My Lady Queen

Chapter 49: The Winged Man Strikes

Wishing was attending the engagement ceremony as a servant of the princess. He was well aware of how much he was hated, so he kept a low profile along the way and hid in the middle of the sending-off team.

Under the "escort" of everyone, Ophelia went up to the altar awkwardly.

Rostaro was not much better either, he never looked at the princess directly from the beginning to the end.

In fact, everyone, including the priest presiding over the ceremony, knew that the newlyweds were at odds with each other, but their marriage would produce many beneficial results, which all parties would like to see.

These guys will not feel any pity for the two people on the stage. As the priest recited the prayer paragraph by paragraph, the ceremony is drawing to a close.

"Next, who would object to this holy contract signed by the newlyweds who have been illuminated by the Holy Light?"

Although it was just an engagement ceremony, it was still an engagement ceremony of the royal family, and according to the explicit and implicit agreement of the two parties, there would be a deeper cooperation agreement after this ceremony.

Moreover, the entire volcano church was strictly guarded by the guards. The priest's question was completely in accordance with the procedure of the ceremony, and no one present felt that anyone would really raise objections.

Making a wish was even more boring. While looking at Ophelia's waist and guessing whether she would have a daughter or a son, the door of the church was suddenly knocked open from the outside.

"I'll wipe it! Someone really objected!"

Wishing suddenly became excited. I thought this time was just a boring task, but I didn't expect that there would be unexpected surprises.

Everyone turned to look at the person coming.

This is a young man in silver armor, covered in blood, and looks seriously injured.

"His Royal Highness, Eagle Castle...Eagle Castle is under attack by Wingmen!"

Faustalo was a little listless at first, and he just wanted to end it soon, but his eyes lit up immediately after hearing this sentence: "Really? Haha, that's great! Oh, no, I mean, quickly rectify the troops and kill them as I like." go back!"

As he said that, he directly stuffed the bouquet in Ophelia's arms, then pulled out the sword at his waist, and rushed out first.

"Hey! You can't just leave like this! If you want to leave, I should go first!"

Ophelia was furious immediately, and shouted at the Prince's back angrily.

Faustalo had already rushed to the gate of the church at this time, but he really stopped after hearing her shout, frowning and said, "Women are really troublesome. Robert, you take a team to stay and protect her."

Saying that, he shook his cloak and rushed out.

The young vice-captain was full of disbelief: "What? It's not...His Royal Highness!"

How could Faustalo have the time to listen to his words, he had already got on his horse and swung his sword high: "Warriors, follow me!"

According to the practice of Wind's Rest, there are a total of more than 30 fortresses in the whole city, each of which will be guarded by a member of the royal family.

And it was Faustalo who was guarding Eagle Fort, but for this engagement ceremony, about half of the soldiers were taken to the Volcano Church, and a nearby frontline post was just breached in the early hours of this morning, so the Wing Crowd Siege Eagle Fort without warning.

The family members of the people in the church were all in the city, but Eagle Fort was attacked, and they couldn't go back for a while, and they kept whispering to each other like ants on a hot pot.

Make a wish and walk to Ophelia who is standing upright on the altar: "Let's find a place to hide first."

Ophelia looked at the team that was kicking up a large cloud of dust and galloping on horseback, she shook her fist and said, "Want to escape? It's not that easy! The wolf rider obeys orders!"


Fifty tall wolf riders hammered their chests with their right hands, making a loud bang, as if they were shouting alone.

Ophelia mentioned the wide white gauze skirt that dragged the floor, threw the bouquet in her hand, and pulled out her small dagger: "Come with me to kill the winged people!"

"As ordered!"

The young Robert hurried forward: "No, the prince gave me an order to protect His Highness. You can't leave here until the crowd of Wings subsides!"

Ophelia stepped forward and patted Ford on the shoulder: "Ah, ah, how can we sons and daughters of the Northland be so delicate, these 50 wolf cavalry can stand up to 100 of your royal cavalry, no, at least it is 200!"

The royal cavalry is the strongest combat force of the Principality of Nagar, each of which is one of a hundred strong, known as the "Sword and Shield of the Principality", including Faustalo and this Robert.

Ford gave her a disdainful look: "Don't worry, as long as the prince returns, the siege of Eagle Castle should be resolved soon. Please wait here, Your Highness the Princess."

"Just his small body? It's not enough for a wingman to eat, I don't believe it!" Ophelia shook her head.

Faustalo can only be regarded as a medium-sized man, so he can't compare with the wolf riders who are all over 1.8 meters.

If someone said that about Fustalo, Ford would definitely fight him on the spot, but it was the prince's fiancée who said this. He just curled his lips and didn't say anything. He just stood in front of Ophelia, obviously Is not going to get out of the way.

Wishing doesn't want to create too many troubles out of thin air. Although this place is near the volcano, the location is still relatively hidden. Yiren's main target is the city, so naturally he won't focus on it, so he hurriedly said: "I said you Are you worried about that prince, if so, we really have to go."

This sentence hit the princess' weakness, she put her hips on her hips, her brows stood upright: "Huh, who would worry about that guy who is overconfident, judging by his appearance, he might be a good baby who has never seen a winged man before, I'm right here , Waiting for him to come back crying and begging me!"

Everyone has no objection to this decision. Although the wolf riders heard that the winged men were attacking the city, they were gearing up, but their mission was to protect the princess, so they could only suppress their fighting spirit temporarily.

The Volcanic Church can exist here for hundreds of years, so naturally it is not a lamb at the mercy of others. After hearing the information about the Winged Man's attack, a group of combat priests naturally made various preparations.

Like other monks on the mainland, they all belong to the Church of the God of Light, which is a behemoth comparable to the Principality of Nagar.

Just when everyone in the hall was anxious like ants on a hot pot, and Xu Xu was half-lying on a chair to eat grapes leisurely, a sudden noise came from outside the door, followed by a huge cracking sound, like During the Chinese New Year, someone set off a large firecracker.

Wishing suddenly fell off the chair, then quickly patted his butt and stood up, grabbed a young monk who was rushing past, and asked anxiously, "What's the matter?"

The cultivator held a hexagonal scepter with a spike at one end in his hand, and his expression was calm: "A few winged men have found this place, your Excellency should hide for a while."

As he said that, he broke free from the wishing hand and rushed out in stride.

Upon hearing this, Wishing immediately had a bitter expression on his face, while Ophelia beside him said cheerfully: "Haha, you came here by yourself, so you can't blame me for causing trouble! Come, come and accompany me to kill the winged man!" go!"

Make a wish and slap your head, "I said, are you a princess or not, the whole war madness!"

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