My Lady Queen

Chapter 62: The Use of Diamonds

With the experience of the previous few times, Wishing did not choose the summoning mission rashly this time.

He found that every time he went to the summoning plane, most of the things he brought with him were still there, and after checking the manual, he realized that he could carry no more than 5 kilograms of belongings when teleporting.

Of course, if the items carried exceed the rules of the summoning plane, they will be annihilated directly.

As for what to bring, making a wish also took a lot of thinking.

The first thing to get rid of is weapons. Not to mention that he can't get guns and ammunition at all. Even a better sword is not something he can afford. It's better to look for it later. Anyway, there is a world of swords and magic. At least so far it's not difficult to get a handy weapon.

There are a few fruit knives and kitchen knives at home, but if you really want to use them at that time, it is estimated that the mental damage to the enemy will be greater than the physical damage.

And there is another point, Wishing has never wanted to use violence to solve the problem, because it means that he himself will be trapped in violence. For Wishing, who apparently advocates peace but is actually afraid of death, it can be avoided or should be avoided as much as possible. .

There is a saying that goes well, whoever wields a sword must die by the sword.

But he is not without any means of self-protection.

The first is his natal skill [Dazzling Light]. Facts have proved that under the right conditions, this is definitely a big killer, especially for winged people who are afraid of light.

And the other is the "Brilliant Diamond" he just got.

Because the description only mentions that it belongs to the "casting carrier" and has the function of charging and releasing energy, so he has done a lot of experiments in making wishes these days, and the results surprised him quite a bit.

He first put the gemstone on the gas stove and burned it. After chanting the charging spell, the gemstone absorbed all the flames.

Out of curiosity, he tried to recite the energy-discharging spell again, and as a result, a huge fire burst out from the jewel, which almost burned the kitchen down.

It is still too dangerous to use fire, even if it is used on the enemy, it is too inhumane, and if one is not well controlled, it is very likely to hurt one's own people.

So, the second form of energy that wishes to try is the ubiquitous electrical energy.

He cut off one end of the data cable of the mobile phone to expose the wire, tied it to Baozuan, and plugged it in.As a result, in less than 5 seconds, the entire old building tripped, and he was so scared that he quickly pulled it out.

However, in the subsequent energy discharge experiment, the effect was unexpectedly good. Under the intentional control of the wish, a thumb-thick electric current shot out instantly, burning a hole in his old-fashioned wooden table.

Although the effective distance does not exceed ten meters, and it can only be used more than a dozen times after charging, it is already the most powerful weapon for making a wish, so it is natural to bring it, but he is silently praying that it is best not to use it.

Then he took another backpack, stuffed it with some food, and took out the Summoning Incense Burner.

When I really faced it, my mentality of making a wish also changed a little.

In the past few times, he accepted the tasks mostly passively, but the great satisfaction after helping others fulfill their wishes still made him intoxicated.

So this time, he decided to do his best to help a person who deserves help the most.

Press the incense burner with both hands at the same time, and the summoning ceremony officially begins.

"The female pirate Granny sacrificed the "Siren's Horn" and summoned warriors skilled in naval warfare to help her defeat Vice Admiral Ingram and his flagship "Royal Fortune". "

Then, a phantom of a pure white conch appeared above the incense burner. Make a wish and take a closer look, you can vaguely hear a sea monster singing full of charm coming from inside.

"This is not good. It's about fighting and killing. Besides, it's a pirate and a navy. Once you hear it, it's not easy to mess with. Let's forget it."

Soon, the voice sounded again: "Greyscale, the Naga Tidebringer, answered the call."

The phantom of the conch turned into dots of silver light and soared upwards.

Make a wish and continue to wait patiently. About 5 minutes later, the second call came:
"Elf twin sisters Lingyu and Lingyin sacrificed the "Life Wreath" and summoned a warrior to help them find their missing mother. "

Then, a small and delicate hand-woven garland floated above the incense burner, and even a person who made a wish without any knowledge of magic felt energetic after approaching it.

"That's good, I just aged one year, maybe I can make up for it with this garland!"

Wishing to think about reaching out to grab the garland, but just as his fingers were about to touch it, the garland suddenly disappeared.

"Spellblade Clark answered the call."

"Did you make a mistake!"

Wishing was furious, and it was just a little bit close, not only the wreath was gone, but even the cute loli twins were gone.

But there is no way. It seems that there are many "summoned beasts" like me. Naturally, everyone should grab a good task together.

Wishing had no choice but to stick out his tongue, quietly waiting for the next call.

Fortunately, this time the speed was very fast, and the voice sounded again:
"Little nun Rebecca sacrificed a "Reverse Emblem" and summoned a warrior to escort her to the Holy City. "

Then, a black shield-shaped stone emblem appeared above the furnace mouth.

"What is this stuff?"

Wishing was a bit puzzled.

As if in response to his inquiry, the voice sounded again: "Reversing the emblem, it can perfectly resist and reverse a fatal attack."

The moment he made a wish, his eyes lit up, this thing is good, it is a life at all.

Although he has always claimed to be a pacifist, the truth is that he is afraid of pain and even more afraid of death. Any modern person who goes to a different world that may die at any time, the first thing to consider is his own survival.

The task doesn't matter, and the wish value doesn't matter, but if you really lose your life, it's all over.

Make a wish In recent days, when I dream, I always dream of a terrifying and ferocious winged man, with a white napkin cloth around his neck, holding a knife in one hand and a fork in the other hand, ready to eat, and the person lying on the plate in front of it is It is the self who has been washed in vain.

This time, he made a wish without any hesitation, and grabbed the reverse emblem with the hand speed he had practiced for more than 20 years as a single.

There was a flash of light in the room, and there was no trace of making a wish or summoning the incense burner.


Based on the analysis of the situation that has been grasped so far, the time of this summoning plane and the time of the earth plane are basically synchronized.

It was already late at night when Wishing accepted the summoning mission this time. Similarly, it was also dark night when he appeared on the summoning plane in a daze.

Generally speaking, the person who responded to the call would appear directly near the caller, especially last time, Wishing was directly squeezed into a carriage with Ophelia shoulder to shoulder.

But this time, after making a wish, he looked around and found no living people.

"No living person found" means that there are more than a dozen corpses lying around him.

"I'm sorry, didn't you agree to send the little sister home? What kind of trouble is this? Can you send me back?"

Peace lovers wish to cry without tears.

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