My Lady Queen

Chapter 127: The Action Begins

He had just memorized the unique energy fluctuations of the Tree of Life, and he could easily find the direction even in the dark underground.

However, after hearing his words, Sasha was the first to explode: "That's okay, no matter what, it's dangerous to run into the wing man's lair. It doesn't matter if you really die, but wouldn't I You will not be able to regain your freedom, do you want me to be buried for you?"

Wishing was really touched when she heard the first half of her words, but then she was almost pissed off. This is how the status of emotional self in Sasha's heart is.

Before he had time to speak, Rhine bit his lips lightly, as if he had made up his mind: "Don't worry, he took the initiative to take the risk for us elves, and the problem with the tree of life was also my cause, so I will accompany you." Follow him to go together, you can wait for our news here."

Sasha was inherently upright, and for some reason, when she saw Rhine, she felt disgusted for no reason. Hearing what she said, she thought that she was underestimated by this thin elf girl, so she put her waist in, stared and said, "What nonsense are you talking about?" Well, no matter what, he is still my master, and you don't need to protect him."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and held the wishing arm: "Isn't it the nest of those winged mice? What's the big deal, with me here, they can't hurt you."

As if to strengthen her tone, she patted her already choppy chest while speaking.

The wish was suddenly a little speechless, and the girl changed her face too quickly.

In any case, Sasha and Rhine made it clear that they would go down to the Wingman's lair together with Wishing.

Wishing for a while, but soon realized that it was very difficult for these two equally stubborn girls to change their minds with their own abilities.

What's more, he doesn't know what is in the Wingman's lair. It would be a lie to say that he is not afraid at all. If there is a strange loli like Sasha and an elf archer like Rhine, there is no doubt in terms of safety. An extra layer of protection.

As soon as he thought of this, he stopped insisting on making a wish, and walked towards the direction of the thick smoke together with the two women.

They were moving at a very fast speed, and within a short while, the air was filled with a sulfurous smell that was so smoky that people couldn't open their eyes.

Wishing wins because the vitality of the cells far exceeds that of ordinary people, and this concentration of poisonous gas is still within the tolerance range for him, and Rhine seems to have been prepared for this environment, reaching out and taking out a piece of emerald green from the small bag around his waist The blade, and then put it on the tongue, and gently sucked it in.

Relatively speaking, Sasha was the most painful, and she could barely hold back at first, but as she got closer to the crack, the concentration of sulfur gradually increased, and she began to cough violently unconsciously.

Seeing that the situation was not good, she quickly blessed her with all the available orc spells, and Rhine also took out the second leaf and put it in Sasha's hand.

After a lot of tossing, Sasha finally got better, but it's hard to say how much combat power she still has at this time.

At this time, the underground crack had appeared in front of the three of them.

Wishing walked over cautiously, stood on the edge of the crack and looked down.

This is a crack extending about five to sixty meters, which is pitifully small compared to the "Grand Canyon" or "Purgatory".

If it weren't for the previous earthquake, this place would not have been exposed at all.

Wishing now has a little curiosity about the geological structure of this planet. What kind of planet is this? If the environment above the surface is not too different from the environment of the earth, then the environment below the surface begins to become weird.

How many gaps are there underground here, why are there so many flying monsters living there, and a random small-scale earthquake will shake a crack on the surface, and then winged people will come out of the crack immediately.

Wishing to shake his head vigorously, this issue is obviously not what he should consider now, there are more important things to do right now.

Looking down from the position where Wishing is now standing, thick yellow-green smoke is constantly rising from the cracks, which makes the already pitch-black cracks even more difficult to see clearly.

Salsa swallowed hard: "We won't just jump down like this?"

He didn't even pay attention to making a wish. He only had a rough plan of action, so he would never have thought that he would run into trouble from the very beginning.

Fortunately, Rhine's eyesight was significantly better than the other two present.

She squinted her eyes, and her pair of shiny black pupils were constantly shrinking and expanding, as if she was debugging something.

Soon she discovered something, pointed to the not far away and said: "There is a small path there, although it is not easy to walk, but as long as you are careful, you should be able to go down to the lowest point."

Wishing to follow the direction she pointed for a long time, there seemed to be a faint path amidst the smoke and dust.

This is also due to the earthquake not long ago. Although it shook the ground, it was not strong enough after all, and there were many convex and concave places on both sides of the crack.

Without further ado, Wishing was the first to climb down the path.

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