Lin Hui's waking up made the heads of state of this world, except the Dragon Kingdom, feel even more chilled.

Because being a person who can pierce his own heart with his fingers is already terrifying, but now that this person is still standing in front of everyone intact, this is beyond the level of horror.

As the saying goes, one step ahead of the world is a genius, and three steps ahead of the world is a madman.

Now the heads of state of various countries look at the boy on the screen as a demon who has returned from hell.

"Give me the source and history of all Longguo Daozong, I want to find out in the fastest time whether this magical power can be turned into a research object for our powerful country..."

At this time, the emperor of a powerful country must study the magical Taoism of the Dragon Kingdom at all costs.

"Emperor... Your Majesty... We don't have enough research on Dragon Kingdom's religion..."

The subordinates below whispered to him in fear.

"I don't care what method you use, you must study this miraculous thing thoroughly, and tell me clearly with those university professors that no matter how much money you spend, as long as there are results, you will be rewarded."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Qiangguo is not the only country that has this reaction. Sunset Country has the most cultural relics of Dragon Kingdom. At this time, a large number of researchers have also been sent to study all the things that can be found in museums that are related to Taoism. .

"Professor Owen, as long as you can research this thing, I guarantee that you will be able to walk sideways in our Sunset Country for the rest of your life."

"Okay, Your Majesty the Emperor, I can't wait now, this magical Taoism is really wonderful. I am willing to spend my whole life researching this thing."

"Okay, what I'm waiting for is your words, don't worry, Professor Owen, I can guarantee that your treatment is definitely the highest in Sunset Country, there is no one."

"Then thank you, His Majesty the Emperor."

When the ten-nation alliance headed by Qiang Nation and Sunset Nation began to search for information on Daozong of Long Nation, Lin Hui sat up from the stretcher.

When everyone was still shocked at how he recovered from all his injuries, suddenly a ray of sunlight shot down from the sky and followed Lin Hui's movement all the time.

Lin Hui knew that this was the response from the wraiths still floating above the island country, and nodded to everyone with a smile. He saluted the wraiths in the sky.

"Let's go, if you don't go, you can't go."

Lin Hui didn't say much, but he suddenly awakened everyone to the danger of this place.

Lin Hui's waking up made the jaws of several heads of state who were about to study the history of Taoism almost drop to the ground.

" not in line with scientific principles..."

"It's impossible... Impossible... How could it be possible to recover from such a serious injury all at once."

"If this ability can be put on the battlefield... No, I must get this man."

"Catch him back and do live research..."

The first thought in the minds of the heads of state of all the big countries was to snatch this young man back. No matter what method was used, this young man must not fall into the hands of the enemy. If he could not get it, he would be destroyed.

With this in mind, not only researchers from all over the world became busy, but even intelligence personnel and members of the dark organization began to enter the Dragon Kingdom through various channels in an attempt to take this magical boy away.

The host of Fulongguan, who was hosting the live broadcast, was overjoyed when he saw Lin Hui wake up, and jumped three feet high in the live broadcast room.

This is the real three feet, and the water friends in the live broadcast room can only see him jumping out of the screen and then falling down.

"Hehe, I couldn't control my emotions just now, everyone forgive me..."

I don't know which water friend in the live broadcast room is so powerful, so I used a bullet screen to ask the host what books I need to read to get started if I want to learn Taoism.

At this time, the host also calmed down, shook his head and said to the water friends:

"Everyone, you can't learn the real Taoism if you want to. To learn Taoism, you must first have an honest and kind heart... Some people may think that these are not important, as long as you learn Taoism It's not the same whether you have a heart or not."

"However, Chairman Lin once told us that a person's life is in his own heart, and he will faithfully record your actions and even your thoughts."

"Our Taoist sect doesn't talk about reincarnation, but there is such a thing as reincarnation. This means that the evil you do and think will be reflected in your conscience. And our Fulong Hall only accepts people with pure nature If a person with a corrupt mind wants to learn Taoism, it doesn't mean that he can't learn it, but he will always stay at the primary stage, and he will never be able to advance to the next level."

The water friends in the live broadcast room were frightened by the host's words.

"I'm stupid, Taoism is still picking people? It seems that I'm out of luck, I can't let my ladies..."

"The same way, ordinary people like us should not go to this messy water. I come back every day to play games and watch small videos. I am satisfied with this kind of life."

The words of the host of Fulong Temple immediately attracted the attention of intelligence personnel from various countries, so they pretended to be water friends and asked various questions.

Where does the host have the time to spread so much knowledge to outsiders who are not even newbies?It can only be said in general terms:
"If it is really calculated which kind of person has the most advantage in learning Taoism, it is estimated that the person who understands the Dragon Kingdom dialect, respects the Dragon Kingdom morality, and knows the Dragon Kingdom character is the most advantageous. I am not bragging. I know that our Taoist scriptures are basically written in Longwen, and each word contains different meanings and different pronunciations, and sometimes the difference of one word can be a thousand miles away..."

"So to sum it up, the people of the Dragon Kingdom still have an advantage in learning Taoism. As for foreigners, I'm sorry, unless you have devoted yourself to learning the Dragon Kingdom dialect for ten years, otherwise you will not understand the words in the Taoism."

"Some people say that the translation is impossible? I won't say much, I will just talk about the first six characters of the "Tao Te Ching". How did you translate it? No matter how you translate it, there is no sentence in Longguo dialect: Dao can be said, very Tao! It tastes good..."

The host's words disappointed all the foreign elements who were about to pull out some information from the live broadcast, but it made the netizens in the entire Dragon Kingdom excited.

"I'm stupid, so to speak, I will have an advantage over others in learning the Tao? This is terrible..."

"The one upstairs, you hear clearly, has an advantage over other foreigners. You are still a younger brother in the competition of Long Kingdom people..."

"Hahahaha, the one upstairs is too straight. But I like it..."

The emperor of the Dragon Kingdom couldn't help but smile when he saw such a happy live broadcast room.

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