"Young Master Quan, I didn't expect you to be such a person! Tsk tsk! This Tang Shishi is really pitiful! But a poor person must have something to hate! Who made her ignorant of people? Young Master Quan, don't you think so?" Huang Liang was terrified at Quan Shaobai for a while, saying every word to his heart!

Seeing the blue veins on Quan Shaobai's forehead rioting, Huang Liang intensified and said: "If she followed me, how would she end up like this now! In City B, who doesn't know that I, Huang Liang, loves women the most, and treats women the most square!"

"You bastard!" Quan Shaobai couldn't bear it any longer, and punched Huang Liang in the face, but Huang Liang had already prepared himself, how could Quan Shaobai succeed so easily, besides, the goats and mantises beside Huang Liang , and will not watch Huang Liang suffer, and acquiesce in all this happening.

Soon, two of Quan Shaobai's subordinates and Huang Liang's two subordinates fought in a melee. Huang Liang looked at Quan Shaobai who wanted to use his eyes to pierce his heart with thousands of arrows, and reminded while avoiding: "Young Master Quan, If you don't want your woman to have a broken leg, I think you'd better say hello to your Mexican King of Fighters! Otherwise, in the eyes of little beauties, you will be worse than a beast!" Huang Liang continued to kiss!

The angrier Quan Shaobai gets, the more excited he gets, he wishes Quan Shaobai would be so mad at him to death!

Quan Shaobai looked at the electronic monitoring screen fiercely, and sure enough, Senard, who had just been kicked by Tang Shishi and fell to the ground, got up from the ground and walked towards Tang Shishi aggressively!

Quan Shaobai stopped, and said to Huang Liang: "Quan Shaobai wrote down what happened today!" Then he greeted his subordinates to leave the secret room, and his two subordinates also left with Quan Shaobai.

"Young Master Quan, please remember clearly! If you forget, I will be sad!" Huang Liang looked at Quan Shaobai's back and shouted.

"Hurry up and notify the people around the arena to stop Senard!" Out of the secret room, Quan Shaobai ordered to his subordinates, while rushing towards the arena himself!

Tang Yuan's leg was injured, Tang Shishi didn't dare to move him casually, she wiped off the blood on Tang Yuan's face, hugged his head and said: "Tang Yuan, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm late! Don't worry, I I'll take you away, I'll take you to the hospital!"

Tang Yuan's mind was already in chaos at the moment, he suddenly heard Tang Shishi shouting, and heard Tang Shishi talking in her ear, he felt that everything was so unreal, he tried hard to open his eyes, and found that Tang Shishi was really In front of his eyes, Tang Yuan tried his best to squeeze out a smile, told Tang Shishi that he was fine, but then remembered that he had put all Tang Shishi's money on himself, and said guiltily: "Money...money lost!"

Tang Shishi burst into tears, she really wanted to strangle this silly boy to death, but when she saw his face being beaten like a pig's head, she was so distressed that she couldn't do it, and said, "It's okay! It's okay!" As long as Just be good!But the last sentence stuck in Tang Shishi's throat. He looked at Tang Yuan's legs, and the tears fell even more fiercely.

Tang Yuan followed Tang Shishi's gaze and realized his condition, "My leg!"

"It will be fine! It will be fine! It will be fine." Tang Shishi quickly comforted him: "I will send you to the hospital right away!"

Tang Yuan nodded, stretched out his hand, wiped Tang Shishi's tears and said, "Don't cry!"

Tang Shishi grabbed Tang Yuan's hand, at this moment she wished she could be released and cry bitterly!But she can't, the most important thing now is to send Tang Yuan to the hospital!

Tang Shishi's eyes were red. She looked at Wang Shaopeng who was under the control of others under the ring, and looked around the arena anxiously. She didn't find Ling Rui's figure, and her heart suddenly turned cold.

No matter how ignorant Tang Shishi is, he can see something abnormal.

How to do? !

It's just that Tang Shishi didn't have much time to get entangled. Senard had already got up from the ground. He walked in front of Tang Shishi, stretched out his fingers and hooked it, and said, "eon!"

Just now Senard was kicked by Tang Shishi defenselessly, the force of that kick was so strong that when he fell to the ground, there was a roar in his head.

