God's Mansion: Start with a Goblin

Chapter 61: Losing Your Head

After Centipede and Thunder Warrior were defeated, Wang Ye's goblins became more and more courageous in the battle. They cooperated with Yasha and other creatures to gallop across the battlefield, and defeated the skeleton cavalry.

"Damn...Damn it!"

"Why is this happening, why is this happening!"

Leng Zi's facial features were almost twisted together due to anger, and her voice was as cold as a ghost from hell. She was tearing her hair frantically, looking crazy to the extreme.

The corner of Wang Ye's mouth curled up slightly, and he ordered excitedly: "Jiuyou Jifu, it's time for you to work hard!"

A pagoda near the central crystal suddenly made a loud buzzing noise, and the Hell Demon Pig and Immortal Bird followed closely behind Black and White Wuchang, and rushed towards the giant spider beasts together.


Black and white impermanence waved the mourning stick, and transferred giant spider beasts into the Nine Nether Underworld. Immortal birds soared in the sky, spreading a chilling horror of death everywhere!
The giant spider beasts and skeleton cavalry who touched the dead air all fell into a state of madness, and began to kill their own people!
The balance of victory seemed to be tilted towards Wang Ye. When Leng Zi saw the Hell Demon Pig and the Immortal Sick Bird, he was dumbfounded!
"How is it possible... even... the boss' priests have been assimilated?!"

"It's impossible!"

Although Wang Ye went to look for Liu Dadao last night, at most he was scared away, and he couldn't confront him at all!

"Could it be that the disappearance of the boss has something to do with... Wang Ye!"

Fear also grew in her heart, and a bold idea suddenly popped up, that is the boss - defeated by Wang Ye!
Leng Zi's face was pale, and the self-confidence originally engraved on her face was completely shattered by Wang Ye. Her legs trembled uncontrollably, and she raised her hand sadly: "I... admit defeat!"

If the word admit defeat is so heavy, it seems that all the strength in her body was drained in an instant, so that Leng Zi couldn't even lift her head.

But Wang Ye didn't stop fighting, and he didn't let them stop for a moment.

"I... admit defeat!"

"Why do you continue to kill my soldiers? Don't you know that you have to stop if you admit defeat?!"

With red eyes, she watched the skeleton cavalry go to destruction with some despair, and all the giant spiders were dead, so she had no choice but to surrender.

Wang Ye looked at her indifferently, and whispered lightly: "This battle is about life and death, a piece of trash like you who has been lurking by my side all the time, doing things like chicken and dog robbery!"

"I am unforgiving!"

"The current situation is not something you can stop just by admitting defeat, it doesn't matter if it's you or you guys are evil!"

"I, Wang Ye, see one, kill one!"

His voice was not loud, but it made Leng Zi stunned for a long time. She never thought that Wang Ye would hate her so much...

Perhaps in Leng Zi's heart, he still had the illusion that Wang Ye could become a partner, but now this battle, this dream has been shattered!

After about three breaths, Wang Ye completely wiped out all her creatures. As soon as the battle was over, Leng Zi seemed to be drained of all energy, and she became extremely dizzy, and finally fell into a coma.

The referee stood up lightly, holding the microphone and shouting: "Wang Ye, win!"

The arena was extremely quiet, everyone's mouths were wide open, and they were stunned for a long time without reacting at all.

Xu Qianqiu was the first to shout: "Wang Ye, Cowhide!!"

Li Ruoxi is the second one. As the director of the school, she should be serious, but she was so shocked by Wang Ye's wonderful style of play that she shouted out of nowhere: "Wang Ye, cowhide!!"

All the girls were infected, and the audience shouted the winner's name: "Wang Ye, Cowhide!!"

There was a hint of a smile on Wang Ye's face, but he was not happy about winning in his heart. In fact, he was extremely disappointed with Leng Zi. On the surface, he was a good student who worked hard, but secretly he was a demon and heretic.

Only one step away, she was really trusted by Wang Ye, maybe it was only this step that disappointed Wang Ye.

Leng Zi was carried down by the students arranged by the school doctor in this way. As for her future, it may be the end. A defeated person whose power and race have been wiped out, the organization will not keep her.

Just like Liu Dadao who jumped off the building last night, the reason for his disappearance was also expulsion from the organization! !

Xu Qianqiu trotted all the way to Wang Ye's side, she lowered her head with a guilty expression, all the words she wanted to say were stuck in her throat, and she couldn't make a sound for a long time.

Wang Ye ignored the cheers and kept his eyes on Xu Qianqiu.


Just when she was about to speak, Wang Ye took the first step: "This is not a place to talk, if you have anything to say, come with me!"

Xu Qianqiu nodded, and Wang Ye looked at Li Ruoxi again, smiled and said to her, "You too!"

Li Ruoxi intended to refuse, but Wang Ye provoked her: "If you don't come, you're a puppy! Good sister!"

Li Ruoxi: "!!!"

He frowned angrily and said, "Okay, you stinking bastard!!"

The three of them left the practice field together under the cheers of all the students.

In a secluded grove, the three of them sat by a small tree. The atmosphere was so embarrassingly quiet that no one spoke first.

Both women looked at Wang Ye eagerly, as if they were waiting for what he had to say.

Wang Ye smiled and said to Xu Qianqiu: "Why do you suddenly want to challenge Director Li one-on-one!"

He, Director Li, made Li Ruoxi feel a little flustered and a little disappointed.

Xu Qianqiu faltered for a while, and then explained: "Because you are always bullied by her, I can't get angry... Then Leng Zi told me that if I avenge you, you will..."

"What will it be?"

Wang Ye tilted his head to look at Xu Qianqiu, her face was flushed, and she said in a voice like a mosquito, "You will pay attention to me."

Wang Ye patted Xu Qianqiu's head lightly, and scolded with a smile: "You have been used as a gun, you little idiot!"

"Silly goose?"

Xu Qianqiu's face blushed a lot for no reason, even the roots of her ears were red, she looked extremely cute.

Li Ruoxi sighed sadly: "I will not dare to attack you in the future, I am really afraid that I will be beaten by Qian Qiu again!"

Wang Ye gave a wry smile, Xu Qianqiu also stood up at the right time, and apologized very politely: "I'm sorry... Director Li, it's all my fault that I was deceived by lard... I'm sorry, in short, all mistakes are my fault..."

When they heard that lard was confused, they suddenly laughed.

Xu Qianqiu scratched her head in embarrassment, a little at a loss.

Li Ruoxi said to her softly: "I was not angry from the beginning to the end, because I also saw that you were fighting for Wang Ye, if you want to blame, you can blame..."

She paused for a while, and punched Wang Ye's chest in a strange way: "It's his fault, he is usually disobedient, and Qian Qiu even misunderstood it!"

Wang Ye: "!!!"

Xu Qianqiu also smiled awkwardly, knowing that someone as powerful as Wang Ye would not be entangled by her alone, maybe there will be more sisters in the future.

Wang Ye was also very speechless, he was beaten when he obviously did nothing! !

Li Ruoxi was also sour in her heart, as for why she had such a small emotion, she herself didn't know!
All in all, the three of them have their own thoughts...

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