My Lady Queen

Chapter 27: Human Fishing

"Can't see me, can't see me!"

Making a wish, he murmured broken words, imagining himself as a band-aid, tightly attached to the cold city wall.

However, the protagonist's halo, which would definitely play a role in other novels, once again lost its effect. He sadly saw that two winged men who were a size bigger than the one just now rushed towards him.

As soon as I made a wish, my heart felt ashamed. There were high mountains on the left and right of this place, a city wall behind it, and a flat land in front of me. There was nowhere to run.

Seeing that the novel was about to finish, Wishing heard the rough voice above his head shouting: "Boy, hold on to the rope, and I will pull you up!"

At this time, there was chaos on the city wall, and all the soldiers defending the city were running around to prepare for the upcoming fierce battle.

After climbing the city wall, Lilia knew that something was wrong when she saw that Xu Xu Xu hadn't followed for a long time.

In desperation, she hurriedly begged the big man who was talking to them just now, begging him to put down the rattan basket, and then pull up the wishing basket.

Unexpectedly, the strong man shook his head helplessly, and explained, even if he could buy time to wait for the rattan basket to be lowered by making a wish, the 5 minutes of pulling him up would be enough for him to die a hundred or so times .

Lilia was terrified after hearing this, and began to use her strengths again, crying like a pear blossom with rain.

She has learned her skills in making a wish, and it is difficult for ordinary men to survive three rounds under her hands.

Sure enough, the strong man probably felt that such a mourning event before the battle officially started would really affect morale, so he found a long rope and threw it down.

Hearing the wish, he was overjoyed, and in an instant he lost the cowardly look of being greedy for life and fearing death just now. He straightened his back, raised his head and chest, and shouted at Yiren who was still in mid-air: "Haha, Dead Birdman, I have the ability to catch you!" Grandpa! Just a little bit."

While shouting, he stuck out his tongue at the Winged Man and made a grimace.

The sprint speed of the two Wingmen was even faster.

Two seconds later, a hemp rope the thickness of a child's wrist was let down from the wall, and then stopped at a height of more than 2 meters away from the wish.

Strong man: "..."

Lilia: "..."

The scene was very embarrassing.

The wishing paused for half a second, and he jumped and scolded: "You are playing with me, you might as well just let me die!"

The brawny man was also very helpless. This was connected by a few hemp ropes he found temporarily. His head was not very flexible, and it was unexpectedly short.

It's okay to scold, but wish to know that this rope is his lifeline at this time. If he doesn't go up to the city wall, he will definitely turn into a pile of shit tomorrow.

Lilia was also in a hurry, lying on the edge of the city wall and shouting: "Master Summoned Beast, Master Summoned Beast." If it wasn't for the strong man pulling her, she probably could have jumped down by herself.

Wishing gritted his molars tightly, stepped back facing the city wall, and then started to accelerate instantly. When he was about to hit the city wall, he immediately jumped up high, kicked on the wall, and then quickly slid his hands on the wall like a dog planing. He grabbed two handfuls from the wall, borrowed his strength again, and jumped up again, then stretched out his hand with all his strength, and even firmly grasped the rope.

His set of movements is extremely ugly, but thanks to the light gravity environment here, it really made him succeed in one fell swoop.

The strong man's eyes lit up, he was able to jump more than 3 meters high, which is difficult even for ascetic monks who are good at physical skills. I didn't expect this kid to have such a jumping ability despite his amazing appearance. With a heart of love and talent.

He gave a low roar, then grabbed the hemp rope with both hands alternately, and began to pull the wishing towards the city wall.

But after this delay, the two winged men had already arrived. They squawked and stretched out their sharp claws, grabbing directly at Wishing's back.

Wish's desire to survive was fully aroused, and his rascal spirit of "I'll be back even if I die" filled every cell in his body.

Seeing that the attack was coming, he simply let go of one hand, seized the opportunity, fished it out, grabbed the claw of one of the winged men, and then swung it vigorously, using it as a weapon, and smashed it directly at the another.

Caught off guard, the heads of the two Winged Men bumped into each other with a "boom", rolled their eyes, and fainted immediately.

At this time, more and more winged people noticed the wishing that was rising rapidly, and several more surrounded them.

The wishing hanging on the city wall is like a fishhook with a fragrant bait, attracting countless predators to flock to it, and the formation of the Winged Crowd is a little chaotic.

As soon as he succeeded in making a wish, he was immediately filled with pride. He used the unlucky guy in his hand as a weapon, and even if he used the "three moves of the big sword" that One-Eyed Film had taught him, he stabbed left and slashed right, and shot down several Winged Men in a short time.

Finally, following the yell of the strong man on the city wall, making a wish only felt his body lighten, and then his feet stepped on the ground.

He was still immersed in the fight just now and didn't come back to his senses, he just felt a small soft body bump into his arms all of a sudden:
"Master Summoned Beast, you saved me!"

After making a wish, she made up her mind, and looked at Lilia who was crying in her arms with pear blossoms and rain, with some embarrassment.

To be honest, if he knew that the human elevator was so slow and he could only send one up before the Yiren arrived, he might not have made a choice.

It's just that the matter has come to this point, he said righteously: "It's nothing, this little winged man can't hurt me."

Just as he was talking, the half-dead animal in his hand twitched suddenly, causing him to throw it aside in fright, and hugged Lilia tightly, like a little girl who saw a mouse.

The strong man who saved the wish just now looked him up and down several times curiously. It was beyond his expectation that this guy could come up alive under such circumstances, and it seemed that he was absolutely extraordinary.

"Yingren, here we come, you guys, hide." He made a wish in a low voice.

Only then did I have the time to look at this lifesaver with a strange tone of voice.

This strong man is close to 2 meters tall, and he is considered a small giant even on the earth.What was even more strange was that although he was extremely tall, his skin was brownish red, the two canine teeth protruding from his lower jaw, and he had heavy tattoos on his body.

Wishing just escaped death from Yiren's mouth, when he saw such a "monster" again, he was startled and took a few steps back unconsciously.

Fortunately, this strong man was busy defending against the enemy. After speaking, he picked up a long-handled heavy ax and ran away in a hurry.

Lilia noticed the strangeness of making a wish, raised her toes, and explained in a low voice next to his ear: "His name is Waka, he is the Master Chief of Blackstone Fortress, and he is an orc from the Pale South Sea."

"What, there are still orcs here, so are there any elves?"

"Wow, Master Summoned Beast, you are so knowledgeable and talented. It is said that there is indeed a group of elves living on the Phantom Plateau."

"Lilia, why do you know everything?" Wishing was shocked.

"My mother told me." Lilia's expression darkened again when she mentioned her mother.

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