Feng Shui: Opening Secret Nine Money Raising Corpse Caves

Chapter 72 But do good things, don't ask about the future

Lin Hui recorded this recording for a full seven or eight hours, and Su Dingfang had to give a thumbs up.

This is much more dedicated than most so-called stars in the entertainment circle, and what Lin Hui said was like a stand-up comic. Even Su Dingfang, who was watching his selfie on the spot, was anxious to ask what the next episode was about when he finished. Time to record.

Lin Hui patted his head with a smile and said, "You can edit and edit my content first, preferably with subtitles, and all the books I mentioned just now must be marked."

"Okay, master, make sure to complete the task perfectly. Master, you wait for the fire."

Su Dingfang really spared no expense and divided Lin Hui's video into more than 20 episodes, each episode has a theme, and then added subtitles and related materials and music.

When he brought the first draft to the Fulong audience to show it to everyone, everyone couldn't believe it. It turned out to be the new host?

Now Lin Hui has officially taken over the position of the old emperor, and has automatically become the spiritual leader of the Longguo Taoist Sect.

"How? Can this film be made?"

Su Dingfang was a little confused. When he asked everyone's opinions, no one spoke.

And just when Su Dingfang was a little disappointed, everyone applauded.

"Okay, it will definitely become popular. The quintessence of our Dragon Kingdom will really shine at this time."

"Yes, yes, the host said it so well, I watched the first episode and wondered what the next episode will be about."

"Great, if it airs, I'm sure I'll be the first one to watch it on TV."

Hearing everyone's reaction, Su Dingfang finally settled down.

Lin Hui shrugged indifferently, turned his head and walked away.

"Master, let me tell you something."

How could Su Dingfang let him go so easily?Pull him and force him to say a few words.

Lin Hui thought for a while, and said a few words to everyone: "But do good deeds, don't ask about the future!"

Everyone in Fulongguan was silent, and everyone's enthusiasm just now suddenly turned into a down-to-earth energy.

Su Dingfang looked at Lin Hui who was going away, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

The video was finally broadcast, and Lin Hui's sentence was also heated up along with it: But do good deeds, don't ask about the future.

This sentence seems to have given the people of Longguo a kind of spiritual guidance. Many people engraved it on their mobile phones as a sitting right, and kept it in their hearts.

The popularity of video is even greater than those who are now in full swing. The bandwidth of Su Dingfang's video server was increased, and then it couldn't stand it anymore, and had to install additional servers with other network providers. Can handle it.

Seeing this, the prince bought the copyright of this video from Fulong Temple at a high price, and directly broadcast this program on the national TV station's most prime time. Now, Master Lin once again detonated the Dragon Kingdom.

When the Internet was hot, big Vs and celebrities from all walks of life came to catch up on this wave of hot spots, and after the hot broadcast on TV stations, these big stars didn't even want to face, and called Lin Hui as their master on the Internet platform one after another. The enthusiasm made the netizens' teeth ache when they saw such comments.

"Just save yourself, you are an onmyoji who is more powerful than the onmyoji in the island country, didn't you say that Master Lin is a liar last time? Don't deny it, we will send you a set of screenshots."

When netizens posted the previous posts of these celebrities, the faces of these celebrities turned black, and they quickly closed the comment area.

Seeing this, netizens went to bombard this star company again. Within half a day, the company's homepage was taken off the shelves.

There are not a few celebrities like this. The constant digging of graves by netizens has become a kind of Internet etiquette. Now the routine action that both parties do before cursing is to search the other party's black history in the search engine before speaking.

Because of this, a well-known "Gong Zhi" wrote an article saying that such grave-digging behavior is actually a manifestation of low personal quality, and then expressed guilt for such behavior of Longguo netizens, and finally said that he should learn from the West The country's network etiquette and longing for the peace of the country outside.

As soon as this remark came out, netizens dug up his postings on several houses in Qiangguo.

Then, from the real estate business of Qiangguo, only local talents have such qualifications. Such a piece of information can be deduced that this Gong Zhi was already a Qiangguo nationality ten years ago, and now a foreigner, as a native of Longguo, said on the Internet that he is a dragon. country feel guilty?

This wave of graves really dug out big rice dumplings, and netizens applauded.

"Master, come and fix this big rice dumpling. This is really a thousand-year-old corpse."

"That's right, our master specializes in treating such monsters and goblins. Hurry up...Master Lin, get bloody..."

"I'll come, I'll come... I'm still a virgin, my urine is yellow enough..."

For a while, the entire network showed Lin Hui again.

Lin Hui was really online today, and he was giving Su Fang Fang information, complete the information of the social account he just opened.

After seeing the comments from netizens, I thought of the fat man who was shaking a paper fan in his previous life.

So I wrote a paragraph that made this Gongzhi fall into the abyss.

"Although my Taoist sect does not believe in karmic reincarnation like the Buddhist sect, we believe in one word: retribution!
The perpetrators often have a filthy air in their hearts, so we can see from the appearance that if a person looks particularly frightening to you, the chances of him not being a good person will be greatly increased.From what I see, this dear friend...has an evil appearance, and I'm afraid his days are numbered. "

Lin Hui didn't expect that this passage of his own would directly send this Gongzhi to the morgue.

Less than eight hours after writing this passage, this Gongzhi died of a heart attack on his bed at home. At that time, he was accompanying his daughter to report the case.

As soon as this incident happened, Lin Hui's name was equivalent to an artifact of cleaning the Internet, and all the celebrities no longer dared to use Lin Hui's name to gossip.Everyone became cautious in their words and deeds. For a while, the entire network seemed to be waded by a sprinkler.

"Master, you have really become a god on the Internet now."

When Su Dingfang came to Fulong Temple, he couldn't help giving Lin Hui a thumbs up.

You must know that Gong Zhi has been active on the Internet for many years, and everyone has nothing to do with him, so who said that?I am most afraid that hooligans will be cultured.

That Gong Zhi was obviously a cultured hooligan, now he is fine, he is dead, and everyone has a clean network environment.

"You must be trying to trick me again when you come here again. Tell me, what's the matter?"

Lin Hui didn't want to talk to this bastard any more.

"Hehe, no, I just want you to be on a talk show."


"No tricks?"

"Not really."

"I do not believe……"

"Really, how about we write it into a talisman and let the world guarantee it?"

"Go away, why is Tiandi still playing such a joke with people?"

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