My Lady Queen

Chapter 32: Yiyi Visits

Make a wish Now, just thinking back on the scene at that time, you will feel your scalp tingle. The overwhelming murderous winged men, the desperate screams of the soldiers lying on the ground being eaten, all this is not something a city nerd like him can bear.

"Whoever loves to be the savior, whoever wants to be the savior, anyway, I won't serve you anymore. Last time it was a tomato, this time it was a silver necklace worth at most 20 yuan. Why am I so unlucky!"

Wishing looked at the offering named "Silver Pendant" in his hand, which was his reward for completing this summoning mission.

When he first chose the task, Wishing didn't intend to ask for this thing, but now that he got it, he studied it carefully.

Wishing has almost zero understanding of this kind of jewelry, and probably only knows that silver is worthless. There will always be one or two on any pedestrian street. The surface of the one I got has obvious signs of oxidation, and the whole is a bit black, but the style is a bit unique, which is different from what I saw on TV.

But this doesn't explain anything. The cost of jewelry is directly proportional to the material. The so-called design is just icing on the cake.

If he hadn't tricked Lilia to the edge of the Grand Canyon for this summoning mission, there wouldn't have been the Winged Crowd Incident that followed.

Make a wish Now that I think about it, the best way is actually to go to the stronghold to find Anduin. This young priest has a good heart, so it shouldn't be difficult to persuade him to help.

At least it's easier than following a wingman.

Wishing casually stuffed the silver necklace into the pocket of his jeans, and just as he was about to reach for his cell phone, the cell phone rang appropriately.

"Hello, is it Mr. Xu? You are finally willing to answer the phone! Don't get me wrong. I don't want to rush you, but I just want to ask if your progress is going well?"

On the other side of the phone is Yiyi's soft voice. It can be heard that this young lady is still very anxious, but she has also seen the hooligan habit of wishing, and she is afraid that if one is not handled well, this guy will simply let go. .

The wish was made at the hospital yesterday morning, and he answered the call when he came back. That night, a wave of winged people attacked the fortress. Anduin cured Lilia's mother earlier this morning, and then waited for Lilia Although it took some time, it was only a little past seven o'clock in the evening, and the sky outside was not completely dark yet.

In other words, Wishing originally planned to take 3 days to get the Xingyao Berries, but it was actually completed in a day and a half.

But Yiyi was completely worried about him. This was her third phone call, but the first two phone calls were still in the summoning world, so naturally she didn't receive them.

"I know, I know, don't worry, I've already got the things, and I'll send them to you when you're free. By the way, you must have your cousin who is not a joke be present at that time, I want He sang me 'Conquer'!"

Excited, Yiyi only heard the first half of the sentence, and said happily, "Mr. Xu, you are really amazing. Where are you? I'll go pick you up right now!"

Xu Yuan told Yiyi her address, and then hung up the phone.

It's understandable that this girl is eager to save her grandfather. She made a wish this time purely to express her anger. He was born unable to see the ugly faces of those so-called rich people. He just wanted that guy named Yi Wuliu to know that although I am poor, But it can also do things that you rich people can't do!

To put it simply, Wishing is a cynic who hates the rich.

In less than half an hour, there was a rush of high-heeled shoes hitting the ground in the corridor outside the door, and then there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, are you there?"

Make a wish and quickly open the door: "What are you doing, it's late at night, don't disturb the neighbors, okay?"

As he spoke, he looked around, and found that several families, including Niu Niu, were looking in this direction, and a few young people gave their thumbs up to make a wish with envy.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have the relationship you imagined with her." Wishing hurriedly explained.

A little bald guy who played well with Wishing on weekdays, his eyes glowed: "I know, this is a phone call, the quality is good, hurry up and share the phone number with my brother tomorrow."

"You die for me!"

Making a wish pulled Yiyi into the room, and closed the door with a "bang".

The little bald man laughed, "Oh, this guy, I didn't expect to be so impatient."

Yiyi looked around the room, frowned slightly, raised a finger and gently blocked his nose, but quickly realized that he was asking for a wish, and quickly put down his hand.

Xu Wish didn't care about these petty gestures, picked up the berries on the table and handed them to Yiyi: "Here, this is it!"

Yiyi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he took the berries in his trembling hands, as if holding the most precious gemstone in the world.

She looked at the silver spots all over the tomato-like berry, and she became more convinced that it was some kind of genetic mutation that made it have the magical effect of treating cerebral infarction.

Unlike making a wish, Yiyi knows the unimaginable economic value contained in this fruit, but now she only wants to save her grandfather.

"Mr. Xu, thank you so much. I know you don't care about money, but if you have any requests, I will definitely satisfy you." Yiyi cried with joy, her whole body trembling.

On this ambiguous spring night, with a lonely man and a widow living together in the same room, Yiyi's words can easily make people daydream infinitely.

Wishing with a big wave of his hand: "Don't mess with these useless people. Has the kid gone with five people and six? I'm going to slap him in the face!"

It took Yiyi a long time to understand who he was talking about, and he couldn't help but chuckled, "He will definitely be here."

The matter here was over, Xu Yuan got into Yiyi's car again, and the two went straight to the hospital.

Arriving at the hospital, Yiyi rushed to his grandfather's ward in a hurry, followed by Wishing, but was stopped by the elevator as soon as he got out.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Yi, the general manager ordered that no one be allowed to visit after 8 o'clock." A short-cut young man wearing sunglasses at night said to Yiyi in a business-like tone.

Yiyi has always been very weak in front of making a wish, but judging from the fact that she can save her grandfather at all costs, she is actually a very strong person in her heart.

Seeing that hope is in front of him, Yiyi will naturally not be defeated by this small obstacle.

She stood on tiptoe and glanced into the ward, and she could see a person sitting outside.

So she frowned: "I'm here to see my grandfather, do I need anyone's permission?"

And then rush in regardless.

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