Throughout the afternoon, Zhao Fang and Qin Hai were trapped in the fear of being dominated. Liu Lang's work voice never stopped. It was not until after work that Zhao Fang and Qin Hai finally got rid of this fear.

And because of Liu Lang's performance in the morning, he also attracted much attention. Therefore, after many people walked out of their work rooms, they felt as if the front wave was beaten to death on the beach by the back wave.

Just when everyone was looking at the room where Liu Lang was with complicated expressions, Liu Lang also walked out of the room. Looking at the crowd of onlookers, Liu Lang, who was full of energy, said hello. Steadily leave the company.


Looking at Liu Lang's disappearing back, some people were moved with emotion, while others were puzzled.

"Is this newcomer really so fierce? I even counted the number of times I worked. From two o'clock to six o'clock in the evening, there will be a battle every hour, and each work lasts For more than 45 minutes, even if this girl has a strong waist, she can't help tormenting like this!"

"So, what do you mean?" Someone seemed to be thinking of something, and looked at the speaker with a look of surprise.

"Chen Yue, what the hell are you talking about! Didn't you just want to say that he took medicine? But have you ever thought that there is no medicine without side effects, even if he really takes medicine? , I have completed my rhetoric, but it will be revealed when I get off work."

A short, bald man looked at the speaker with disdain.

"You just can't see a newcomer stronger than you. They really have that ability, otherwise, they would have been exposed when they came out just now."

"Fang Jie, do you guys like newcomers to stand on your head and show off?"

After the person who questioned at the beginning was exposed, he said with a face that turned from embarrassment into anger.

"If he behaves like this, our department will definitely praise him greatly, and maybe even focus on training. Compared with a super rookie like him, we old fritters are nothing."

The bald man Fang Jie said indifferently.

"So, even if you want to suppress this newcomer, our Mugong Pagoda will not allow it. After all, the core purpose of our Mugong Pagoda is to use us as tools to breed more lives, and they have that strength If you want to make more contributions to Mugong Pagoda with the capital, if it were your company, you would choose the old fritters who steal and play tricks, or the newcomers who are motivated and capable."

Fang Jie's words silenced all the old employees. Although they are the old people of Mugongta, in the end, what Mugongta sees is how much benefit and profit this person can create for the company. How many years in the company.

When it comes time to choose, it is definitely to choose a new employee like Liu Lang who can contribute more performance to the company.

Moreover, if this new employee can perform as strong as before, he will definitely rise to the top and be entrusted with important tasks by the company.

Most of the employees here are just tool people, and the higher level of tool people is the stallion. The stallion represents the ability to complete more than 90 performances in a month, and there is a super artificial man on top of the stallion. Employees of this level are also the highest professional title in the Mugong Pagoda, and even the tower chief of the Mugong Pagoda has to pay three points of respect when they see it.

And if Liu Lang can continue to behave like today, then promotion to a stallion in the future is a certainty, even if it is a super artificial human, it is not impossible.

Therefore, after Fang Jie finished speaking, they made a decision in their hearts. Even if they couldn't make friends, they couldn't offend this super newcomer.

"Hey, that Liu...oh, Xiaolang, right!"

Liu Lang didn't know about the dispute with his colleagues on the floor. At this moment, he was taking the elevator down to the first floor. As soon as he punched in his card, there was a greeting from the elevator entrance. Liu Lang of this voice raised his head.

"Brother Cheng, it's you! Are you off work too?"

"I rushed here to wait for your kid's good news as soon as I got off work." Cheng Jian looked expectant.

Not only him, but several other people around Cheng Jiantian also looked curious. After all, Liu Lang, a newcomer, made a lot of noise when he joined the company, and he set a small goal with bold words. Now many people are waiting Watch the results.

"Sprinkle the water! The achievement of Qijiro has been achieved."

Liu Lang was not humble, and said confidently. After hearing his words, Cheng Jian grinned, and then patted him on the shoulder heavily.

"As expected of my little brother, that guy Li Qiang looks down on others, so this time he's going to lose all over again."

Cheng Jian's loud voice also surprised the people around him. After all, it's been a long time since Mu Gongta appeared on the first day and completed the achievement of Qijiro a day.

If what Liu Lang said is true, then this newcomer's ability is really tyrannical. If he can continue, he will definitely achieve something in the future.

"Cheng Jian, you have been complacent too early. Tomorrow is the time to announce the performance of the previous day. I want to see if this newcomer is really as stupid as he said."

At this time, Li Qiang with an ugly face also came out of the elevator. He snorted coldly and looked at Liu Lang.

"You are a rookie who likes to show off so much, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to get up when you fall from a high place?"

Liu Lang couldn't help frowning when he heard Li Qiang's words. He didn't even blame him for betting on him, but this guy threatened him instead.

"Li Qiang, you can't afford it, why are you still playing threats?"

When Liu Lang was about to refute, Cheng Jian had already pointed at Li Qiang and started yelling.

"If you can't afford it, uncle can spare you this time, what's the matter with you guys threatening a newcomer?"

"Who said I can't afford it anymore, isn't it just 5000 credits?" Sensing the strange eyes from everyone, Li Qiang waved his hands after speaking in a cold voice.

"Everything will be known tomorrow, and I'll see what you say then."

Seeing Li Qiang leaving, Cheng Jian spat viciously to the side.

"What the hell, little brother, don't pay attention to this guy, I'll invite you to Yile Wine House for a couple of drinks to celebrate your victory in today's first battle."

After Cheng Jian finished speaking, he enthusiastically pulled Liu Lang out of the Mother Palace Tower. It was also because Liu Lang wanted to have a good tour of the inner city and at the same time deepen his relationship with the supervisor, so he didn't refuse, and a group of people walked towards the bustling night city .

Yile Wine House is actually a small tavern, but because of the craftsmanship of the boss, the brewing skills of the proprietress, and the affordable price, it is a good place for many office workers to relax after work.

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