Lin Hui destroyed the entire island country with the power of one person.

This fact happened right under the eyes of people all over the world!
The hairy female reporter who is still sticking to the island country has photographed all the mutations of the island people.

This is where islanders who have turned into wild beasts are already fighting each other. Because the scene is too bloody, the Mao Bear TV station, which is usually daring, has to be coded.

The current live broadcast has all turned into mosaic images, but this does not affect the audience's concern at all.

Lin Hui had already returned to Longguo at this time, and was immediately taken to the hospital for a physical examination as soon as he got off the ship.

"Don't be so nervous, how can I be so imaginary."

The old emperor rolled his eyes aside and said:
"In the future, if you have nothing to do, don't poke yourself. I don't know where the power comes from. It can pierce your body."

Lin Hui could only smile, the old man really regarded himself as a treasure now.

Su Dingfang, who was following behind him, seemed to be studying the power of this finger, and poked himself, as if he felt that such a poke really hurt him, which was a bit of a loss.

So he leaned sideways and slammed on the wall of the hospital.

With a "chi", the finger really poked in.

The child quickly retracted his fingers, looked around and no one saw it.

He was relieved, but when he thought no one had noticed, he was startled by a dry cough behind him.

I saw an old man with a crew cut and a group of nurses staring at the hole he poked out.

It was Yan Zhenzhen who coughed dryly, and she didn't expect her junior brother to really try it, and she still thought that no one else saw it.

Governments of various countries are now assessing the possibility of the island nation's recovery, but no matter what angle they evaluate, they feel that this country has been abandoned.

Although the infrastructure of the entire country is still in operation, after a long time, the infrastructure of this country will be completely extinguished without manual operation. That is to say, the world's third largest economy has become overnight ruins.

This conclusion made all the rulers break out in a cold sweat.

If this Lin Hui came to his own country and did this to himself again, does that mean that if the country is big, it will follow in the footsteps of the island country?
"No, this person is an extremely dangerous person, and the Dragon Kingdom must hand him over."

"Yes, the Dragon Kingdom has caused too much trouble this time, it is tantamount to being a sinner for all mankind."

"That is, the entire island country has now been turned into ruins, and the Dragon Kingdom is responsible for this incident."

"Pursue Long Guo, pursue Lin Hui..."

Such voices slowly began to spread from the political arena to the people, and for a while the whole world began a movement to overthrow the dragon and overthrow Lin Hui.

And the small countries around the Dragon Kingdom trembled even more.

"I'm going to tell you that in the future, anyone with the surname Lin who enters our country will be strictly screened, and this Lin Hui will never be allowed to enter our country."

"Also, all Taoist priests related to the Dragon Kingdom are not allowed to enter our country, otherwise they will be killed without mercy!"

While the people of Longguo were still paying attention to Lin Hui's health, voices from the external network kept rushing towards Longguo.

"What? Upside down Lin Hui? I got angry when I stepped on the horse. Are these people blind?"

"You can't say that, just look at the destructive power of Master Lin alone, which ruler is not afraid?"

"It's true, Master Lin destroyed the country by himself, this is not bragging."

On Longguo's network, many rationalists also began to come out to feel sorry for the people of the island nation.

But these people are a minority after all. As soon as they came out, someone immediately stepped forward and asked:

"There may be innocent islanders, but haven't these innocent people been transferred out by that mysterious force? Are you blind or your heart is blind? Why don't Master Lin also give you a questioning heart charm? Are you going to the island country to serve your father?"

This message immediately silenced the Lizhongke.

When the Emperor Longguo in the palace received a diplomatic message from his subordinates asking the heads of state to hand over Lin Hui, he couldn't help but sneered.

"Since I like live broadcasts so much, I will also do a live broadcast. I just want to see which country dares to say that directly to me in the live broadcast."

"Emperor... Your Majesty. The live broadcast is not for fun. If you say something wrong, it may cause international disputes."

"Idiot, is there any international dispute more serious than the destruction of a country by one person?"

After scolding his subordinates, the emperor himself made a few drafts in his heart.

"Preservation must be preserved, but the emperor's dignity is still necessary."

The emperor of the Dragon Kingdom thought well, but he ignored that standing behind Lin Hui was the man he feared the most—the Supreme Emperor.

When the people of the Dragon Kingdom were discussing whether Lin Hui was right or wrong in destroying the island country on the Internet, the news that the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom had launched a live broadcast blew them apart.

"I'm so stupid, is it popular to start live broadcasts now? Live broadcasts of duels, live broadcasts of the destruction of the country, and now the emperor is here to broadcast live? Which company dares to accept such an order."

"Upstairs, you don't know that the biggest live broadcast room is Longguo TV station."


There was no advertisement in the live broadcast of the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom, and it just suddenly appeared in the prime time of the Dragon Kingdom TV station.

"Hi, all the citizens of the Dragon Kingdom, I am your current Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom. This time I started the live broadcast to give those politicians from various countries who keep saying that Master Lin Hui is a dangerous person a chance to video-connect with me. If you have the guts to make such a request to me directly. I don’t guarantee that I will agree to you, but I will also listen to your reasons.”

As soon as the emperor said this, the entire Long Kingdom's network fell silent, and everyone was waiting for the first head of state to connect.

Unfortunately, after waiting for a long time, no one came to connect.

The emperor of the Dragon Kingdom shrugged and said in the live broadcast:
"Look, it's like this outside. You only shout in the crowd but never dare to come out one-on-one, so the people of the Dragon Kingdom. Don't be afraid when you face one or a few foreigners, as long as who If you dare to come up and bark, you just go up and kick him to make him dumb."

"For you to think that Lin Hui is a dangerous person, it's because you don't believe in your people, and you don't believe that they still have good intentions..."

"I don't know how Master Lin did it, but I was very impressed by what he said. Ask Xin, Xin can't lie to you..."

"If you have no evil thoughts in your heart, why are you afraid of asking your heart? Isn't letting you know your heart just to make you a better person? But you are not, you are afraid... because you are evil, you are afraid that you will become those people who are not human ghosts Not like the ghostly islanders."

The emperor's live broadcast didn't say how effective it was, at least it made the people of Long Kingdom understand one thing.

Lin Hui just asked the entire island nation to take a test. If you pass the test, you will be fine, but if you pass the test... Hehe.

Ever since, all the people of Long Kingdom who watched the live broadcast of the emperor supported Lin Hui one-sidedly, and made the strongest voice.

"If you come to the Dragon Kingdom, ask for a heart talisman to serve you!!"

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