My Lady Queen

Chapter 159: Birth of the Demon God

Salsa picked up two bowl-sized stones from the ground again, and threw them at Cymbeline.

The stone passed unhindered through Cymbeline's magma body, and fell silently into the lava without any effect.

"That does not work!"

Make a wish and shout, but suddenly there is a little more understanding in your heart. This feeling is like a memory that you have forgotten for a long time and suddenly recalled it again.

Almost subconsciously, the wishing wrist flipped, and the long sword slashed forward in the air.

At this time, the wish was at least 20 meters away from Cymbeline in the state of magma, and there was an increasingly violent boiling magma lake in between. Unless he could get rid of this sword directly, otherwise, he would not be able to cut Cymbeline anyway. body.

But a miracle happened at this moment.

A half-moon-shaped light blue sword glow shot out directly from the long sword, swam along the edge of the sword to the tip of the sword, and then flew out suddenly when the speed reached the fastest, slashing towards Cymbeline's back.

"This is... the sword glow?"

Wishing seemed a little unbelievable that he did all of this by himself, and looked at the long sword in his hand with surprise on his face.

The flying speed of the sword light was extremely fast, and it directly smashed into the body of the humanoid magma.

This time, the sword light also came out through the body, leaving a deep sword mark on the sleeping golem's body.

But different from before, there was a long gap in the middle of the magma body Cymbeline's chest. Although magma continued to drip from above, it couldn't fill it.

Cymbeline looked at the big hole in his chest in surprise, then slowly turned his head, glared fiercely with his eyes shining with hot light and made a wish, and said viciously: "I want you to die, you all must die!"

As he said that, he turned around again, speeding up and rushing towards the golem. In this way, in less than 30 seconds, he would be able to touch the golem of Ashwing.

Sasha quickly pushed the wish that was immersed in surprise, and urged: "Idiot, what are you waiting for, hurry up and chop him up!"

Wishing to wake up, he put his hips on his hips and laughed a few times: "Hahahaha, now you know how powerful I am, I am a man who wants to be a hero!"

As he said that, he swung the long sword from left to right three or four times, and the same amount of sword light cut into Cymbeline's body without hesitation like moths flying towards the lamp.

Cymbeline staggered in the magma lake. At this time, half of his head had been cut off, his left arm was broken at the elbow, and there was a terrifying gap in his chest and abdomen. In addition, his waist was not covered by the magma. Among them, it is already difficult to see that this is still a humanoid object.

But even so, he didn't die yet, instead he sped up his speed, just like an ordinary person running in waist-deep sea water, rushing towards the golem with all his might.

The distance was shortened by half again.

Sasha couldn't help feeling a little anxious, wishing she could grab the long sword from the wishing hand and do it herself, pointing at Cymbeline's back and shouting at the wishing: "Aim at his head, idiot."

Wishing with a flick of the long sword, he posed in a pose he thought was handsome, pretending to be deep and said: "Don't call me an idiot, call me a hero!"

After saying this, he slowly grasped the hilt of the sword with his left hand, raised the long sword above his head, and then slashed hard diagonally downward.

A sword light that was much bigger than all the ones just now came out of the body and flew obliquely towards Cymbeline.

If this one can be chopped off, let alone his head, even half of his body can be chopped off.

There was even an excited expression on Rhine's face.

However, the accident happened again.

The Wingman, who hadn't seen anything for a long time, had already noticed the magma bodies slowly walking towards the Wing of Ashes during their kneeling. Not only were they lifeless, but they seemed to be finally achieving their goal. The sound of prayer and worship became more intense, and the speed of speech became faster Not a lot.

But when they saw the wishing sword glows one after another, constantly hurting the magma body, they immediately cursed angrily.

Among them, several tall winged figures twice the size of other winged figures have already climbed up from the ground, their thick and powerful legs kicked the ground, and the huge wings the size of a door leaf waved vigorously a few times, and their entire bodies soared into the air. After flying to the highest point of the cave, swoop down, like a falcon preying on fish under the sea, and head straight for the direction of the wish.

These Winged Humans are different from ordinary Winged Humans, they are all mature bodies that have experienced at least two molts after eating enough blood food.

What's more, these winged people are all fearless in front of Ash Wings, and they seem to completely ignore their own existence as independent individuals.

One of the Winged Men discovered the huge sword glow, and flapped its long wings twice, then quickly clung to its body and put it behind its back, crashing into the sword glow like a missile.

Blue light and blood light flashed at the same time.

When I took a closer look, the winged man had been divided into two parts from the waist, and fell into the magma lake below the waist, and soon ignited a ball of fire.

And his upper body was still staggering and flying in the air a few times driven by the long wings behind him. At the broken waist, big lumps of internal organs were hanging in the air.

Finally, it let out a contented cry, and when its wings stopped, half of its body fell straight into the magma.

It was like a survivor trapped in a swamp. He scratched the surface of the magma a few times with both hands, but a large ball of fire ignited from his body, and soon became silent, and slowly sank into the magma. .

"This is also possible?"

Wishing's chin, whose shape hadn't finished yet, was about to drop in shock. He never expected that his inevitable blow would be blocked in this way.

During this delay, nearly ten other Winged Men swarmed in, and Wishing had no choice but to fight with them with his sword.

Fortunately, the wishing sword skills have been upgraded to medium, and the sword light is sharp, but these wingmen have to rely on their own flesh and blood, and they are quickly chopped off one by one.

When the last wingman was pierced by the wishing sword, and then kicked hard into the lava lake, Cymbeline had already walked up to the golem.

"damn it!"

Wishing yelled, but it was too late.

The broken Cymbeline was standing in front of the golem. At this time, the head of the golem was raised by more than half. From a distance, Cymbeline was just about the size of its nose.

He slowly raised the only right hand that was still intact, and said bitterly in his mouth: "Go kill, go destroy, and kill me the whole world, it's best to connect the earth together!"

After speaking, he slapped the golem's forehead heavily with his right palm.

If you look at it purely based on its size, the force of Cymbeline's palm is at most similar to that of a fly hitting a human face.

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