Remarrying the spoiled wife of a wealthy family

Chapter 77 Marriage Proposal?This is clearly a forced marriage (1)

Alas!Originally, he wanted to say hello to his future siblings, but today doesn't seem like a good time!

"Okay, he's not here anymore, don't be afraid!" Ling Rui let go of Tang Shishi, and gently wiped away the tears on her face with his fingers.

"He said he wanted to qb me, he—he said he wanted to let everyone in city b know that I am a **** woman—how could he treat me like this! Woohoo—what did I do wrong! Why did he You want to treat me like this? Why! Why! Why!" Tang Shishi cried out as if venting.

"Be good! Don't cry, it's not your fault." Ling Rui looked at the tears in Tang Shishi's eyes like two fountains, his brows were twisted into knots, and he leaned over and kissed Tang Shishi's red and swollen eyes , sucking the tears from the corners of Tang Shishi's eyes, and then stroking her hair and comforting her softly.

Tang Shishi stared blankly at Ling Rui's eyes. She saw the power of calming people's hearts from Ling Rui's eyes, and the emotions of sadness and anger just now were calmed down.

"He also kissed here." Tang Shishi pointed to her left cheek, sobbing.

Ling Rui was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized that he leaned over and kissed Tang Shishi's left cheek all over, and then before Tang Shishi could speak, he spontaneously kissed Tang Shishi's right cheek too. all over.

Although the little wild cat has cried into a little cat at this moment, Ling Rui doesn't dislike it at all.

"Where else has he kissed? I'll sterilize you!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi with burning eyes, and there was an unknown flame beating inside.

Two red clouds floated on Tang Shishi's face, and she whispered, "No more!"

"Really?" Ling Rui's eyes fell on Tang Shishi's chest.Because Ling Rui had already let go, the quilt that had wrapped Tang Shishi before also slipped onto the bed, and the nightgown on Tang Shishi's body had been stretched out of shape because of the previous fight with Lu Tao, and it was just barely hanging on it. Tang Shishi's body is only on Tang Shishi's body, most of her snow-white fragrant shoulders are exposed, because the inside is in a vacuum state, the raised red cherries support the pajamas in a reverie-inducing arc, Ling Rui's blood boils when she sees it, and she can't help it He swallowed his saliva.

Tang Shishi followed Ling Rui's gaze to see her chest, only to realize that she was letting out her spring. She yelled, pushed Ling Rui away, and wrapped herself in a quilt in a hurry.

"Hiss—" Tang Shishi forgot that her ankle was twisted, and her little face turned pale from the pain!

"What's wrong?" Ling Rui asked worriedly when he saw that Tang Shishi's situation was not right.

"I sprained my ankle!" Tang Shishi said with a bitter face.

Without further ado, Ling Rui tore off Tang Shishi's quilt, then squatted down and carefully lifted Tang Shishi's obviously red and swollen foot, and gently pinched the ankle with his big hand.

"It hurts—" Although Ling Rui's movements were gentle enough, Tang Shishi couldn't help but let out a low voice due to the pain.

"Fortunately, it's not particularly serious. Hold on, I'll straighten you up." Ling Rui said while holding Tang Shishi's tender little foot.

Tang Shishi nodded slightly.As a result, Ling Rui didn't give her time to mentally prepare, and suddenly exerted force on her hand, Tang Shishi heard a "quack", she reflexively grabbed the bed sheet under her body, and yelled "ahah" twice, Tears burst out uncontrollably!

"It hurts so much!" Tang Shishi wiped her tears and said in a nasal voice.

Seeing Tang Shishi's appearance, Ling Rui was so distressed and pitiful, he wondered why he wasn't so light just now!Lighter!Although he knew that if the strength was not controlled properly, it would definitely cause more serious damage to Tang Shishi's feet, but seeing Tang Shishi's white face, Ling Rui felt distressed.

"Okay, it will get better after a while. I'll buy you some ointment and put it on later. Don't move around these few days." Ling Rui said to Tang Shishi gently.

Just as Tang Shishi was about to nod her head in agreement, she suddenly saw Ling Rui's face darken.

"Why don't you wear underwear?" Ling Rui asked coldly!

Tang Shishi was awakened by Ling Rui's words!She yelled and shrank into the bed!Just now Ling Rui was squatting on the ground, in that position it was easy to find the fact that there was a vacuum under her nightdress.