In the black boxing arena, regardless of age or gender, since this woman has the guts, he has a legitimate reason to punish her!Make her pay for that kick just now!

Tang Shishi glanced at the people maintaining order around the arena. These people were obviously divided into two groups. Now one group was planning to stop Senard, while the other group obviously had the opposite purpose. Tang Shishi quickly recognized the situation, and she I know, if I want to take Tang Yuan out today, the only way I can go is to defeat Senard!

Tang Shishi put Tang Yuan down gently, she stood up slowly, took off her blue blouse and put it on Tang Yuan's injured leg, put on the white sling inside, and stood opposite Senard!

There was a sudden commotion in the black boxing arena!

"That girl is dying!"

"What do you know, this is called martyrdom!"

"I saw that her kick just now was quite strong!"

"No matter how strong you are, can you surpass a man? Hit an egg against a rock!"


"I always feel that Tang Yuan has a problem today, and he's not as bad as usual!"


"Don't want Tang Shishi! Don't do stupid things!" Wang Shaopeng shouted in fright when he saw that Tang Shishi was going to fight Senard under the ring!He twisted his body desperately, trying to get rid of the restraint of those two people, but his strength was not enough!He hates his uselessness now!

If you have never heard of Tang poetry!She opened her posture and attacked Senard with a burst of violence!

Sainard did not expect that this delicate and thin woman, who was as tender as a flower and would break with a pinch, would have such hard fists that she would be desperate to fight, especially the way she looked at her like an angry dog. The lion stared at his enemy, full of hatred, and the murderous aura radiating from his body, as if ready to die with the opponent at any time, made Senard extremely shocked!

His guard that had been relaxed just now was erected again, not daring to underestimate the woman in front of him anymore!

People who were not optimistic about Tang Shishi were shocked by the fighting power that Tang Shishi erupted in an instant, and many people booed and applauded Tang Shishi to cheer up!

Quan Shaobai was filled with regret as he approached the surrounding area of ​​the ring.He doesn't doubt Tang Shishi's words at all, and now he is only worried about whether Tang Shishi will be hurt. He wants to try his best to remedy his behavior, and hopes that there is still time!

Sainard was quickly defeated. In fact, he had already exhausted a lot of physical strength in the fight with Tang Yuan just now, and now he met a completely desperate Tang Shishi. He was frightened by Tang Shishi's murderous aura, so he retreated steadily!

It's just how Sainard would be willing to be defeated by an unknown woman like this. If today's incident gets out, it will undoubtedly be a big stain on his life, and maybe his career will end because of it.

After all, he is an experienced veteran in the arena. Senard soon discovered Tang Shishi's weakness, which was Tang Yuan lying unconscious on the side of the ring.So Senard made a false move and strode to Tang Yuan's side, about to kick Tang Yuan off the ring who had fallen into a coma and had no ability to resist!

When Tang Shishi discovered the other party's plan, it was too late to stop it.

"No!" Tang Shishi let out a mournful cry!Like a wounded beast, even the people in the stands could feel her grief and indignation!

However, just when Tang Shishi and the people under the ring thought that everything was irreversible, Senard's body suddenly fell backwards with a bang!

Tang Shishi ran to Sainard's side and wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue him and subdue him completely, but found a hole in the center of Sainard's eyebrow, with blood gurgling out. At this moment, his eyes were wide open, obviously he had been shot to death!

Tang Shishi's body shook, and she almost fell down!It was the first time she saw someone being shot dead in front of her with such a big face, and the death was so horrific. Seeing Senard's unwilling death, Tang Shishi suddenly held the ribbon and retched!

This change made everyone around the ring silent, not knowing how to react!Even the people in the entire black boxing arena who were restless just now were stunned for a moment, and the entire black boxing arena was completely silent!

I don't know who shouted: "Senard was shot!" The quiet crowd became uneasy, and many people began to want to leave the underground black boxing arena.

Tang Shishi was awakened by that sound, she ran to Tang Yuan's side regardless of the discomfort in her stomach, trying to hug Tang Yuan up.

"Shishi, here I come!" Wang Shaopeng, who took the opportunity to break free from control, ran to the ring, and together with Tang Shishi, was about to pull up the unconscious Tang Yuan.

