God's Mansion: Start with a Goblin

Chapter 219: Nine Heavens Profound Thunder

"Heavenly might is mighty!"

Boom! !

The furious Thunder God Mountain Master held the iron rod and released a billowing thunderbolt, hitting Wang Ye directly.

The corner of Wang Ye's mouth curled up, and he confidently raised his sickle and sword to resist! !

boom! !

At this moment, all eyes were fixed on Wang Ye.

He was bathed in the thunder, as if the gods descended.

The majestic figure, lingering killing intent, and high fighting spirit are all deeply engraved in everyone's minds.

Awei's eyes widened, and he couldn't help exclaiming: "How can this kid be so strong that he can ignore even the Thunder God Mountain Master's full blow!!"

"Is this Wang Ye's capital?!"

"It's too strong!!"

The Thunder God Mountain Lord was also shocked, why Wang Ye could stand there as if nothing had happened when he had already used his ultimate move!

"Absolutely impossible!"

The Thunder God Mountain Master is going crazy, he has already surpassed the five-star gods, and the next level is only a matter of touch, but why is this so! !

Suddenly, Wang Ye, who was bathed in the thunder light, gradually disappeared, and finally turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

Thunder God Mountain Lord's eyes widened: "This is..."

Wang Ye's voice sounded behind him at the right time: "Big stupid bird, can't you see that it's a clone?!"

hiss! !

The Lord of Thunder God Mountain turned pale with fright, a sickle sword had already struck him, and it was probably too late to dodge.

"Thunder Armor!"

boom! !

The sickle and sword slashed fiercely, and thunder and lightning exploded on the body of Thunder God Mountain Lord.

hum! !

A subtle sound suddenly exploded, but Thunder God Mountain Master hit the ground heavily like a cannonball.

Wang Ye's body dissipated again, turning into a strange breath and entering the body of Thunder God Mountain Lord.

The air was inexplicably still, and all the Leishenshan disciples were stunned for a while when they saw their ancestor being knocked down to the ground.

And Wang Ye's figure also disappeared without a trace, as if the two of them had never fought.


On the ground, the Thunder God Mountain Master let out a mournful cry, his eyes widened, and he screamed as if he had seen a ghost.

"Damn... this guy is inside me!"


He slammed a lightning strike on his shoulder, as if trying to seal Wang Ye in his body.

"Everyone in Thunder God Mountain!!"

"Use the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder Suppressing Killing Technique!"

"Seal the guy inside me!!"

As the strongest person in Wushen Mountain, to be so embarrassed by a young boy, forcing him to use the sealing technique, it's really a meal.

All the Leishenshan disciples who were fighting against the royal armor surrounded them, staring at the Lord of Leishenshan in unison.

"If you do that, you'll get hurt too!"

"It's absolutely impossible, old ancestor!"

"It's too expensive to do so."


Everyone began to worry, but the Lord of Thunder God Mountain only wanted to kill Wang Ye. If Wang Ye was allowed to escape, relying on his strength, Thunder God Mountain would never be peaceful!

He raised his arms and roared furiously: "I am the manifestation of Lei Zhenzi. It's just a mere killing technique. I sacrifice half of my strength at most!"

"As long as this son can die, that's enough!"

"That's enough!!"

He yelled like he wasn't a villain.

Everyone also saw the attitude of the Thunder God Mountain Lord, so they clasped their palms together and began to condense the power of thunder! !
Above the sky, bursts of thunder began to flash, as if they were summoned, they vaguely wanted to lower their divine power and kill everything! !
Awei felt that something was wrong, so he couldn't help ordering to the royal armor: "Everyone, be uniform, and we must save Wang Ye!"

But the royal battle armor shook their heads one by one, standing in midair unmoved.

One of the captains said indifferently: "Our task is to search for Miss Wenren. It is only our duty to protect the city. Protecting him is not within our scope!"

Awei was heartbroken when he heard that, but with such a violent killing technique, he didn't dare to go up to save people for a while!
And... Mountain Lord Thunder God is already ready to die together.

"Miss, it seems that you really can't keep your lover."

Awei sighed sadly, and now he can only pray that Wang Ye can survive.


There was a thunderstorm in the sky above Linhai, and all citizens clasped their hands together, as if they were praying.

"God, you have to protect the heroes above!"

"They are all heroes guarding the city, I hope they are safe!"

"You must be well!"


Xu Tianmu, who had just killed the enemy, also realized that something was wrong. Looking at the thunderous sky, he couldn't help muttering: "These people are really scary, are they so desperate?!"

Nine Heavens Xuanlei·Suppressing Kill!

The condition for opening it is to sacrifice a quarter of the strength to condense the Xuanlei, the greater the power, the more terrifying the Xuanlei will be! !

Now they are acting recklessly in order to destroy Linhai! !

Standing on the playground and looking at the sky, Xu Qianqiu couldn't help clasping his hands together: "God, bless you, Wang Ye is not in there... Please!"

Li Ruoxi was lying in front of the window sill, and she kept sighing: "That idiot, don't worry too much!!"

Wenren Qiuling wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and shouted loudly: "Wang Ye, run away!!"

The wind became more and more violent, and the thunder rolling in the sky flickered in the clouds, and there seemed to be an aura of destruction in the air.

The boss of Lei Ting also felt that it was almost done, and gave an order: "Do it!!"

All Thunder God Mountain disciples roared in unison: "Nine Heavens Profound Thunder, Suppression!!"

boom! !

A thunderous thunder that resounded through the sky soared down from the sky, and with enough power to blow up everything in the world, it rushed fiercely towards the Thunder God Mountain Lord.

The Thunder God Mountain Master stomped his feet, flapped his wings, and headed away against the lightning strike.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the Thunder God Mountain Lord...

Thunder God Mountain Lord: "Boy, go to hell!!"

boom! !

Thunder exploded in midair, the whole city trembled violently, and many buildings were destroyed in an instant.

The blue aurora is like fireworks, fleeting, leaving only ruins...



Everyone looked at the Leishen Mountain Lord who was suspended in mid-air with all his clothes ruined, but... there was a big hole in his stomach...

His vitality was passing by at a rapid pace, but his wrinkled old face was full of shock.

"All! Don't! Come! Come!!"

He forged ahead with all his strength, and roared word by word.

The Thunder God Mountain disciples were all stunned, why didn't they just pass by? !
Then, the Thunder God Mountain Master uttered a terrible message.

"That kid... isn't dead yet!!"

"He...he is...nearby!"

After finishing the language, everyone was stunned.

With such a terrifying ultimate move, there is no way for Wang Ye to survive! !
But the sound of madness from hell screamed out in the air.

"Everyone should be wiped out!"

"I—— am the World Destroyer!!"

"Feel my fury!!"

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