"Take it easy! I told you to be careful of your foot injury just now, but it's been less than 3 minutes, so you forgot about it!" Ling Rui fixed Tang Shishi's legs with both hands, fearing that she would cause another injury, and condemned her displeasedly .

This little wild cat is really a worry!

Tang Shishi's body was fixed by Ling Rui, and her face turned red and white. She quickly adjusted her nightgown, and pulled the hem of the skirt down to cover her thighs!

Seeing Tang Shishi's embarrassed look, Ling Rui couldn't help laughing, and said, "Don't pull it, it will show if you pull it again!"

Tang Shishi lowered her head when she heard the words, and it was exactly as Ling Rui said, she was so ashamed that she hugged her chest with one arm, and the other hand grasped the hem of her nightgown tightly, it was indescribable like that It's funny, but you can't hide it if you want to cover it up. It seems to be revealing, which is even more provocative.

Ling Rui found that his breathing was getting heavier, he suppressed the burning fire in his heart, and pretended to be relaxed and said: "Is there anything to cover up, it's not that I haven't seen it, which part of your body, I haven't seen it? Never touched? Never kissed?"

"You - shameless!" Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui an angry look and said.

"How about teasing me? Look at your little face, your pink face is full of spring, your eyes are as charming as silk, and you say what you mean, and you are purely seducing me? Why don't you just be a good person to the end and fulfill your wish!" Ling Rui said, let go of Tang Shishi's legs, and reached out to take off her clothes.

"No, no!" As soon as Tang Shishi was free, she quickly pulled over the quilt next to her, wrapped herself tightly, and said, "I don't have any!"

Ling Rui was just pretending to tease Tang Shishi. Even though he really wanted Tang Shishi now, he wanted Tang Shishi in his heart and body, but Tang Shishi was quite surprised by Lu Tao's trouble tonight. Obviously not suitable for doing this.

"Forget it, I'm just kidding you! I'll go down and buy some ointment for you." Ling Rui raised his hand and flicked Tang Shishi's little nose, then turned around and was about to go out.

"Don't!" Tang Shishi was so frightened that she quickly grabbed Ling Rui's arm, "Don't leave me! I'm afraid!" As she spoke, tears gathered in her eye sockets again.

"Don't be afraid, Lu Tao won't come again, I'll be back soon!" Ling Rui looked at the pitiful Tang Shishi, patted Tang Shishi and held his hand comfortingly.

"Don't!" Tang Shishi thought that Ling Rui was trying to break free of her hand, so she simply wrapped her arms around Ling Rui's arm to prevent him from leaving.

Lu Tao won't come, who knows if someone else will come, she doesn't want to stay here by herself for a moment.

"Don't go!" Tang Shishi begged.

"But your feet—" Ling Rui was in a dilemma, and felt even more distressed. He didn't expect the little wild cat to be scared like this tonight, like a frightened bird.

"It's not hurting much anymore, I'll take the medicine tomorrow!" Tang Shishi said, and she pulled back the quilt and moved her feet to prove it to Ling Rui.

"Okay." Seeing that Tang Shishi was really not in so much pain, Ling Rui didn't insist. He nodded and said, "Then I won't leave, and I'll take the medicine tomorrow."

"En." Tang Shishi held Ling Rui's arm, and then let go.

Ling Rui glanced at his little bed, then picked up the pillow on Tang Shishi's bed, and was about to go back to his own bed, but Tang Shishi stopped him again.

Looking at Tang Shishi's eyes looking at her, she was so pitiful, Ling Rui said softly: "It's late, I'm going to bed!"

"Don't go!" Tang Shishi stubbornly held Ling Rui's arm and did not let go.

"But me—do you want me to sleep on your bed?" Ling Rui's eyes were as bright as stars.

"En." Tang Shishi responded with a snort like a mosquito, and nodded almost imperceptibly, her eyelids drooped, her curly and long eyelashes flickered, her little head was about to hang down on the bed, she didn't dare to look at Ling Rui.

The corners of Ling Rui's mouth curved upwards, and his heart was filled with bubbles of joy. He suppressed the joy in his heart, and asked seriously, "Tang Shishi, do you know what you're talking about?"

Tang Shishi raised her head and glanced at Ling Rui uneasily. She didn't see any disgust or contempt in his eyes, so she felt more at ease and said, "I'm afraid!"

