My Lady Queen

Chapter 137: Discovering the Moonwell

No matter how Sasha complained, the three of them narrowly escaped death. Although the Yi people here have been alarmed, the underground space is extremely large, and the roads are intricate. There are 3 people found here.

Moreover, according to the calculation of the wish, this place is already very close to the root of the tree of life. If all goes well, they will be able to find it in a short time. At that time, as long as the tree of life is cured, they can leave directly.

Moreover, after the battle just now, the relationship between the three people has been greatly improved compared to before. Although on the surface, Sasha still has some dislike for her master who was picked for nothing, she wishes that she can persist in this way among so many wingmen. It took a long time, and he also beheaded several heads, which is enough to prove his strength.

Orcs respect warriors the most, but even the strongest in the clan, there are few who can make a wish like this.

Although Rhine still looks cold towards Sasha, her true feelings just now let the elf girl see that Sasha is actually a girl who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, not as repulsive as she appears. outside.

After leaving that cliff, the rest of the journey went much smoother.

Obviously, due to the unique geological features of this planet, the depths of the formation are full of such underground tunnels like passages.

The cliff just now was probably caused by the earthquake not long ago. If so, the Tree of Life is not far away.

Sure enough, after walking for another 20 minutes, the terrain was gradually rising, and the surrounding stone walls were gradually being replaced by soil. From time to time, the roots of some plants could be seen stretching out of the soil.

This is a good sign. In fact, according to the calculation of the wish, right above them should be the forest with a huge canopy where the elves live.

This also means that the tree of life is close at hand.

Sure enough, as the three of them turned a few corners, the eyes suddenly became empty.

Wishing with his head down, he was the first to emerge from the tunnel. If his status as the Temporary Son of Nature has not expired, then according to his induction, this place is right under the Tree of Life.

"Wow, I didn't expect such an environment to exist underground!"

Wishing is not the kind of person with rich emotions, but when he saw the scene in front of him clearly, he still couldn't help sighing.

Sasha and Rhine followed closely behind and also got out of the tunnel, but soon they also showed expressions of shock and intoxication, as if they were making a wish.

This is an oval-shaped open land, about the size of two basketball courts.

In the middle of the open land, there is a round spring, and the gurgling water column rises more than ten centimeters high, and then falls back into the spring water.

Although Wishing is not good at geography in junior high school, he also knows that underground water sources and even underground rivers are easy to appear in such an underground space, which is not unusual at all.

But the problem is that less than three kilometers away from here is a meandering magma river, and the temperature of the entire underground crack is very high.

However, this place is like a paradise. Due to the existence of springs, this small space is quite cool.

Not only that, but the air here is very humid, which has caused all kinds of fungi to grow everywhere.

These fungi have different shapes and colors, and some are even emitting bright fluorescence. Even if you stop using the [Dazzle] skill now, you can roughly see the charming scenery here.

"It's so beautiful, I didn't expect to see such a scene in the lair of those ugly monsters."

Although Sasha is an orc, she is still a young girl after all. She has no resistance to beautiful things by nature, and she directly speaks her mind.

And Rhine's performance was not as good as hers.

The elf girl temporarily forgot the purpose of this trip, her face was full of dull expressions, only her mouth kept muttering: "It's all true, so the legends are all true..."

Wishing to see that Rhine was a little strange, he quickly waved his hand in front of her eyes: "What's wrong with you, please don't be surprised, I don't want to go out with you behind my back."

Rhine realized his gaffe, turned around and pointed to the clear spring, and said excitedly: "In the legend of our elves, the tree of life is the mother who created all life forms. But the tree of life does not appear out of thin air , but was born in a place known as the Moonwell."

After a pause, she continued: "It is said that the moon well was born at the same time as the world we live in, and it is precisely because the tree of life grows in the moon well that the balance of all life forms in this world can be maintained.

Wishing for a while, then pouted at the spring: "You mean, this spring is the Moon Well?"

Rhine nodded very firmly: "Yes, according to legend, the Moonwell exists in a place in the world where sunlight cannot reach. But it can feel the brilliance of the moon and reflect the shadow of the moon."

Wishing pouted: "This thing doesn't look as big as the water flow from my faucet.

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