My Lady Queen

Chapter 129: Underworld

Although I still don't quite understand why Wishing can glow all over, but in this environment, Sasha and Rhine didn't pursue anything too much, they just silently followed behind him, walking forward step by step.

From this position, it is impossible to see how deep the underground crack is. Although the hot magma can already be seen below, the air under the high temperature has become less real, and it is difficult to judge the distance for a while.

Fortunately, their goal is not to go to the bottom, but as long as the wish can touch the main root of the tree of life.

After descending to a certain height, the step-like rock cross section disappears and is replaced by layers of platforms.

Wishing to take a bold look outside the platform, the sight is still a sea of ​​flames made of magma.
However, he also saw several layers of similar platform structures around the magma.

This is like a huge building complex composed of magma as a patio and platforms as floors. It is easy to lose your way when you are in it.

Fortunately, Wishing now bears the inheritance of the Son of Nature, and has a keen perception of the surrounding plants. He has memorized the unique frequency of the Tree of Life before, and now he just walks in that direction.

After walking along the horizontal direction for a while, there is already a certain distance from the central magma. Although the air is still filled with a strong sulfur smell, it has become much lighter than when we first came down, and the corresponding line of sight has also opened up a lot.

Sasha was born somewhat repulsive to this dark underground environment, followed closely behind the wish and asked in a low voice: "How long will it be until I arrive, why do I feel like I have been walking for a long time, you must not lead the wrong way, right? "

Wishing replied without looking back: "Of course, we wasted a lot of time when we went down, but I guess it will be there in another 10 minutes."

I don't know if the underground environment in this area was originally like this, or because of the unique geological structure caused by the earthquake not long ago. In this dark environment, there are forks and low tunnels everywhere, almost like a maze.

Fortunately, it is the current wish. If he had entered this environment before, he might not even be able to see the road ahead clearly, and the speed here was only a little more than half of that on the ground.

After walking for a while, the surrounding environment suddenly became clear. It turned out that they had passed through the maze behind them, and what appeared in front of them was the same vast magma as before.

However, there is no way to go here. Less than one meter away is a steep cliff close to [-] degrees. Rolling magma flows under the cliff, making a sound similar to boiling water from time to time.

The wish was immediately discouraged. He had originally planned well, and so far it went relatively smoothly. According to his estimation, he would be able to reach the tree of life in another 500 meters or so.

But he couldn't figure it out after all the calculations, there is no way to go here.

Opposite them is another cliff with a slightly higher terrain. Obviously, if you can go up there, you can reach your destination.

Wishing's physical fitness is one of the best in this summoning plane, and the gravity here is even smaller than that of the earth. If it is on flat ground and there is sufficient running distance, the distance of 20 meters, making a wish will be a struggle. Life can barely jump.

But the problem is that the distance between the two cliffs is about 20 meters, and they still walk from a low place to a high place. Even if they want to jump, it is impossible to jump so far.

Moreover, there is magma between the cliffs on both sides. If you don't jump over it, you probably won't have a second chance. After thinking about making a wish for a long time, you still haven't made up your mind.

At this moment, he suddenly heard Rhine who had been silent all this time exclaim: "Look, what is that?"

Wishing hurriedly looked in the direction of her finger.

Since they are now on a fault underground, there is still a gradually narrowing space above their heads.

And on the stone wall above the cliff opposite them, there was a black shadow slowly wriggling.

Wishing was taken aback, he quickly took out a toy telescope bought from a night market stall from his pocket. Although the magnification was only about 2 times, it was enough for this distance.

It didn't matter if he looked at it, he immediately saw clearly what it was all about.

It turns out that some high-purity sulfur ores are scattered on the stone walls on both sides, which is not uncommon near the volcano.

But the problem is, when I wished to see through the binoculars, there were more than a dozen huge winged men hanging themselves on the rock wall with their sharp claws, greedily eating the sulfur on the rock wall.

Making a wish was frightened into a cold sweat, and quickly dragged Sasha and Rhine to hide behind the rock wall.

The two women were very strange, but when they learned from the wishing mouth that a large group of Winged Men were blocking the front, they were also terrified.

Wishing has fought against such ugly creatures more than once, and knows how powerful they are. If it is on the ground, with the advantages of terrain and numbers, he may still dare to fight them, but the problem is that in this kind of The underground environment is completely the home of the Wingman. They can fly, climb rocks, and are not afraid of underground poisonous gas.

On the other hand, among the three of them, except Rhine who carried a longbow, only his Brilliant Diamond had a certain long-range attack ability, and his own strength could not be fully utilized.

And this is the opponent's old lair, if more wingmen are attracted during the fight, then they might as well jump directly into the magma to have a better time.

The luck of misfortune is that the temperature here is very high, and the wingmen, who mainly rely on infrared vision, haven't found this group of uninvited guests yet.

Rhine was the most anxious. At this time, she had unconsciously pinned all her hopes on the wisher, and said anxiously, "What should we do now? Is there any other way?"

Wishing and shaking his head, this underground space is like a labyrinth. If you search rashly, who knows when you will find it. If the duration of the inheritance of the Son of Nature ends, it is estimated that they will find it difficult to find the way out.

Wishing to hold a toy telescope, poke out half of his head cautiously, and look towards the opposite side and the top of his head.

Sure enough, there are winged people on the stone walls on both sides, and the number seems to be about 20.

Just when he was about to shrink back, he suddenly saw a faint bridge-like thing lying between the cliffs on both sides.

He was immediately overjoyed. In order to further confirm, he quickly called Rhine, put the telescope into her hand, and said, "Look over there, is there a bridge?"

Rhine's eyesight is much better than making a wish, and with the blessing of a telescope, he quickly found the place.

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