My Lady Queen

Chapter 83: An Unexpected Encounter

This is the largest commercial complex in City B, and it was the weekend, so it was full of people inside, and every elevator was full of people.

However, our wish that our savings have never exceeded 4 digits, and Mi Li, who is determined to help my future husband save money to buy a house, have no plans to shop here.

The two of them went straight to the exit of the supermarket on the first floor, where there was a distinctive mala tang shop, which was also where they decided to settle their lunch.

There were still a lot of people queuing here, but Wishing and Mi Li had nothing to do anyway, so they waited at the end of the line while chatting.

Although I was talking to Mi Li, there was a strange feeling in making a wish.

It's not that he hasn't been to this place before. In fact, he is also a frequent visitor to places that are more crowded and noisy than here, such as the talent market.

However, there has never been a time when making a wish has such a feeling.

Generally speaking, ordinary people's perception ability will be greatly limited in extremely crowded and noisy places. In addition to purposeful searching, it is enough to be able to see people and objects within 3 or 4 meters within their sight. Not bad at all.

As for the attention of children and the elderly, it is probably only the length of their own arms.

But making a wish here, not only can he clearly hear the stories that happened in the magazine that Mi Li told him, but he can also cover half of the supermarket within his observation range.

For example, he can clearly see a young mother who doesn't know which milk powder to choose in front of the dazzling array of milk powder shelves, and at the same time, he can also see in another direction, a young boy secretly taking advantage of his girlfriend's attention. A 003 was thrown into the shopping basket.

At the same time, in his ears, he could even hear two drivers yelling at the parking lot outside the supermarket separated by a wall over the parking space.

Although these things seem very ordinary, any security guard sitting in front of the surveillance screen can see them more clearly than making a wish.

But don't forget, he is not God's perspective now, but an ordinary member among the crowd.

Those who can do this are probably only those professional agents with extraordinary talents.

This can't help but make Wishing think that his spiritual power has almost doubled. It was pointed out in the original explanation that this ability is not only related to a person's ability to manipulate magic, but also related to attention, judgment, observation, etc. Abilities related to areas of the brain.

Simply put, his five senses showed a huge leap forward compared to before.

In addition, there is also the strength of the organization that wishing is more concerned about. This does not only affect strength, but also relates to the ability to resist blows, physical toughness, physical strength, and so on.

As for cell vitality, in addition to affecting the recovery speed after injury, it also includes his resistance to toxins, metabolism level and so on.

To say the least, it is almost no longer possible to contract some common diseases in wishing now, which can be regarded as a money-saving ability.

Therefore, although making a wish is obviously talking with Mi Li seriously, but he has a clear grasp of everything around him.

For example, now, he suddenly saw an acquaintance.

"Hey, why is she here?"

"Who is it?"

Mi Li followed the wishing gaze and looked back, but as far as he could see was a human head, it was impossible to see who the wish was referring to.

"Oh, it's okay, an old friend is probably here to go shopping, we eat ours, don't worry about her."

Wishing waved his hand nonchalantly.

But at this moment, a man in a black coat walked past Wishing, probably because there were too many people around, he accidentally touched Wishing's arm.

"Oh, sorry."

The man quickly turned around and smiled apologetically.


Wishing is not a troublesome person, just smiled and passed.

But just as the man continued to move forward, Wishing suddenly froze: This man looks familiar, as if he has seen it somewhere.

This is not surprising. Wishing can change jobs on average twice a month. I dare not say anything else. Bosses and colleagues are everywhere, and it is normal to meet acquaintances.

But Wishing felt that this person was a bit special, as if he had deliberately remembered his face.

Before making a wish and remembering, I saw the man tilted his head slightly, and his lips moved a few times.

In normal times, even if there were not so many people making wishes, they would definitely not be able to hear what he was saying.

But this time, he not only heard it, but also heard it very clearly:
"Find the target person and notify the groups not to act. The crowd here is too dense, so don't hurt the crowd."

With this discovery, Wishing became even more curious. He straightened his neck and looked around again.

Since it is at the exit of the supermarket, the sight line is not bad, and there are two escalators not far from him.

He just looked around, and at least found two people who suddenly tilted their necks as if they were listening to something, and then moved their lips slightly.

Although I didn't hear what they were saying this time when I made a wish, it should be two words: "Received."

This is fun, could it be that I happened to be making a movie?

Wishing is now a person of size, I dare not say anything else, there are not many people in the world who have personally killed flying monsters, and called a real princess as brothers and sisters.

Out of habit, he made a simple cross-comparison of the sights of these three people, and sure enough, he found that they were all staring at the same place.

It was a thin and tall young man. He didn't wander around and look at the products around him like other customers nearby. Instead, he was in a hurry, with his head lowered and looking at people from the corner of his eyes.

Just in the blink of an eye, Xu Wish suddenly remembered where he had seen the person who bumped into him just now.

If he remembered correctly, it should be the first time he went to Mi Li's house for dinner.

At that time, Mi Li did not call him over to help eat on the pretext of making too much rice. This was also the first informal date that Xu Yuan had grown up.

That was the time when I wished to watch TV for about 3 minutes, which broadcast a piece of local news, saying that a group of arrogant gangsters appeared recently and stole several gold stores in a row. Cut neatly in half.

At the end of the news, a man who looked like a police officer came out to remind the citizens to pay attention to personal and property safety recently, and to call the police immediately if they found anything abnormal.

Although it was only a few seconds, but making a wish can confirm that the person just now is the police officer on the TV!

Speaking of which, Wishing had killed someone not long ago, but that should be regarded as self-defense. You can't really wash your neck and wait for someone to kill you.

But there is a different world, even His Royal Highness himself, if there is nothing to do, he has to use a sword to fight with others. The princess knows that she should carry a dagger with her when she sleeps, just in case.

The guilt of killing someone there is actually not that strong.

But here is different, here is a society ruled by law, not to mention murder, even if you slap someone, you have to go to the police to explain.

So, making a wish this time is really a little scary.

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