The legless puppet held the puppet similar to Yuxian'er with one hand, and pointed at the two legs with the other hand, his eyes were full of expectation.

The puppet like Yu Xian'er was stunned for a moment, then shook his head desperately, shaking his head while waving his hands, explaining.

As if to say, if you want the legless doll to rest assured, you will definitely bring back the two most perfect legs for it.It also seems to be saying that he also wants to become a real person.

To become a real person is the wish, the greatest wish, of every doll here.

The legless puppet suddenly let go of the hand it was holding, but it was not about to give up. Instead, one finger pointed to the heart of the puppet that looked like Yuxian'er, and the other pointed to its own chest. Then, on its face, it showed He gave a cold and cruel smile.

It seems to say that I have a heart, and it is the biggest heart. Although it is not complete yet, it is very close to being complete.But the puppet like Yuxian'er has no heart, no heart, no matter how complete the body is, it is useless.

Moreover, the mind is more difficult to obtain than the body.

The legless puppet seemed to say, give me your legs so I can be real, and take your legs with me so we can never be apart again.

The puppet like Yuxian'er seemed to be moved by talking, but soon, it came to its senses, then shook its head vigorously, and wanted to explain, and wanted to say that both of them should become real people.

At this time, other puppets have also discovered them, one has a complete body, and the other has a nearly complete heart.

Other puppets rushed towards the two puppets.

Dolls like Yuxian'er protect the legless dolls behind them, and then fight alone with the dolls rushing up.

It seems that the doll like Yuxian'er is the most perfect doll in this room. Its body is so tough that even if it is held down by several dolls, it cannot be torn apart.

And its attack is also very powerful. An ordinary doll only needs a punch or a kick to make it lose its combat effectiveness.

At this moment, the puppet like Yu Xian'er seemed to hear something behind him, turned around, and saw that the legless puppet was surrounded, and several puppet with complete bodies held it down and were about to dig out of its heart.

The puppet with the appearance of Yu Xian'er rushed forward immediately, and knocked away a puppet that was pressing on the legless puppet's arm with a punch, but he was soon entangled by other puppet and couldn't escape at all.

At this moment, it saw that the legless puppet raised its only movable arm, pierced into its own body at once, dug out its own heart, and then squeezed it hard, destroying its own heart.

The legless doll was quickly reduced to ashes.

The battle is still going on, even though they have a complete body and a complete heart, these dolls can't relax, because there are still many incomplete dolls who are trying to take their hearts and bodies.

A puppet like Yu Xian'er also joined the melee, but it didn't seem to be fighting for anything, but just for fighting and venting.

Although by mistake, it also collected the hearts of several dolls, but those hearts are so small, they are still far from being complete.

Just when it shattered the last puppet in front of it, a ray of sunlight came in from the high window, and it was dawn.

As the sunlight came in, all the puppets stopped moving, as if they were fixed in place, they could only stand in place.

The sun shines on a doll.

The complete dolls are safe after being exposed to sunlight, but those incomplete dolls will burn immediately until they are burned to ashes as soon as they come into contact with sunlight.

The sun will soon shine on the puppet like Yuxian'er.It has closed its eyes, waiting for its own end to come.

Suddenly, as if hearing something, it opened its eyes and saw an arm appearing in front of itself. The palm in front of the arm was opened, and inside was a heart, a huge heart.

The heart floated up, floating like a puppet with the appearance of Yuxian'er, and then sank into its chest.

Suddenly, there was a heartbeat, like Yu Xian'er's puppet method saw that in his chest, a complete, even more perfect heart began to beat.

And then, the sun hit it.

No flame, no end.It has a complete body and a complete heart, and it has the qualifications to become a real person.

The arm in front of him burned, and then turned into flying ash and disappeared, but the puppet that looked like Yu Xian'er seemed to have heard the last words of the legless puppet.

"That's fine, take my heart and live on, live on as a real person."

After the sun shone through all the dolls, the room disappeared, and the figure reappeared. He looked around, and there were only six dolls left.

He numbered each figure, from one to six.

The last one to be picked up was a puppet that looked like Yuxian'er. Looking at the puppet, the figure cried out excitedly.

This is the most perfect doll, the body is his own from the beginning, undamaged, and has the most perfect heart.

But the figure still restrained his excitement, put down the doll, nodded in satisfaction, and then disappeared.

Everything around went dark again.

When the surroundings became brighter again, Yu Xian'er saw that the puppet that resembled her was wrapped in a ball of light.

Not just this sphere of light, but around it, there are all such spheres of light, and the sphere of light is full of dolls, all of which are complete dolls.

In the ball of light, the puppet slowly disintegrated and then reshaped. After the ball of light disappeared, Yu Xian'er saw that the puppet that was very similar to her had turned into a little girl, who was exactly the same as her own when she was a child. look.

Then, she heard a voice: "From today on, you are a real person, your name is Ye Ruyu, go explore your own life."

After saying this, the little girl disappeared.

Everything around him disappeared again, leaving only an infinite white space, and the two doors in front of him and behind him.

Yu Xian'er saw the original puppet reappear.

"Could it be that this is me?" Yu Xian'er asked.

"No, that used to be you, but now it's me." The puppet pushed open the door in front of it again, and asked, "Are you still coming?"

After asking, he walked into the door again.

Yu Xian'er also followed.

The screen turned and came to a scene familiar to Yu Xian'er.

Xiayin Mountain, Luo Qin's manor, but at this time it is just a few huts.

Luo Qin sat leisurely in front of the house.

"Sir." Seeing Luo Qin, Yu Xian'er couldn't hide her excitement.

At this time, two little girls ran out of the house.

When Yu Xian'er saw the two little girls, a smile appeared on her face, because these two little girls brought back one of her best memories.

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