"Speak up, Zhou Xuan!"

"Weren't you great last night?"

"Why can't you say a word now?"

Chen Huan found that the atmosphere was very dull, so he turned to Zhou Xuan as soon as he opened his mouth.

"I have nothing to say!"

Zhou Xuan glanced at Chen Huan, then lowered his head, not looking at the few people around him.

"Now you know you have nothing to say?"

Chen Huan gave Zhou Xuan a look of disdain.

"Okay, stop fighting!"

"Xuan'er, what happened to those two people?"

Seeing the two quarreling, Tang Qing stopped him quickly, and then asked Zhou Xuan.

"The two of them found me a year ago."

"At that time, they found me through a guard and said they could help me."

"And showed me their strength. After I saw it, I was very happy."

"However, I was worried about coming here for no reason, so I just left the two of them alone."

"It seems that they also know that I don't trust them, so they gave a bottle of poison called paraquat."

"After knowing the effect of the medicine, I was moved, so..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Xuan glanced at Tang Qing, lowered his head, and couldn't speak anymore.

"Oh, one wrong step, one wrong step!"

Tang Qing shook his head helplessly, it is irreversible for Zhou Xuan to do such a thing.

"Is there an antidote?"

Tang Qing continued to ask.

"No, the poison of paraquat will slowly infuse internal and spiritual power, and then slowly wither."

"Until the end, the whole person died like withered grass."

Zhou Xuan said weakly.

The meaning of his words is very clear, there is no antidote for paraquat.

Chen Huan finally understood that the poison on Tang Qing's body was caused by Zhou Xuan.

Zhou Xuan was completely hopeless, and actually poisoned his own uncle.

Fortunately, Tang Qing still defended him so much, it was really a conscience that fed the dog.

Zhou Lingwei, Li Yu, Tang Feng and Ma Jun didn't understand what they said.

Because they didn t know that Tang Qing had been poisoned.

"Okay, let's stop here!"

"Live and die, but luckily this time it didn't cause much tragedy."

"However, I hope that you can find your way back."

Tang Qing looked at Zhou Xuan, hoping that he would know what he did wrong because of this incident, and correct it in the future.

"Hmph, I hope!"

"Also, you haven't even mentioned the origins of those two people!"

Chen Huan didn't believe in Zhou Xuan. If a person wanted to change all of a sudden, how could there be such a good thing.

"I don't know their origins, I only know that they have strong internal strength and high strength."

"Much stronger than the strongest master in our palace."

"I also asked where they came from, and they just said they came from a mysterious place."

"There are many people as powerful as them."

Zhou Xuan said what he knew one by one.

"They're just like me!"

At this moment, Li Yu interrupted.

"Just like you?"

Chen Huan immediately felt bad. If he was really like Li Yu, the purpose of this group of people was not pure.

"What are you talking about?"

"Why do I feel like I don't understand anything?"

Zhou Lingwei's hearing was in the clouds, and there was no end to it.

"Prince, if there are such people coming to you in the future, they must inform us in time."

"Their methods are extremely sinister and hard to guard against."

Li Yu didn't answer Zhou Lingwei's question, but said to Zhou Xuan instead.

"I think their affairs can be put aside for the time being. You should quickly let that Dongfang group go back."

"The Star Dou Mission stays in the city every day, so it's uncomfortable to watch."

"And what they will do in Tiandu City, whether they will arrange spies to do things that will harm Tianluo, no one knows."

Seeing that Zhou Xuan's attitude had changed, Chen Huan immediately said.

"I know, I wanted them to take the second sister to Xingdou, but now, there's no need."

Zhou Xuan looked up at Chen Huan, and naturally understood the meaning of Chen Huan's words.

"However, if we drive them back now, we will face the Star Dou Empire's full-scale attack next!"

"With the strength of our Tianluo Empire, although we can spend a few years with them."

"But after a few years, I don't know!"

Zhou Xuan was very clear about the affairs between the two countries.

In fact, Zhou Xuan didn't like people from Star Dou Empire either, but before, he wanted Zhou Lingwei to marry him to Star Dou.

That's why they deliberately approached Dongfang Group and kept them in Tiandu City.

"Having said that, the Star Dou Empire cannot continue to fight for a long time."

"The Star Dou Empire's territory and population are much larger than our Tianluo Empire."

"Long-term wars are more difficult for them to dispatch than us."

Chen Huan felt that Zhou Xuan's words were not entirely correct.

War can not only be based on national power and strength, there are many other factors.

"It's not unreasonable!"

Zhou Xuan nodded, feeling that what Chen Huan said made sense.

"Are you changing too quickly?"

Zhou Lingwei couldn't keep up with the rhythm. Before, she was still talking about Zhou Xuan's affairs, but now, she was talking about the two countries' affairs.

Ma Jun and Tang Feng sat on the sidelines and didn't want to interrupt at all.

One only cares about cultivation, and the other only cares about building things.

Whether the empire is not an empire, they don't care at all.

Chen Huan smiled at Zhou Lingwei, quickly changed the subject, and said to Zhou Xuan.

"Do you still think Lingwei can take your place?"


Zhou Xuan instantly understood what Chen Huan said. From now on, it seems that he is much stronger than Zhou Lingwei.

Because Zhou Lingwei only knows about big battles, and doesn't seem to understand anything else.

So, in a sense, my position is irreplaceable!

Maybe before, what I saw was only one-sided.

At this time, Zhou Xuan also accepted what Chen Huan had said to him before.

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