My Lady Queen

Chapter 143: The Embarrassing Lost Way

A strange scene appeared in this dark underground crack.

One side is centered on wishing, and emits a faint glimmer of surface creatures.

And what followed closely were the Winged Crowd who vowed to tear them to pieces.
Wishing does not have an advantage in terms of speed. On the contrary, because the gravity here is much smaller than that of the earth, he will often fly into the air with a little force.

Therefore, he was not running at all, but was jumping forward in a strange posture.

For a while, he had already fallen behind the two girls.

While jumping, he shouted: "Don't run around, I don't think this road is right, we should reach that cliff in time."

Sasha is wearing these small rice sandals, but she is not slow at running: "This elf is leading the way, she should know how to walk!"

Rhine, who was running at the front, was so soft that he almost didn't fall down: "What do you mean I'm leading the way? It's obvious that you are behind and let me go left for a while, and then let me go right for a while."

"This is obviously your territory, don't you know how to get there?"

"Who told you this is my site? My site is on the surface, okay?"

The two women were arguing while running, and the speed was not slow at all.

After making a wish, I finally heard clearly: "You two wait first, which means that you don't know the way, so you just run around like this, right? Stop for me!"

The two women also knew that this was not the time to bicker, so they both stopped, panting, but they still didn't forget to stare at each other like fighting cocks.

Wishing to look back, Yiren had already been thrown away.But this is all temporary. If they can't get back to the ground in time, it's like running around in someone else's home court, and they will be rediscovered soon.

Sasha knew she was wrong, and tentatively asked: "How about we go back now?"

Before making a wish, Rhine said: "Absolutely not. The Winged Man should be not far from us. Although he can't see us, he can see the temperature traces we left, and he will catch up sooner or later."

Creatures like the Wingman have extremely poor eyesight and rely entirely on infrared vision. The three of them ran all the way over like this, and the temperature would always change somewhat. This would allow the Wingman to follow up slowly like a dog tracking a scent.

Sasha put her hands on her hips: "Okay, what do you say!"

"This..." Rhine was speechless for a while, "We try our best to find the way uphill, and we will always get out."

"It's up to you to say, the problem is that there is only one way!"

The wishing headache was getting more and more painful, and now he finally realized how painful it was to be around two women who were hostile to each other.


He couldn't help raising his voice and shouted.

The two women finally realized that what they did was wrong, and they shut their mouths sullenly.

Making a wish first looked around. Originally, he wanted to find a plant. Using the charisma of the Son of Nature, he asked how to get there.

But there are hard volcanic rocks everywhere, and there are no plants at all.

In fact, if strictly following the summoning rules, Rhine's original wish has been fulfilled. As long as she can prove it to the summoning god, the wish and Salsa can be directly sent back to the earth.

But the problem is, this is equivalent to selling Rhine, and she is basically doomed to die here alone.

With the heart of making a wish, such a thing is absolutely impossible to do.

So he thought about it: "Since those wingmen track their targets by temperature, as long as we can find a place where the temperature is higher than our body temperature, then they should not be able to find us, and then we will find a way to leave here."

The two women glanced at each other. Although they both felt that this was not a good idea, they had no better way at the moment and could only nod their heads in agreement.

Because after entering the crack, they walked all the way to the tree of life, especially after passing through the magma river, the temperature of the surrounding environment has dropped a lot.

The idea of ​​making a wish is to find a high-temperature environment and use the ambient temperature to cover up their body temperature. In this way, in the eyes of the Yi people, it is as if they are wearing an invisibility cloak, making it difficult to find them again.

As long as you can escape from the Winged Man's tracking, you can always find the correct route by trying a few times.

The three of them started on the road again, but this time they made a wish and walked in the front.

Because the mental power has been strengthened before, the sensitivity of making a wish is very high, and it can be roughly distinguished that the temperature over there is higher.

In this way, the three of them walked for another half an hour. I don't know if they were closer to the exit. Anyway, it was already hot and sweating profusely.

Sasha couldn't hold on at first: "Wait a minute, if this goes on, I don't need to be caught by the Winged people, I will definitely die of heat first."

Wishing turned to look at Rhine. Although the elf girl didn't speak, her face was flushed. Beads of sweat kept dripping down. Her two thin lips were tightly pressed together. Obviously, she couldn't hold on any longer.

It was only then that Wishing realized that the physical fitness of the two women was far inferior to his own, so he quickly took out two bottles of mineral water from his backpack and stuffed one bottle for each of them: "Hurry up and drink, it should be almost the same now. Then we'll find the exit."

When the two women saw the mineral water in Wishing's hand, their eyes almost went straight and they quickly took it.

Salsa unscrewed the bottle cap three or two times, raised her head and drank with a "gulpowtow".

It was the first time for Rhine to see this kind of bottle, and he fiddled with it for a long time without opening it, so he was in a hurry.

Wishing reached out to take it, unscrewed it for her, then handed it to her, and began to observe the surrounding environment by himself.

Rhine couldn't wait to take two sips, and was about to continue drinking, but saw that Wishing didn't drink water, so he hurriedly handed him his bottle: "My lord, you can drink some too."

I didn't care about making a wish, took a few sips after taking it, then twisted the cap and handed it to Rhine.

The elf girl carefully knocked the remaining half bottle of water into her empty quiver.

Sasha happened to see this scene, and hurriedly wanted to make a wish on her bottle, but when she took it to her eyes, the bottle of water was already empty.

She threw the bottle on the ground casually, and whispered: "I knew she had no good intentions, but I promised Mi Li to help her make a wish."

Wishing to see that the trimming was almost done, so he found a way to go up, and walked slowly with the two girls.


After about half an hour.

A group of Wingmen hurriedly found this place.

Although the temperature of the intruder could no longer be tracked, there were still many traces left behind. Although it was a bit slower, it was still not lost.

A little wingman who looked more clever looked around, and happened to see an empty mineral water bottle lying in the crevice of the gravel, so he quickly picked it up, and then excitedly squeezed into the crowd of wingers.

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