My Lady Queen

Chapter 156: My Woman

Wishing to take a few steps back in a hurry, but how fast could he be flying, he was about to be stabbed, a vigorous body suddenly rushed out from the side, and crashed into the swooping Cymbeline, the two rolled down on the ground at the same time land.

Make a wish and take a closer look, if it's not Sasha, it's who.

Don't look at this beast mother who is always sneering at herself, but she still sacrifices herself to save her at a critical moment.

"No one can kill him except me!"

Sasha yelled as she threw her fist at Cymbeline.

The feeling of gratitude to Sasha that had just risen in my heart disappeared half in an instant.

Cymbeline pushed Sasha aside forcefully, and then flew into the air again, wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth with her hand: "Damn, what kind of lunatic is this!"

Then seeing Wishing who was rushing towards him, he was even more furious, and the long sword was thrown out of his hand, and he threw it directly at Wishing.

"Sir, be careful!"

Rhine reacted extremely quickly, and his movements were the most agile. Seeing that the long sword was aggressive, and Wishing was deformed due to the pain in his chest, it was very likely that he would not be able to avoid this blow.

So she didn't even think about it, and rushed straight at the fastest speed, directly blocking the wishing person.


Wishing only to see Rhine rushing in front of him suddenly, and then he flew back suddenly as if hit by a heavy object, and quickly reached out to hug her.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"My lord, I... I'm fine." Rhine said weakly.

Wishing to lower his head to look at Rhine in his arms, he saw that Cymbeline's long sword was just inserted into her right shoulder, and it was still submerged by more than ten centimeters.

"How can this be okay?"

Wishing to be furious, he reached out and grabbed the hilt of the sword, wanting to pull it out, but seeing Rhine's painful expression, he didn't make a move.

But Cymbeline didn't care about this, he waved his right hand in mid-air, and a few tentacles resembling flesh wings on his back suddenly sprouted from his wrist, directly wrapped around the hilt of the sword, and then he was about to pull it out with all his strength.

The wish is very clear, Rhine was stabbed by this sword and was seriously injured. If the long sword is pulled out at this time, it is very likely to cause secondary damage to the wound, and a large amount of blood loss will directly kill her. Life.


Before the long sword was pulled out, Wishing grabbed the edge of the sword.

Cymbeline stretched out his fleshy wings on the back, and at the same time stretched out the long tentacles with force, and it seemed that he had to draw out the long sword no matter what.

Wishing to hold the blade with his bare hands, his strength was a bit weaker than Cymbeline's. The long sword was slowly pulled out from Rhine's chest, and large streams of blood gushed out from the wound.

The blade slashed across, and the palm of the wishing hand was also cut, and the blood slid down with the long sword, merging with Rhine's blood.

On the other side, Sasha saw clearly and knew that if the long sword was pulled out at this time, Rhine would die.

So she hurriedly got up from the ground, spread it out again, stretched out her hands to grab the black-red tentacles stuck on the hilt of the sword, and opened her mouth to bite on it.

As a beastman, Shasha has much longer teeth than humans, and at this critical moment, she actually bit into the tentacles.

A few drops of stinky blood flowed directly into her mouth.

This flesh wing has become one with Cymbeline's flesh, and is a part of his body for the duration.

Now that he was suddenly bitten, he was in excruciating pain. He subconsciously let go of the hilt, and slammed it heavily towards Sasha's cheek.


Sasha let out an indistinct cry of pain, and two bloodstains were still drawn on her face.

But in this way, she also let go of her mouth, and retracted her tentacles.

Although he didn't get the long sword, Cymbeline was not in a hurry. He said with a smirk, "The three of you couldn't beat me, but now there are only two left. Hurry up and die obediently."

Wishing didn't seem to feel the pain on the palm at all, stared at Cymbeline, and said every word: "How dare you hurt my woman, I want you to pay with your life!"

After speaking, he jumped up and stood with Cymbeline again.

This time, Wishing was really angry. He hit Cymbeline's face with every punch, but he didn't care about the opponent's counterattack.

Cymbeline was directly smashed to the head and bled, and he was also furious. He crossed the long sword and slashed towards the wishing throat.

A strange thing happened at this moment. The wishing blood that was originally stained on the blade seemed to be absorbed by the long sword, and slowly sank into the blade, while the Rhine's blood on the tip of the sword remained the same.

In the next second, the long sword sank into the wishing neck.

It was Cymbeline who was using the sword the most who realized that something was wrong, because he didn't feel the blockage of the long sword cutting into the flesh at all.

Secondly, it was Sasha who happened to witness all this, because she clearly saw the long sword piercing into Wishing's body, but not a single drop of blood flowed out.

In the end, the person concerned made the wish. He first saw a trace of surprise and panic in Cymbeline's eyes, and then he realized that he had been stabbed, but he didn't feel any strangeness.

Cymbeline hastily pulled out the long sword, but the place where the wound should have been was all the same.

"This... what's going on here?"

All along, this long sword has been Cymbeline's greatest reliance when traveling between the two worlds, and can kill all directions, but the scene in front of him can be described as weird.

"Haha, it seems that you don't even want to hurt me with your sword."

Wishing let out a roar, and hit Cymbeline on the bridge of the nose with his fist.

Cymbeline felt his eyes go dark, and then there was a huge soreness, and the nosebleeds spurted out directly, and the entire bridge of the nose was broken by the wishing punch.

This Cymbeline is not a good person, before he got the long sword, he was doing shady business.After getting the long sword by chance, I felt even more robbing the jewelry store directly.

Usually he was the only one who beat others, how could anyone else beat him so badly.

At this time, a burst of evil fire rose from the bottom of his heart, and he suddenly wrapped his hands around the upper body of the wishing body, tightly bound his arms around his body, and then shouted hysterically: "If this is the case, then you will die with me! "

After finishing speaking, the whole person leaned back, thinking together while holding a wish, and then fell down.

The scuffle between them was always on the edge of the magma lake, and after Cymbeline grew wings, he even flew over the magma lake.

At this time, Wishing and Cymbeline were already very close to the magma lake. If they really fell straight back like this, at least half of their bodies would fall into the magma.

At that time, I am afraid that it will be burned directly into coke.

Cymbeline did this because, on the one hand, he was ferocious and hated making wishes, and on the other hand, he also hoped that the fleshy wings on his back could fly back into the air after throwing away the wishes. .

But Wishing's physical fitness has also undergone a huge change compared to before. His right hand struggled to break away from Cymbeline's arm, and when he stretched out his hand, he grabbed at random, just grabbing his not yet fully unfolded wings.

The two fell directly into the magma.

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