In a place called Wuyou Valley in Huazhou, there are ten huge and towering black stone monuments.On each stone tablet, there is the word "Destiny" written in blood red.

"The Monument of Destiny is here, Master." It was Li Pinghuai, Xuan Xingzi's apprentice who walked in the front and talked about it, and he was reporting to Xuan Xingzi at this time.

"The Destiny Monument is tied to the destiny of this world, as well as the lives of our monks." Seeing the ten dark steles in front of him, Xuan Xingzi said with a hint of desolation.

This time, he brought all his disciples to Huazhou, just for these ten tablets of destiny.

Under each stele here, there are at least five magic cultivators sealed.In other words, there are at least fifty magicians sealed in this canyon.

Worry-free Valley, beneath its beautiful name, represents a terrifying place.The seasons here are full of gloomy clouds and no sunshine.There is almost no life in the entire canyon, and there is dead silence everywhere.

And as the seal gradually weakened, the breath of the demon cultivators emitted, making this place a hell for all life.

Wuyou Valley, the name itself means that since it is such a canyon, there will be no worries.And the quickest way to relieve worries, naturally refers to the end of life.

Xuan Xingzi stepped forward alone and came to the bottom of a tablet of destiny.He reached out and stroked the black stone tablet.

There was a biting chill on the stele, and there was extremely strong resentment, even if he touched it lightly with his hand, Xuan Xingzi felt that his palm had been eroded by the resentment.

The Stele of Destiny is an item left by the living beings against the demons in ancient times, and is used to seal and suppress these demons.

Because of the existence of the Destiny Monument and the Zhongzhou Monument, this continent has had a long enough period of peace.

But over time, the seal weakened.This monument of destiny has become a shelter for the demon cultivators.

When the seal decays to a certain extent, the breath of the demonic cultivator can break through the seal and spread out, causing huge disasters.At the same time, this also means that the Tablet of Destiny can no longer completely restrain Moxiu.

At this time, the demon cultivator can spread his breath outwards and spread disasters in the tablet of destiny; at the same time, he can slowly recover his strength in the tablet of destiny.

But at this time, if you want to prevent such a situation from happening, there is only one way, which is to destroy the tablet of destiny, release the magic cultivator, and then destroy it.

"Master, these ten monuments of destiny are too close to each other. If we release the demon cultivators one by one, it will inevitably affect other monuments of destiny during the battle. At that time, more demon cultivators may suddenly emerge. I'm afraid it will be difficult to handle." Xuan Xingzi's other disciple said.

Xuan Xingzi had a total of five disciples, and they brought all of them this time.Among them, Li Pinghuai, who is the weakest, has the strength of the early stage of the Mahayana realm, and the other disciples are all of the strength of the middle stage of the Mahayana realm.

Although Xuan Xingzi himself has always stayed in the realm of Mahayana Dzogchen in terms of cultivation, his actual combat power can reach the level of an earth immortal.

"There is a teacher here, so you don't have to worry about it." Xuan Xingzi said, "Everyone get ready, the teacher is going to do something."

As Xuan Xingzi's voice fell, his five disciples all took out their weapons and stood in line behind Xuan Xingzi.

Seeing that the timing was almost up, Xuan Xingzi slammed his palm on the tablet of destiny in front of him.

With a palm strike, two red rays of light flashed on the word Tianming on the Destiny Tablet, and then quickly dimmed.

As the light dimmed, the two words flowed down from the monument as if they had turned into blood again.

The bright red blood-like liquid flowed through the body of the stele, leaving blood-red marks, and then the stele began to crack from these marks and gradually collapsed.

With the collapse of the Destiny Monument, a huge amount of devilish energy gushed out from it, and these dark devilish energy gathered into six groups in the air, and then these six groups of devilish energy gradually turned into six human shapes.

"Six?" Xuan Xingzi muttered, and then immediately ordered, "Don't let the magician recover, attack immediately!"

Xuan Xingzi's voice has not yet fallen, and the attack has already been released.

I saw Xuan Xingzi's hands facing each other, a black hole appeared between the palms, and countless ghostly light balls flew out of the black hole, which looked like the heads of skeletons.

As soon as these balls of light flew out of the black hole, they were immediately attracted by the demonic energy in the air, and they quickly surrounded them, opened their big hollow mouths, and began to swallow the demonic energy.

In the blink of an eye, the four balls of devilish energy were swallowed up by these balls of light before they had time to fully transform into human form.

The ball of light that swallowed the magic energy gradually changed from white to black, and Xuan Xingzi controlled them to surround them with a fifth cloud of magic energy.At this time, the demonic energy has basically turned into a human form, and there is no demonic energy emitted to be swallowed by the light ball.

And the black ball of light surrounded the demon cultivator, and then hit it. Once it hit the demon cultivator, the light ball exploded immediately.

Although the power of each light sphere explosion was not great, the huge number of light spheres still blasted the fifth Moxiu into powder in an instant.

At the same time, Xuan Xingzi's five disciples also eliminated the last Demon Cultivator.

When the first wave of battles was over, everyone was very relaxed, and even some disciples showed disappointment and disdain on their faces, as if they were saying: Demon cultivator?That's it?
Xuan Xingzi also felt strange.In these years, there have been more than 100 demon cultivators who died at his own hands, but I have never seen such a weak one.

In order to avoid affecting other Destiny Monuments and speed up the battle, Xuan Xingzi even used all the inherited exercises.

Inherited exercises are the exercises and skills passed down from generation to generation by the elders of the Zhongzhou Realm. It can be said that it is the foundation of everything in the Zhongzhou Realm.

But in fact, this inheritance technique itself contains demon energy, and its essence is actually an improved version of the magic cultivation technique, which uses the skills of the magic cultivators to resist the magic cultivation.

Generally speaking, the elders in Zhongzhou would not use it lightly.Because after all, this is borrowing the power of the demon cultivator, and it will be feared by other monks to some extent.

This is also the reason why the elders in the Zhongzhou Realm have to swear to only kill demon cultivators and not to kill living beings.Because if this kind of cultivation method is used to deal with ordinary monks, then what is the difference between the elders of the Zhongzhou Realm and the demon cultivators?

Xuan Xingzi used the inherited skills from the beginning, but found that this magic cultivation was surprisingly weak, even if he didn't use the inherited skills, it could be solved with one or two tricks.

However, Xuan Xingzi did not let down his vigilance because he knew that the situation of each Destiny Monument was different, and the weakness of these demon cultivators did not mean that all the demon cultivators in the Wuyou Valley were weak.

But his disciples didn't think so. At this time, they already had some pride in their hearts.

"These demon cultivators are so weak, why did the ancestors just seal them instead of killing them directly like we do now?" a disciple asked.

He didn't ask Xuan Xingzi, but his senior brothers, as if he wanted to discuss this topic.

"That's because our ancestors couldn't kill these demon cultivators." But Xuan Xingzi didn't give them a chance to discuss, but directly answered the question, "The reason why we can easily kill these demon cultivators now , it is precisely because these demon cultivators have been sealed in the Table of Destiny for a long time, their strength has been weakened to the greatest extent. You know, the strength of the demon cultivators you killed before is not as strong as Wan Wan at his peak. one."

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