My Lady Queen

Chapter 51: The Rock Dragon Rages

"What, when did Yiren become so smart? No, I won't be able to leave like this. Don't all surround me, leave two people behind, and help the others!"

The girl Ophelia was very stubborn, and she directly ordered the Northern Land Wolf Riders and the Prince's Guards around her.

This time the Wing Crowd was coming in a menacing manner, which could be described as unprecedented.There have already been a lot of casualties in the church. The priest group just now is the last force. Once the outer defense line is breached, they can only retreat to the church. Then they will completely lose their strategic depth and can only be passively beaten.

Captain Wolf Cavalry and Robert understood the current situation very well. They knew that the best way to protect the princess was to put the Wingman outside the defense line of the basin.

After a brief discussion, the two left five guards each, and the others hurriedly followed behind the priests who hadn't gone far, filling in the loopholes in the defense line.

With the addition of such two new forces, the situation fell into a stalemate again.

Wishing to wipe the cold sweat off his head, the feeling of oppression brought by such a large-scale war is not something he, an otaku, can bear.

He looked up at the Winged Men who were constantly falling from the sky, as if comforting himself: "It's okay, it's okay, as far as these few Winged Men are concerned, it shouldn't take long to kill them all..."

Before he finished his sentence, a long trumpet sounded suddenly from an arrow tower at the lowest point of the basin.

Wishing looked over suspiciously, only to see a group of dense black spots looming on the skyline.

Looking at the quantity, there are no less than a hundred of them.

The few people who stayed behind immediately glared at the wish.

Ophelia looked at him: "I said make a wish, can you stop talking from now on!"

Wishing hastily made a movement of zipping his mouth, making the people around him confused.

Wingmen fly very fast, and it usually takes less than 10 minutes from the time they are discovered to the time they are attacked.

After this group of Winged Men arrived, the number increased by more than three times. The sky above this small basin was covered with huge bat wings, and the sound of flapping the air was clearly audible.

Moreover, among this group of Winged Men there were a few extraordinarily huge ones, who had been shot with arrows but still had undiminished killing intent, and soon several arrow towers were destroyed.

Because of the superiority in the air, human power was suppressed to the lowest point, and often a single winged man could involve more than a dozen soldiers.

The fighting power of the Northern Wolf Cavalry finally broke out at this moment, and the three of them could protect a high-level priest, allowing him to use divine magic to attack as much as he wanted.

But casualties are inevitable. One group of wolf riders was besieged by two winged men at the same time. One of the wolf riders was caught by the shoulders of the winged men's paws without realizing it, and was taken into the air and flew higher and higher.

This wolf rider was extremely tough, knowing that he was going to die, he pulled out the last short spear directly, and stabbed the winged man several times from the bottom up, then fell from a high altitude at the same time, and fell to the ground motionless.

The prince's personal guards were also very eye-catching. Each of them held a longbow and could shoot several arrows in a short period of time. Every wingman hovering at low altitude had more than one arrow stuck in his body.

It's just that Yiren has tenacious vitality. As long as he is not directly hit by the crossbow arrows on the arrow tower, even if he is injured, he can attack from the air unscrupulously.

Ophelia was finally scared. It's not that she hasn't experienced the battlefield, but this is the first time that this kind of winged people are so dense and their rank is so high.

Wishing was very close to her, and could clearly feel her body trembling, and quickly opened the non-existent "zipper" on her mouth, persuading: "We are too conspicuous standing here, we should hide in the church for a while." Hide."

Ophelia did not refuse this time, but nodded slightly.

With her status, it is really hard to say that she can persist in standing here for so long.

She may not even realize that it is precisely because she supervised the battle as a "quasi-royal member" that she gave everyone present great faith, and various deeds of life-for-life can be seen everywhere.

After making a wish and waving their hands, the 10 people next to her quickly surrounded Ophelia and walked back.

It would be fine if they were standing in place all the time, but it was clearly visible in the air that so many people were moving in opposite directions at the same time.

There are nearly 200 Wingmen besieging the Volcano Church this time, and they are composed of 2 clans in the "Purgatory" lair.

The leader of one of the clans was an extraordinarily huge fire demon, which destroyed as many as three arrow towers, and its stomach was only half down at this time.

The other clan was the later reinforcements, led by a super-giant winged figure three times the size of an ordinary winged figure. In the clan, it was called the "Rock Dragon".

Yanlong saw a dozen or so people starting to retreat from a distance, and two of them were dressed in bright colors, which looked different from ordinary soldiers.

The rock dragon has been nourished by sufficient flesh and blood, and has already completed the third transformation. After this battle, the fourth time is not far away, which is enough to make its IQ almost the same as that of ordinary humans.

It suddenly screamed, smashed a crossbow stand with its claws, grabbed a soldier, and tore it in half in the air.

A large amount of viscera and blood immediately fell from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, it gave up the arrow tower, which had little defensive capability, retracted its wings, and flew straight towards Ophelia, which was heavily protected, like a heavy-duty guided missile.

One of the wolf riders was the first to notice it. He immediately stopped and turned around, pulled out a short spear on his back, and after a simple run-up step, he roared angrily and threw it at the giant winged man.

The short spear is the standard weapon used by wolf riders to deal with wingmen.A qualified wolf rider can shoot through a 50 cm thick hardwood board with a short spear within 10 meters, which is even more powerful than a pistol on earth.

And the one who was brought by Ophelia's side was the best among wolf riders.

The spear accurately hit the rock dragon's chest with a sharp piercing sound.

However, a surprising scene happened. The spear only sparked a few sparks on the rock dragon, and then fell powerlessly to the ground.

It turned out that outside the huge body of the rock dragon, there was a layer of rock armor with extremely irregular shapes. It felt like it had rolled several times in a volcano, covered its body with magma, and then gradually cooled and formed of.

Except for the wings, it has this solid armor all over its body.

After failing in one blow, two more wolf riders stopped on their own initiative, and without looking for cover, they just stood there and threw short spears at it.

At this time, the distance was very close, and the two short spears went straight to the rock dragon's head.

Yanlong still didn't dodge or dodge, letting the short spear hit him.

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