Feng Shui: Opening Secret Nine Money Raising Corpse Caves

Chapter 80 The Scientific Explanation of Charms

Lin Hui looked at the special envoy and nodded. He had already received an instruction from Mr. Cheap in his mobile phone, saying that this time he could make trouble if he could, and try to let him draw the attention of the island country.

He knew that the old emperor was going to make trouble again, but it was good to think about it, the country was already so angry, as long as he gently flicked it from the outside, it was estimated that the disaster this time would be worse than the last tsunami.

What is the special envoy for?Su Dingfang will tell you that special envoys are used to grind their teeth.

Don't you see that the special envoy of the Dragon Kingdom came and pulled the captain to the side, and exchanged something softly, but the captain looked at this side and shook his head desperately.

At this time, the special envoy's face suddenly became serious, and after speaking a few words on the occasion, he took out his mobile phone and dialed out.

The captain was frightened at this moment, hurriedly grabbed the special envoy to say something, and then took out his mobile phone to start a call.

Su Dingfang didn't understand what was going on, so he couldn't help asking about Yan Zhenzhen, but it's a pity that Yan Zhenzhen is currently live-broadcasting, and the camera on his phone is staring at Su Dingfang.

Su Dingfang just asked her this question that the water friends laughed out loud:

"This special envoy told that little devil so much nonsense, and he just slapped him with his hand, so he would be honest."

Suddenly all the barrage in the live broadcast room stopped, and continued to burst out a large barrage of barrages crazily.

"Hahahaha, I said that Brother Su uses his fists to think about things. You guys have seen it."

The first barrage was like a conductor, and the rows of identical barrages in the back flooded the entire live broadcast room.

"I see."

"I see."

"I see."

Neat and uniform, just like queuing up,
This kind of spectacle even stunned Young Master Su who had been lingering in the major live broadcast rooms.

"Are you talking about me?"

Facing the camera, Su Dingfang pointed to his nose, and after receiving another row of answers, this First Young Master Su was a little flustered again.

"That is, who am I? Do you know the prince of our Dragon Kingdom? I am also a good brother with Su Dingfang."

Just as he was bragging with his water friends, the envoy's phone rang.

After hearing a few words, the special envoy went directly to Lin Hui and said respectfully:

"Master, now the emperor has called the little devil's emperor and asked him to give a reasonable explanation. I guess we can leave after a while."

"Well, it's okay, it's no big deal if you don't leave. This is where I rest."


It was only then that the special envoy remembered that the hotel here was really a place for Lin Hui to rest.

It was this group of onmyojis who broke in. If there was a lawsuit, these islanders would all lose from this point of view.

"Master, it's safer for us to go back to our station."

"Okay, you can arrange it."

Everyone was waiting for the emperor's reply. At this time, the emperor of the Dragon Kingdom was yelling angrily at the emperor of the island country over there on the phone.

On the other side of the phone was the emperor of the island country with a simultaneous interpreter. At this time, the dwarf emperor also had a dull face, and there were faint signs of twitching on his darkened cheeks.

"Let me tell you one last time, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I will go to your door tomorrow for a drill..."

The words of the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom can not help but remind people of some jokes when children fight, but these emperors are already familiar with each other's temper, these words are only popular among the emperors, and will never spread to the people.This damages the image of the emperor as a group.

In desperation, the emperor of the island country still gave the chief of the Police Department a call to tell those people to stop making trouble.Then call it a day.

After the police left, under the arrangement of the special envoy, Lin Hui brought Long Guo's filming team into Long Guo's office in the island country.

Upon entering the office, you are immediately treated like a hero.

"Master, you have worked hard, this way and this way..."

"Mr. Su, are you really good at fighting? Can you kick people against the wall with one kick?"

"Everyone is frightened, let's drink a cup of fixed-shock tea first..."

When everyone sat down, they all looked at Lin Hui.Seems to want him to say something.

"Uh...why are you all looking at me?"

Yan Zhenzhen's live broadcast is still going on until now, and questions are constantly raised in the live broadcast barrage, Yan Zhenzhen, who has a sharp eye, basically recognizes the questions of these barrages at a glance.

"Master, some water friends want to ask a question about your spell just now, can I ask for him?"

Being used to being a show host, she is not usually articulate. Lin Hui didn't answer this question either. In the eyes of others, isn't this embarrassing her master?

But Lin Hui never thought about it this way. He and the old emperor wanted to popularize the basic knowledge of Taoism to Longguo, so that the people of Longguo could be proud of their Taoism.

"Well... I'm thinking about how to make everyone understand it as soon as they hear it, and understand it as soon as they understand it..."

Lin Hui took a sip of tea, then after thinking about it, he said to Yan Zhenzhen's mobile phone:

"This water friend asked this question because he really asked the core content of Taoism. The so-called spells are not that kind of illusory things. Some are a kind of invisible energy, which has not been discovered by science yet... "

"Of course, some of them actually use existing scientific discoveries or researched phenomena to do things."

"As far as my talisman technique is concerned, if I explain it to you from another angle, you will understand..."

Lin Hui looked around at this time and saw a very young girl, so he beckoned her to come over.

"Hey, I have never seen this little girl, let alone know her. Now let me demonstrate the core of this Taoism to you."

"Little girl, look at my fingers."

With a sound of "Got", Lin Hui snapped his fingers in the air, and the little girl fell asleep.

Fortunately, Yan Zhenzhen was next to the little girl and caught her so as not to hurt her. After a few seconds, Lin Hui snapped his fingers in the air again, and the little girl woke up faintly.

At this time, the water friends suddenly realized that the bullet screens all covered the entire screen with those two words.


Lin Hui nodded to the camera at this time and said: "Actually, this is hypnosis, it's just a higher level of energy than hypnosis, that's why all the onmyojis are recruited, because their energy level is not as high as mine, so I Only by luck can we succeed.”

At this time, Lin Hui was brushed up with a sentence in the barrage: "Master, excessive modesty becomes hypocrisy."

Row after row of barrage filled the live broadcast room with a happy atmosphere.

And this kind of atmosphere is only unique to the people of Long Kingdom, and the entire island country fell into a kind of silence before the outbreak...

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