After Lin Hui said that, he fell into a coma.

At this time, he seemed to have come to a place of nothingness, where there was nothing, not even a direction, and he was the only one floating there alone.

Su Dingfang hastily put him on the stage, and tried his best to cover the bleeding hole in his chest that was poked out by himself.

"Don't die, don't die... You still have to heal my sister's leg, and you still have to teach me Taoism... Promise me not to die..."

His voice grew from small to loud, until the last sentence was almost wailing.

On the other hand, the talisman brush in Yan Zhenzhen's hand kept drawing in the air, her face tensed, her silver teeth clenched tightly, and one after another characters with pale golden rays of light formed in the air, and then slowly landed on the ground. Lin Hui's body.

But there was no effect at all, Yan Zhenzhen kept painting, tears blurred her vision like a floodgate opened.

When the two disciples were desperately trying to rescue their young master on stage, the live broadcast staff couldn't bear to point the camera at these three young people.

The audience in the live broadcast room also felt the cameraman's current emotional ups and downs from the unconscious vibration of the camera.

The host of Fulong Temple is silent now, his eyes have never left the monitor, and his cheeks are already wet with tears.

"Come on, hold on! Master Lin, don't die..."

"Don't die...don't die...don't die..."

"Master Lin will be safe and well. Good people won't die so easily."

At this time, there was not a single barrage in the live broadcast room that did not bless Lin Hui. This belief slowly spread from the entire Dragon Kingdom. In less than half an hour, the entire Dragon Kingdom formed a powerful idea and flew directly to the island country. Lin Hui in the field.

And what the hairy female reporter outside the island country saw at this time was different from that in the arena.

She and her assistant are squatting not far from the airport. The telephoto lens in the assistant's hand captures all the staff who were busy transporting the big guy just now. In the camera, these people are like As if being hit by Lin Hui's fixed character in the air, everyone stood still and lowered their heads, as if they were asleep or thinking about something.

This is not only the case at the airport, but all those who admit that they are islanders in the entire island country have entered this strange state of silence.

However, they were not frozen, but put down the work in progress, and all fell asleep or thought about something with their heads down.

When the bear girl reporter came out of the airport with her assistant, they realized that, except for the foreigners like them, all the islanders in the whole city were strangely silent.

All the people at the airport fell silent, the planes flying in the sky didn't know where they were going, all the cars on the ground stopped, and the subway came to a slow stop. Under the loud noise of the store, the people inside The salespersons were all silent.

Only those foreigners who have just arrived in the island country, or people who came to the island country for tourism, escaped from the car, the plane, and the subway in fear.

Even the islanders walking on the street lowered their heads, reminding people of the scenes in the movie.

When these people wake up, will they kill the people around them?

For a while, all foreigners who were still awake used their mobile phones and contact information to seek a way to leave this weird place.

When people all over the world watched the live broadcast of Mao Xiong's TV station, they couldn't help but get chills down their backs and numb their scalps when they saw this situation.

"I'm sorry, this time, "Resident Evil" is really going to be staged, but the difference is caused by a contest of Taoism and magic."

"Now I am more and more interested in the Taoism of the Dragon Kingdom..."

"These have no scientific basis at all..."

"Upstairs, you are talking nonsense, can your science explain how the island people in the entire island country have become like this?"

"Not only from the island, but my neighbor is from the island, and it became like this when I first talked to me...Will he wake up and jump on me and bite me?"

"No way, even the islanders in foreign countries are implicated?"

"I'm stupid, my child's teacher is an islander... No, I'm going to pick up my child."

"Fortunately, there are no islanders around me. I am very safe here... I am stupid, my brother is not an islander, why did he become like this..."

At this time, the water friends who watched Maoxiong’s live broadcast room all discovered a terrifying fact, even if you are in any corner of the world, as long as you are an islander, or even worship an islander, if you want to be an islander, you will fall into this A ghost state.

Moreover, under the experiment of the water friends, no matter what kind of stimulation, these islanders who had fallen into deep thought could not be awakened.

This is too terrifying, this is simply a targeted long-range attack.

If this kind of long-range attack does not have much response among the people, the most frightening thing is that in the important units of the Dragon Kingdom, some people in some important positions have fallen into such contemplation.

This frightened the emperor of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Horse, why are there islanders in this position? Tell me why?"

The emperor's saliva had sprayed the face of Uncle Guo in front of him, and Uncle Guo also had a look of embarrassment at this time, and explained in a low voice:

"Brother-in-law, it's really not that I'm incompetent. It's that the enemy is too cunning. You must know that this person has never dealt with islanders, and no one knows that he believes that he is an islander."

"I don't care, all the officials in this state...the civilians are all detained together. If they really want to mutate, let them kill each other. These people deserve to die. If there is no mutation... then let's talk, in short, such people die no pity."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

This kind of thing happened not only in the Dragon Kingdom, but also in the governments of all countries in the world.

Finally, someone counted the situation of the government of a powerful country. Among the 300 million government personnel, there are almost 100 million government employees who have such a situation.

This really frightened the emperors all over the world.

"I really believed in the evil of the little devil, and quietly infiltrated so many people into our territory. If it weren't for this incident, I wouldn't know that one-third of the people below are enemies. "

For a time, the whole world took the same measures as Longguo, locking all these people who were caught in a strange situation in one place.Waiting for their own wake up.

This period of time was not long or short, and it was not until Lin Hui left the border of the island country that there was a change.

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