Fantasy: I can synthesize talents

Chapter 215 Lin Wei Kills the Bully

At this moment, Shenxu City.

Lin Wei glanced at the name engraved on the gate of the city, and walked through layers of space to the area where the bright spots of the jade beads were located.

"Dog! How dare you steal my little master's treasure?? If you want me not to kill you, hurry up and hand over the stolen treasure!" On the broad street, among several servants in green robes A thin little girl stood.

Although they didn't hit her, the little girl's mouth kept screaming, and it was the little girl who represented Yuzhu's bright spot.

"No, the adults in my family gave it to me! I didn't steal it! It's from my family!!" This frail girl kept her mouth tightly shut, even though she had been persecuted and abused by these ugly servants before. , but her dirty little face was full of stubbornness, and Lin Wei seemed to have a familiar feeling in his trance.

This stubborn posture seems to have been seen somewhere?

Master of fate? ! ! !

He remembered that this stubborn attitude was especially like the Master of Fate who met on the last floor of the Tongtian Tower on the second floor of the Great Space Realm. They really looked too much alike.

Could this little girl be the reincarnation of the master of fate?
The golden light in Lin Wei's eyes condensed, and his eyes glowed with a faint golden light. At this time, the relevant information of the little girl appeared in front of him.

An ordinary little girl with no blood power, no special physique, ordinary aptitude, and no talent for cultivation.

This is the original message displayed by this skinny little girl.

"Could it be a similar character?" Lin Wei guessed that this world is full of miracles, and it is not surprising that a person who is like the master of fate reappears after endless ages.

At this moment, people finally couldn't bear it anymore, rolled up their sleeves, and said in a cold and arrogant voice: "If you don't hand over the stolen treasure, don't blame us for being rude!!"

"No, I didn't steal it! I didn't!" The little girl explained stubbornly, her hands tightly covering her chest.

At the same time, her eyes scanned the crowd around her with hope.

However, to the little girl's disappointment, these onlookers avoided looking at her. They also knew that these servants were just looking for an excuse to grab the little girl's treasure, but even if they wanted to help, there was nothing they could do.

It's just because of the power of these servants, it should be said that the strength of the young master these servants say is something they can't afford to offend.

As time passed, the hope in the little girl's eyes gradually faded.

And those servants really didn't want to waste any more time, so they were going to stretch out their hands and grab the so-called treasure in their arms.

But at this moment, several celestial lights suddenly shot from somewhere, and directly penetrated the palms of these servants who were about to snatch them.

"Ah?" The little girl exclaimed, subconsciously looking in the direction of Xianguang.

A young man in white came over, like a fairy, with a perfect face and refined temperament, not a mortal.

"Are you okay?" Lin Wei asked softly as he stepped aside.

"No, nothing." The little girl shook her head, pouted and said gratefully, "Thank you for your help."

Lin Wei nodded, hesitated for a moment and said, "Little girl, can I see your treasure?"

The little girl opened a pair of big ink-like eyes, glanced at Lin Wei, and nodded slightly: "Okay."

She could feel that Lin Wei didn't seem to be a bad person, and since he had just saved his life, if the young man in white really liked his treasure, he only needed to snatch it.

At that time, she has no way to resist.

Although the little girl thought so, she still took out the treasure from her bosom.

It was a crystal bead like a fantasy star, with a mysterious aura, no matter what it was, just looking at it was enough to seduce others to snatch it.

The people around also became silent at this moment, and some of them had already radiated their fiery desire in their eyes.

"So that's how it is." Lin Wei raised the corner of his mouth slightly, holding the star bead in his hand, and asked with a smile: "Little girl, can I buy your precious bead?"

The little girl shook her head, but when she saw Lin Wei's frown, she whispered, "But son, can you teach me how to practice?"

She already understood that this treasure had been targeted by those people a long time ago, and it would be difficult to protect it by relying on her own strength in the future.

At this time, it is better to take advantage of this person's kindness and help her before, and exchange this thing for other things, but if it is just sold, it will only cause people to rob it, and if it is sold today, it will be robbed tomorrow.

In addition, this is a fantasy world, if there is no power, it is weak and incompetent.

Although she has always wanted to practice the exercises, but because her qualifications are too ordinary and no one is willing to teach her, she can take this opportunity to learn the exercises, practice them, and have the strength to protect herself in the future.

"Well, yes." Lin Wei agreed without hesitation, but although this little girl has ordinary aptitude and low talent, it is not impossible to reform.

Using some special magical medicine can change her physique and give her a spiritual body.

It is also a very cost-effective deal to exchange the magic medicine for this star-shaped bead carrying light spots.

"Great!! This bead is for you!" The little girl had a happy smile on her face, it was really a happy smile from the heart.

At the same time, she handed the star-colored beads to Lin Wei's hand, and Lin Wei reached out to take it.

"Hmph!" At this moment, a thunderous snort suddenly came, and a man in blue stood there with a proud expression and cold eyes on his face.

"Xiang Ye, the young master of the Xiang family, is only 32 years old this year, and he has already reached the level of the third stage of the real world."

It turned out that the people who attacked the little girl just now were all his servants.

The most important thing is that he also has a younger brother who is the third-generation disciple of Shenxu Sect. Although his younger brother is only ten years old this year, he has already reached the level of Dao Inquiry, and he is a real human wizard!
it's him!This brat!He just killed a few of his servants, and now he is here to avenge his servants!
At this time, some bystanders saw the man in blue, and immediately whispered to each other loudly, and looked at Lin Wei with some sympathy in their eyes. After all, because these people's level is low, they can't see Lin Wei's true face, only think that he He is an ordinary cultivator.

"Boy, hand over the beads in your hand, and then kowtow to me a few times! Maybe I will let you live, otherwise" Xiangye looked at Lin Wei proudly, and after he finished speaking, he turned his gaze to the little girl, coldly A smile: "Otherwise, I don't know where this little girl will be sold, but she is still so young, alas~"

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