My Lady Queen

Chapter 124: Scroll of Inauguration

Seeing that making a wish seemed like a convulsion, Sha Sha waved and tapped her hands in the air, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong with you, have you been plotted against by these guys growing on trees?"

Rhine retorted: "Hmph, you are an incomplete guy, how dare you question the great and noble elf."


Shasha rolled up her sleeves, and was about to teach this arrogant guy a lesson, when Wishing shouted from the side: "You two be quiet, the most important thing now is to solve the problem on this tree of life."

When Rhine heard the Tree of Life, she immediately calmed down, snorted coldly, and stopped talking to Sasha.

Although Sasha was extremely dissatisfied with her identity, she still had some respect for the owner of Wishing, so she also turned her head aside.

Wishing finally appeased these two inefficient guys, and patiently observed the exchange interface that appeared in front of him.

Since the last mission was a compulsory mission, she didn't get any wish power points for making a wish. The only harvest was this Sasha, but now it seemed that she caused far more trouble than she could provide help.

Wishing is not a doctor, let alone an expert in the field of plants. Although Rhine introduced the situation of this tree in detail, in his consciousness, if there is a problem with a tall tree, it will either collapse or wither, like this It suddenly became smaller but I have never heard of it.

Fortunately, he has a summoning altar, and the exchange system provided by it provides more options for completing tasks.

Before making a wish, he had carefully studied this system. In addition to being able to exchange the sacrifices he had obtained before, there are many things related to what he saw and heard on this summoning plane.

For example, there is the corrosive acid of the winged people, and there is also a full set of armor used by the royal guard.

Of course, although such props are powerful, they also represent their extraordinary value. At least at the current level of wishing, they cannot be exchanged at all.

As an exchange system, it’s like a supermarket. Naturally, the larger the scale, the more products the better. However, based on what we’ve seen so far, you can roughly guess that every item that appears here is related to your own experience. Related, so if you want to expand the exchange pool, you must accept the mission multiple times, and expand as much as possible during the mission process. The so-called more you see, the more you get.

This time, the goal of making a wish was not these props, he had already planned otherwise.

Simply click a few times on the exchange panel, and some new items appear in front of the wish.

From the appearance, they look like some big and small, thick and thin brushes, but if you look carefully, you will find that these are actually some rolled scrolls.

This thing has a unified name——Temporary Employment Book, and the effect is also very simple. After opening the scroll, you will temporarily obtain the occupation recorded in the scroll.

The level of occupational ability and duration are directly linked to the level of the scroll.

Similarly, the inauguration letters that appear here are all professions that wish to have seen and understood in this summoning plane.

In addition to the traditional combat professions, one of the scrolls has long attracted the attention of wishers, and its name is "Son of Nature".

The person who made a wish to kill for the first time is a child of nature. It is said that this is a mysterious organization that worships the spirit of nature. In their eyes, all things have spirits, and the spirits of all things together form the spirit of nature, and the spirit of nature is the whole world. consciousness.

That is to say, the children of nature believe that this world is also a living individual.

Wishing is no stranger to this kind of theory. As a standard otaku, he has some understanding of various mystic theories, among which the term "Gaia" is more famous, that is to say, our This planet is actually a life form called Gaia.

However, the purpose of making a wish is not to do academic research here. The reason why he values ​​the professional ability of this child of nature is because of this mission.

Wishing, the little fat man I met last time, his ability is to manipulate all kinds of plants. Wishing naturally thinks that this profession must be very interested in all kinds of plants, and there must be a way to find a cure The tree of life approach.

As for the price of this thin scroll, Wishing didn't care too much.

You know, the main purpose of his coming here is to get the three leaves of life sacrificed by Rhine.

To put it simply, these three leaves can offset the aging of the body caused by wishing for not accepting the task on time, but if it is complicated, these three leaves are a treasure that can extend anyone's life for three years.

If you can take it out and sell it, you will never have to worry about not having enough money in your life.

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to click the buy button under this scroll.

The electronic sound that had not been heard for a long time sounded again in the wishing mind:

"Exchange for a temporary job certificate - 1 child of life, the price is 20 willingness points."

Although I have made good mental preparations, when I heard this number, I was still a little shocked when I made a wish.

20 wish power is not that high, but it is definitely a huge sum of money here, almost enough to spend his average wish power.

Which one of these wish power values ​​was not bought by him through hard work, and even a narrow escape, so half of it would be used up if he changed hands, and making a wish was somewhat distressing.

But when he thought of the leaf of life that he was about to get, Wishing finally made up his mind and clicked the confirmation button that popped up.

The unexpected mechanical sound sounded again: "It is detected that the host is using the exchange system for the first time, and the item selected for the first time will be given away for free."

Accompanied by this sound, there are also some cheers that seem to be fireworks and horns.

But making a wish is not at all happy. If he had known that the first exchange was free, he would not have to choose so carefully, and just take out the one with the highest value.

But the matter has come to this point, it is useless to make a wish and then think about regretting it, so I have no choice but to accept this reality.

A golden light flashed, and the inauguration scroll, which was originally just a three-dimensional image, actually appeared in the wishing palm.

Wishing curiously, he held this thing in front of his eyes and observed it carefully.

It can be seen that this is a cylindrical object with a texture similar to silk paper. After a little trial, the strength is still very high. It can be clearly seen that this is a stick-shaped object rolled up with silk paper.

In the center of the scroll, there is an opening sealed with red wax oil. As long as you tear it open, you can clearly read what is recorded in the scroll.

Wishing not to waste too much time here, took a deep breath, resolutely destroyed the wax seal, and then unfolded it forcefully.

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