraits are also constantly visiting each other, and even the armor can walk.

In Augustus' view, the entire Hogwarts Castle is indeed exquisitely crafted, with all kinds of secret passages emerging one after another, interesting magical creatures, and the castle's magic power system, all of which are undoubtedly better than the original Magic Academy in another world. For the strange and full of unconstrained creativity and imagination.

After several days of deepening his understanding of the castle, Augustus was more certain that the person who built the Hogwarts castle must be a genius, and he also knew the secret passages and structures of the castle.For ordinary students, it takes a few 10 minutes to go to class, but under the effect of Augustus' clever use of various dark passages and dizzying complex floating ladders, it only takes a few minutes to reach the classroom. Therefore, almost every class August will sit in the classroom in advance and wait for everyone.

Hogwarts has a lot of courses, even for first-year freshmen, there are many courses, but Augustus has never bothered to learn from other magic systems, even the lowest basic courses , a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and any great cause and achievement cannot be achieved overnight.As a mage who had almost stepped into the realm of the gods in his previous life, Augustus knew the importance of basic knowledge for growth.

Every Wednesday night, they will be taken to a classroom to observe the starry sky with a telescope, and learn the names of different stars and the orbits of stars.Augustus has always been very interested in the movement of stars in this world. To his surprise, although they are in different worlds, the structure and operation of galaxies in the two worlds are surprisingly consistent. Sure enough, the mystery and magic of the universe It will always be an unsolvable question.

Of course, Herbology and History of Magic at Hogwarts also has a unique charm. Professor Splowney seems to like Augustus, who is always polite and full of curiosity. Answers with all her heart, and Augustus's perfect answers to her questions always made her give Slytherin more house points without stinging.Of course, for the ghost Professor Binns, every student is the same in his eyes. It is difficult for an ancient ghost who has gone through countless generations of students to be interested in a certain student, maybe even his own students may not remember their names.

In fact, Augustus was most interested in Charms, Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Potions.These four courses are almost the cornerstones of this magic system. If they can fully penetrate their essence and extended fields, the magic system of this world can roughly form a magic tree in Augustus' heart, let Augustus breaks it down more clearly.

The teacher of the spell class is Professor Flitwick, a surprisingly small male teacher. During the class, he was very interested in some magic spell theories that Augustus inadvertently answered questions, although he didn’t know Augustus’s Where did these novel magic theories come from? Professor Flitwick still highly appreciated them. In addition to giving Slytherin more college points, he also agreed to teach Augustus some complicated theories of magic spells in his spare time.

In Professor McGonagall's class, Slater's new students are relatively well-behaved. Apart from being a little afraid of this strict professor, they are more looking forward to the magical transformation class.In front of everyone, Professor McGonagall turned the desk into a pig, and then went back. Facing the students who couldn't wait to learn this kind of magic, Professor McGonagall regretfully told them that it would take a long time. A spell that takes a long time to learn.After jotting down a lot of intricate notes, she gave everyone a match and started trying to turn them into a needle.Almost as soon as Professor McGonagall made the request, Augustus naturally turned it into a perfect thin needle, and before Professor McGonagall found out, Malfoy yelled out loudly.Professor McGonagall looked at Augustus in amazement, and added [-] points to Slytherin House without hesitation. Although it was a simple first lesson, it was the first time in her teaching career that she learned at such a speed. See you.

Of course, Defense Against the Dark Arts is a course that everyone has been looking forward to. What I didn't expect was that Professor Quirrell's class almost became a joke when he was in class. Garlic, facing the somewhat weak Professor Quirrell, Malfoy often dramatically raised some embarrassing questions, such as why he was wearing a big scarf when it was so hot, could it be that he had prickly heat.Or loudly laughing at Professor Quirrell's nervous stammer to Gore Crabbe, if Augustus hadn't looked at the professor's pity and suppressed Malfoy, this class would have been almost full Amidst the malicious laughter of the Slytherin students.In fact, Augustus always felt that something was wrong with this slightly weak Professor Quirrell. After observing with his probing eyes, he found nothing unusual, so Augustus suppressed this. A weird feeling, after all, for a mage, feeling has never been the basis for judging things.After putting aside this intuition that Augustus thought was an illusion, Augustus began to carefully read the information in the book about the black magic of this world.In fact, the so-called black magic in this world is nothing compared to the real dark magic in Augustus's original world. The truly evil undead magic or the dark magic that summons demons in another world is absolutely beyond the reach of people in this world. imagination.

Time passed quickly, and on Friday, this week's class was almost over. Augustus, who had already gotten used to the simple life of a wizard, was sitting at the dining table, eating an exquisite breakfast, with Malfoy in his ears. Showing off his mocking voice in a standard way, and seeing the angry expressions of Harry and Ron at another table in his eyes, Augustus showed a helpless smile out of habit.

"Draco, what classes do you have today?" Augustus sarcastically interrupted Malfoy's tirade after finishing his breakfast.

Malfoy froze for a moment, thought about it suspiciously, and then a joyful expression suddenly appeared on his face: "It should be a Potions class with the Gryffindor students, there must be a good show to watch now." Already!"

Seeing Malfoy who started to get excited inexplicably, Augustus patted his forehead, turned and left the table.

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