My Lady Queen

Chapter 147: Magma Iron Chain

After hearing Cymbeline's words, the last doubts in the hearts of several people were dispelled.

Make a wish and look around, the temperature here is too high, even the air is a little distorted under the high temperature, and the food in the distance is full of unreality.

"But what does this have to do with us leaving?"

Wishing to fan himself with his hands, panting heavily.

Cymbeline pointed forward: "There is a tunnel over there, and you can leave through the tunnel."

Sasha wanted to say something else, but wishing couldn't wait any longer, she urged: "Okay, okay, let's go quickly, I don't want to stay in this damn place for a second. If there is a bottle of ice cold Sprite, I am willing to exchange for a star berry."

According to Cymbeline, in order to reach the entrance of the tunnel, one must pass through the huge magma lake in front of him.

Unlike the cliff they had experienced before, there is not only no stone bridge here, but even few exposed rocks in the magma lake.

Rhine was a little puzzled: "How can we get there?"

Cymbeline smiled slightly, walked to a place close to the lake, reached out and groped among the hot rubble for a while, and then pulled hard.

There was a sound of "crash", and a thick iron chain that was burned red was stretched straight from the magma lake, and viscous magma continued to flow slowly from the iron chain.

Wishing widened his eyes: "Is this okay? Is this iron chain set up by you in advance?"

Cymbeline shook his head and explained: "No, we found this in our previous investigation. It may be that someone has been here before us, and it seems that they have been in and out many times. In fact, the people over there The tunnel was not dug by us, it was discovered by chance in an abandoned ancient mine. It is speculated that the miners dug here a long time ago, and then installed this iron chain for some reason."

The iron chain was burnt red, and even Cymbeline could only hold on to it for a short time with the swordsman's vindictive body protection.

However, there was a cylindrical black stone behind the iron chain. Cymbeline raised his hand and wrapped the iron chain around the stone, and the iron chain was stably laid across the magma lake at a distance of about one meter.

Wishing to look at the iron chain, it was not for some reason that he remembered the experience of eating teppanyaki: "Even if there is this iron chain, we can't get through it."

Cymbeline seemed to have expected him to ask this question a long time ago, and pointed to the front: "Look along the chain, these ancient people chose the most feasible path."

Wishing to look in the direction of his finger, sure enough, under the iron chain, there are scattered stones, big and small, some of which can only hold a foot.

If you want to jump over these stones out of thin air, only a swordsman with very good physical skills can do it, but now with such an iron chain, as long as you are agile, you can always succeed if you are careful.

"Then now, we just have to wait for the iron chain to cool down completely."

I don't know what material this iron chain is made of, but it can remain intact after being placed in the magma lake for such a long time, and the liquid magma will hardly adhere to it, and it will be cleaned up quickly.

Time is not long, the iron chain is no longer hot.

Since Cymbeline was the only person who had ever passed through this place, it was natural that he should go first, so that others could have a good look.

He came to the edge of the magma lake, tightened the equipment on his body, grabbed the iron chain with one hand, spotted a landing point in front of him, and jumped out directly.

With the help of the iron chain, he can not only jump farther, but also easily judge the landing point and stabilize his figure.

This stone was relatively far away, but he still fell steadily, then turned around and smiled at the three of them, and then jumped out one after another without hesitation in one go.

Despite his tall stature, he carried a two-handed epee on his back, but his movements were still nimble, and he arrived at the opposite bank very quickly without any danger.

"No problem, just like me, come on!"

After Cymbeline landed on the ground, he grabbed the iron chain with both hands, which could reduce the shaking, and the people behind could jump over more easily.

"I'll come first!"

Rhine stepped forward, tightened the longbow behind his back and said.

Wishing to know that Rhine is extremely strong, even without this iron chain, she can jump over it with her superb physical skills.It's just that it will be safer with iron chains.

"Wait a minute!"

Rhine was about to jump out, but Sasha grabbed her and said, "You were the one who went first when you crossed that cliff just now, so why should you go first this time? You stay behind, I'll go first!"

As he spoke, he jumped out without waiting for Rhine to reply.

This girl, Sha Sha, has great strength and can jump farther than others.

It's just that in this magma-filled environment, it's not just about jumping far.

However, this time with the help of iron chains, Sasha jumped out step by step relying on her strength.

Soon, she had reached a relatively large rock in the center of the lake, turned her head and waved her fist, as if in a demonstration.

Rhine turned her gaze once, deliberately not looking at her.

But at this moment, Wishing suddenly realized that Sasha's movements seemed to be frozen. She stretched out her hand and pointed in her direction. She wanted to shout something, but she didn't shout out for a long time.

"Run! The Wing Man is behind you!"

Cymbeline's voice suddenly exploded in the cavern.

Wishing turned his head in confusion, only to see that the rock wall behind him was already covered with maroon winged men. After a rough estimate of the number, there were more than a hundred of them.

The color of this monster is very close to the surrounding environment, and they are all clinging to the rock wall, coupled with the air distortion caused by the high temperature, it is even more difficult to detect them.

If Sasha hadn't happened to look back just now, it would have been impossible to discover all this.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Shasha was about to jump back, and Xu Hui hurriedly waved her hand and shouted: "Don't come here, there are too many monsters, let's run!"

Sasha also knew that it was useless to go back now, and she was unwilling to run away. Perhaps in the dictionary of all orcs, the word escape did not exist.

So, for a while, she stood where she was, and shouted anxiously: "Then come quickly!"

Make a wish and push Rhine: "Sister, you go first!"

Rhine still wanted to say something, and made a wish and said anxiously: "Don't be like the one on TV. If you hang around for a while, none of us will be able to escape!"

Although Rhine didn't know what he was talking about, he still understood the general meaning.

So without talking nonsense, he jumped out directly.

The shouts of several people let the Yi people understand that the hidden attack plan has gone bankrupt.

They simply soared from the rock wall, flapped their huge wings and swooped down on the wishing three.

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