My Lady Queen

Chapter 132: Distress

Originally, his whole body was shrouded in dazzling skills, but at this moment, a faint golden light covered his whole body.

Soon, the technique was ready, and Wishing suddenly looked forward, his eyes just fell on the crumbling Sasha.

At the same time, the layer of pale golden light that shrouded him also came out of his body, and directly shrouded Sasha's body.

The reverence technique mastered by the wish is only the elementary level. In fact, this is the first time he has used the reverence technique. If he hadn't received the lifelong inheritance from Master Mu, people like him who don't have any belief in the God of Light People simply cannot use trance.

Even if he comes out now, the effect is not only inferior to Master Mu, even Rebecca is inferior.

Fortunately, Sasha also had a series of negative states such as fear and uneasiness because of the shock of her mind. Even if the reverence technique of wishing only has some soothing effects, it is enough.

I saw her whole body tremble slightly, her panic-filled eyes suddenly became clear, and her trembling legs gradually calmed down.

Although she didn't know what happened to her, Sasha understood that as long as she was on the stone bridge, she was not completely safe, so she hurriedly took three steps in parallel, and soon ran to the edge of Xuan cliff on the opposite side Come on, and then excitedly waved at the wish.

Wishing secretly wiped the cold sweat from his head. If he hadn't been so lucky and used the reverence technique on Shasha just now, with this girl's recklessness, she would have fallen into the magma if she didn't keep it all.

Seeing that Sasha crossed the bridge safely, Rhine jumped onto the stone bridge lightly. As a forest elf, she has lived in the canopy of trees almost since birth, and she has mastered the skills of walking on the branches with pure fire, and the racial characteristics of elves It also increased her agility. This mere stone bridge was completely a flat road in her eyes.

In less than half a minute, Rhine also reached the other side safely.

There is only one person left to make a wish.

Not wanting to be underestimated by the two women, he tightened the backpack on his back and stepped gently on the stone bridge.

The beginning part of the stone bridge is quite spacious and flat. If you don’t consider the billowing heat waves and strong sulfur smell coming from directly below, this section is not difficult to walk.

And with Sasha and Rhine's wayfinding, at least it can prove that this naturally formed stone bridge is still strong, and there is no need to worry about it breaking midway.

Wishing has worked on construction sites before, and is no stranger to walking on beams like balance beams. As long as he can overcome the fear in his heart, this stone bridge will not be too difficult for him.

Halfway through the journey, we have reached the most dangerous section of the whole process. The bridge deck here is narrow, and there is an obvious steep slope. Just now, Sasha almost had an accident here.

When he was on the edge of the cliff just now, he didn't see it very clearly, and made a wish and blamed Sasha for making a fuss, but when he also came to this section, he really realized the danger.

Since the bridge deck narrowed sharply and it was going uphill, he had to look down at the road to make a wish, but it was inevitable to see the magma rolling underneath, and a huge dizziness came directly to his heart.

This trap is different from fighting.

If you are fighting against Yiren, it is not difficult to save your life by virtue of your strong physical fitness.

But in this case, as long as he is a little careless, he will fall into the magma, no matter how strong his muscle tissue and bone density are, he will not escape death.

Because she had experienced it personally and knew the situation of making a wish, she hurriedly lowered her voice and shouted: "Don't look down, go straight ahead!"

And Rhine had seen the reverence technique used in making a wish, and couldn't help shouting: "How did you help Sasha just now, hurry up and use it for yourself again!"

Sasha looked at Rhine strangely, then at Wishing, and finally realized that Wishing had saved her once again without knowing it.

This made Sasha, whose ultimate goal was to kill Wish, start to think about whether she had done something wrong.

Not to mention Sasha's entangled mood, she made a wish, half bowed her waist, and nearly lay on the stone bridge, hugging her tightly.

Why doesn't he want to use the reverence technique, but the release of the divine technique requires a person who has no distractions, complete peace of mind, and makes a wish to look like he is dying or living now, not to mention casting a spell, and he can't even recite a complete spell.

His behavior on the bridge became more and more desolate, and this naturally formed stone bridge finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Due to geology and gravity, although the front of the stone bridge is relatively flat, the bottom of the bridge deck is actually covered with conical stone pillars.

The weight of the wish was much higher than that of the two women, and the trembling, long overwhelmed and crumbling stone cone finally couldn't bear it.

There was a crisp sound of "click", and a half-meter-long stone pillar suddenly broke and fell into the magma.

Even though it was a solid stone pillar, it slowly melted away under the ultra-high temperature of thousands of degrees, leaving only a faint black mark on the surface of the magma.

It wouldn't be a big deal if it was just that, but whether it was the stone cone breaking or being melted by 1 magma, there were quite a few noises.

The winged man closest to the stone bridge was startled by this and subconsciously looked in the direction of the wish.

In the underground environment, Wingmen mostly see things with infrared vision. Although the surrounding temperature is also high, it is not difficult to find personal creatures standing there as long as they pay a little attention.

Especially the wishing heart that beats faster because of nervousness, in the eyes of Yiren, it is like the whistle of the cafeteria opening ears.

The winged man, who was struggling to eat the sulfur, let go of his sharp claws hanging on the rock wall without hesitation, and his whole body fell straight down.

Its descent lasted less than 10 meters, and then its wings shook, and it flew into the air. Looking at the direction, it happened to be in the direction of the wish.

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