"Okay." After Shi Yihan heard this, an imperceptible look of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

The Snow Mountain Lingshi is the most precious treasure in the Snow Region, and it takes chance to get it. Even if they have the strength, they may not be able to get it.

It seems that my psychic ability is very difficult to develop, and I was stillborn before I grew up.

But Shi Yihan was not discouraged, smiled slightly, and did not mention this matter again.

Lin Fan didn't say anything more, even if it was rare, once he got the chance, he would try his best to win it.

Bao Yuerou on the side was also thoughtful, she stepped forward and said to Shi Yihan: "Don't worry, since there is such a thing, there will always be a way to get it."

"Yeah." Shi Yihan smiled sweetly and nodded vigorously.

It doesn't matter even if she doesn't want the so-called scepter, her greatest wish is actually to be by Lin Fan's side all the time, just like now.

Such a blissful scene wiped away all the unhappiness Lin Fan had felt these days. On a whim, he stretched out his hands involuntarily, wanting to hug the second daughter.

At this moment, there was a violent sound of breaking through the air behind him, and someone came here.

Lin Fan's outstretched hand was also beaten back by the second daughter, and he turned his head angrily and shouted: "Fatty man, can you give me a wink."

When the words fell, Lin Fan also turned around, but the person in front of him was not Li Xiaoyao, but the man in the hat.

Even though it wasn't Li Xiaoyao, Lin Fan still gave him an annoyed look and said, "Why don't you wink at me?"

The man in the bamboo hat didn't speak, just stood there motionless.

Lin Fan shook his head, and jokingly said to the two girls next to him: "This tall cold man is my new friend, except he doesn't like to talk, everything else is fine."

Shi Yihan and Bao Yuerou nodded, this was the first time they saw the man in the hat, and his behavior really easily aroused the curiosity of others.

Just as he was talking, the man in the bamboo hat behind him spoke up, and Lin Fan even wondered if this guy was trying to fight against him on purpose.

"Failed, I have to go."

Even if he spoke, the man in the bamboo hat didn't say much, just a few words. If Lin Fan didn't know the cause and effect, he wouldn't even know what he was talking about.

"Where are you going?" Lin Fan asked curiously. In his impression, this guy should be a wanderer with no one to rely on. He really didn't know where he could go.

"Snowland!" The man in the bamboo hat spoke again, only two words.

"Snow Region? Are you from the Snow Region?" Lin Fan asked in surprise.

The man in the hat didn't say a word, Lin Fan would think of something at this time, and suddenly realized that the man in the hat had used the moves of the snow domain before!

It's just that he didn't think of it at that time. In fact, he should have guessed the identity of the man in the bamboo hat as early as that time.

Before Lin Fan could open his mouth again, the two women next to him let out a low cry, saying what they were talking about, just now they were talking about the Lingshi of the Snowy Land, and now they met someone from the Snowy Land!

At this time, Li Xiaoyao, who had just left, also flew back, saw Lin Fan and others were there, and said out of breath, "I lost, it seems that there is no way to deal with the emperor of the world for the time being!"

Li Xiaoyao didn't hang around even when he went out, and went directly to the imperial capital to inquire about a wave of news.

Under the effect of the imperial capital's large formation, the man in the hat did not take advantage of it, and the rise of the emperor in the world was unstoppable!
The Emperor of the World at this time is also very proud, in his opinion, he is the protagonist after time travel in the legend!Success is inevitable!
As Li Xiaoyao said, he also noticed the man in the hat beside him, and he was even more surprised: "The outside world is saying that you have been seriously injured, how is it? Are you okay?"

The man in the bamboo hat shook his head, but didn't speak.

But Lin Fan next to him saw something was wrong, if there was no problem, would this guy go back to the Snowy Land?I'm afraid I will have to fight the emperor of the world!

"You are going back to the snowy region, are you here to say goodbye to me?" Lin Fan asked with a smile.

The man in the bamboo hat nodded and said, "I will repay my kindness in the future!"

Lin Fan smiled and nodded. This is probably the longest sentence the man in the hat has said these days.

Saying goodbye to Lin Fan, the man in the bamboo hat didn't stop any longer, and turned around to leave here.

But at this moment, Lin Fan on the side stopped him: "Hey, you're going back to the Snowy Land, won't you bring us?"

Everyone present looked at Lin Fan in surprise, is he going to the snowy region too!

Li Xiaoyao looked at Lin Fan suspiciously, Lin Fan just smiled slightly, looked at Li Xiaoyao, and said, "It's useless to stay in the human world now, the emperor of the human world will not come out again in a short time."

The man in the bamboo hat turned around, glanced at them, and nodded.

Seeing this, Lin Fan smiled and pulled up the two girls next to him, and said, "Just try to see if I can get the snowy spirit stone."

In this way, a group of people followed the man in the hat and hurried to the snowy area.

Nothing happened along the way, but the entire lower realm is now in panic and anger.

They are afraid of the human emperor's inhumane massacre of the people in the lower world, and on the one hand, they hate what the human emperor has done.

This guy is so hateful that he deceived the whole world!Everyone should get it and kill it!
Soon, a few people came to the snowy area, and everything they saw was a vast expanse of white snow!
This is the case all year round in the world of Snowland, there are no four seasons, it will always be a world of white snow and cold winter!
Lin Fan and the others followed behind the man in the hat, quickly shuttled through this white world, and soon came to a snowy place.In an ice castle built with ice blocks.

Is this the home of the man in the bamboo hat?
The few people were looking around curiously, but they saw a panting voice from the ice castle: "Brother, are you back?"

After the words fell, everyone subconsciously looked into the sick castle, only to see the man in the hat walking in quickly, talking to the people inside.

Soon, with the support of the man in the bamboo hat, a weak girl with a face as pale as snow came out of the room, and greeted several people with a smile.

"This is... your sister?" Lin Fan asked curiously. He didn't expect that the man in the bamboo hat was not alone, but also had a younger sister. Then why did she enter the fairy world?

It seems that there must be something else behind this.

Just as a few people were talking, there was a sound of Solara in the distance, accompanied by the barking of dogs.

Everyone smelled and looked around, and saw several snowmobiles pulled by dogs coming from a distance at a high speed, and stopped in front of everyone.

A group of tightly packed soldiers got off from the cars in front and quickly surrounded them. Immediately, a voice came from behind these soldiers: "Who are you? What are you doing here? Leave quickly, otherwise Don't blame me for being rude!"

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