"Don't mess with him!" A familiar voice shouted eagerly!

When Tang Shishi heard the voice, she looked at the source in surprise, and she saw Ling Rui squeezed over. He jumped onto the ring and said, "Don't move him randomly, to prevent secondary damage!"

After Tang Shishi heard Ling Rui's words, she really didn't dare to touch Tang Yuan again. She looked at Ling Rui with pleading eyes, and sobbed, "Help him!"

Wang Shaopeng immediately felt that Tang Shishi was different from this man. He looked at Tang Shishi and Ling Rui with obvious dependence in his eyes at this moment. Let him lie here like this?!"

Ling Rui glanced at Wang Shaopeng coldly, until he saw obvious fear in the other's eyes, then turned his head and said to Tang Shishi, "The ambulance will be here soon, I'm here, don't be afraid!"

Tang Shishi's eyes were red again, she felt that even when she signed the divorce agreement with Lu Tao, she was never as vulnerable as she is now!The man in front of her just said "I'm here, don't be afraid!" All her strong disguise just now was instantly shattered and scattered!

Ling Rui pulled Tang Shishi into his arms with pity, and gently patted Tang Shishi's back comfortingly. Tang Shishi sold her head even deeper, and her body shook violently.Ling Rui immediately felt that the clothes on his chest were wet and sticky, and Tang Shishi's tears burned his heart sorely!

Quan Shaobai had also arrived at the edge of the ring, but he stared blankly at the man holding Tang Shishi on the ring, feeling mixed feelings in his heart!

The rapid siren sounded like thunder on the ground, waking up those gamblers who didn't know why and didn't plan to leave. Immediately, the black boxing arena was in chaos, and the gamblers fled in all directions!

Tang Shishi struggled out of Ling Rui's arms in panic, but she fell back the next moment, her face wrinkled.

"What's wrong?" Ling Rui asked worriedly.

Quan Shaobai on the side was about to rush up, but was frozen by Ling Rui's cold eyes!He stood there blankly, feeling suffocated by Ling Rui's gaze, until Ling Rui looked away and looked in the direction of the safety exit, Quan Shaobai was like a released death row prisoner, and he glanced at Tang Shishi with guilt , turned around and led his men away.

"I'm fine!" Tang Shishi showed a strong smile, but fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead!

Believe you are a ghost!Ling Rui glared at Tang Shishi with displeasure, Tang Shishi immediately lowered her head with guilt, and said in a voice like a mosquito humming: "My feet hurt!"

Ling Rui immediately looked at Tang Shishi's feet, and found that her cloth shoes were stained with porridge-like stains. He immediately squatted down, untied the shoelaces, carefully took off Tang Shishi's shoes, and then put the cloth on her feet. The cotton socks were carefully taken off little by little.

Although he was gentle enough when he did all these movements, he still heard Tang Shishi's suppressed gasp.

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's red and swollen feet with deep eyes!

Tang Shishi felt uncomfortable being watched by Ling Rui. She tried hard to smile, but found that she couldn't do it, so she had to say, "It's not very painful, really!"

Compared with Tang Yuan's leg injury, my own injury is really insignificant.

Ling Rui's lips were pursed into a straight line, watching Tang Shishi suddenly felt his heart tremble!

When Du Haoyang and Jun Mubei rushed in with people, they happened to see this scene. Ling Rui, who had always been puzzled, was squatting on the ground, holding Tang Shishi's foot, and looked up at Tang Shishi. Because the distance was a bit far, they looked at Tang Shishi I don't know the look in Ling Rui's eyes, but why is this scene so fucking like the scene where Ximen Qing molested Pan Jinlian in "Water Margin"?

Du Haoyang was so excited that he couldn't help but swear!

Seeing the medical staff behind Du Haoyang running in carrying a stretcher, Ling Rui stood up, hugged Tang Shishi horizontally, and walked towards the door. When passing by Du Haoyang and Jun Mubei, he said: "My brother-in-law Injured a leg, you can figure it out!"

Du Haoyang and Jun Mubei nodded bitterly!This kid said it lightly, let them figure it out, but he didn't want them to give him a satisfactory explanation!If this explanation is not satisfactory to this kid, I'm afraid the two of them will inevitably be angered!

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