"Okay, as you wish." Ling Rui nodded readily in agreement.It's no wonder he would refuse such a good thing with a beauty in his arms!

He was only afraid that he was too impatient to wait and frightened Tang Shishi!

Tang Shishi carefully moved inside. Although the hospital bed was extra large, it was only a little bigger than a normal single bed. It was a little too much for two people to sleep in, so Tang Shishi had to curl up. I lay my body in the innermost position, so as to leave enough space for Ling Rui.

Ling Rui took off his clothes neatly and lay on the bed. As soon as he touched the pillow, Ling Rui could hardly help letting out a sigh of satisfaction. This bed is much more comfortable than his own single bed. !

Tang Shishi felt that Ling Rui went to bed and lay down, her body was involuntarily stiff, she put her hands on her heart, closed her eyes, and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ling Rui saw that Tang Shishi, who was about to stick to the wall, was lying there stiffly like a gecko. With a long arm, he pulled her into his arms amidst Tang Shishi's exclamation, and hugged her tightly.

"Don't be afraid! Go to sleep, I won't do anything to you." Ling Rui fixed Tang Shishi's body and promised.

The light was turned off, and the room was dark. Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui's bright eyes, and closed her eyes with trembling eyelashes.

Ling Rui's arms were extremely warm, Tang Shishi's meridians that were about to become stiff became active, and her heart gradually settled down.

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's small face in the dark, and the entire facial expression on his face softened because of joy, as gentle as if water could be wrung out, he sighed contentedly, and said, "Tang Shishi, let's get married, Let me protect you."

Tang Shishi's body froze suddenly, and she opened her eyes in disbelief, looking at Ling Rui's unusually shining and sincere eyes in the dark night, she was suddenly at a loss.

"I..." Tang Shishi was completely defenseless. Although she had several intimate contacts with Ling Rui, it all happened under abnormal circumstances.

Now, both of them are clear-headed, why did he suddenly talk nonsense?

"Tang Shishi, don't rush to refuse. I have considered this matter carefully. Originally, I wanted to give you more time to let you know more about me, but when something like this happened tonight, I didn't think about it for a moment. I can't imagine waiting any longer, if I didn't decide to come to the hospital to see you tonight because I couldn't sleep because of thinking about you, I... When I think of your desperate and helpless cry, I feel like My distress is as painful as a knife, so, Tang Shishi, I can't wait, I can only feel at ease if I quickly put you on my surname, brand you as mine, and take you under my wings!"

Tang Shishi was dumbfounded, she never dreamed that Ling Rui would confess to herself in this situation!

Tang Shishi struggled to get out of Ling Rui's arms, but she was held even tighter by the other party. A pair of strong thighs pressed her legs and feet, making her unable to move.

Ling Rui kissed Tang Shishi's forehead pitifully, and said, "Don't move around, your foot is hurt, I told you I wouldn't do anything to you."

Tang Shishi stretched out her hands and pressed them against Ling Rui's chest, but she quickly took them away again, panic flashed across her little face!

Because the hot body temperature on Ling Rui's chest burned her palms.

"You... who are you?" Tang Shishi looked up, looked into Ling Rui's eyes, and asked.

She should have noticed something was wrong, shouldn't she?If the man in front of him really has such an unbearable identity, how could he be so powerful? He doesn't pay attention to people like Huang Liang at all. What about that man?They decided what to do with Lu Tao in a few words, and they didn't even need to call the police. He... He was clearly not afraid of offending someone like Lu Tao!

Tang Shishi found that she didn't dare to think about it any more, maybe at the beginning, she subconsciously stopped herself from thinking about it!

Ling Rui laughed out loud, he raised his hand and pinched Tang Shishi's nose, and asked dotingly, "Why, finally realized that I'm not a golden cowherd?"

"Who are you?" Tang Shishi asked again, with a slight tremor in her voice.

"I'm a soldier! So, Tang Shishi, let me tell you again solemnly, what I just said is true and from the bottom of my heart. I don't want to make any vows or promises to you. I just want to tell you that I am a soldier, and military marriage is also solemn and sacred. Once you get married, you are not allowed to divorce casually. Marriage in a soldier is not the casual love game nowadays. Change it. So, Tang Shishi, marry me, and I will be as loyal to our marriage as I am to the country." Ling Rui said, grabbing Tang Shishi's little hand and sticking it to her heart, so that she could feel her love absolute sincerity.

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