Lin Hui just glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze, he already knew it.

For the man in front of him, the fate line on the palm of his left hand was blocked by a black aura, so he couldn't see clearly.

He must have been to some unclean place recently, but he didn't know it himself.

"I can measure the things you have encountered recently. I will charge you for breaking the karma. This is also the rule of our business." Lin Hui said bluntly.

And that man not only didn't get angry, but gave Lin Hui a higher look.He took out a bank card from his pocket, handed it to Lin Hui and said, "Yes, master, as long as the master can help me. There will be a reward of 100 million after that."

The man didn't say how much it was, and Lin Hui didn't ask, he didn't care about it at all.

He just looked at the man and nodded, and said calmly, "Give me your hand."

The man did so, and without further ado, Lin Hui saw a small red wooden stick in his hand, and stuck it on the man's middle finger.

"Hiss! Master, what are you doing?" The man was stung, and wanted to withdraw his hand, but Lin Hui stopped him.

At this moment, a strange scene happened, a drop of blood was squeezed out from the man's middle finger.

The small red wooden stick was still stuck on the middle finger, and blood flowed down the red wooden stick.

"Don't move, that's it."

Hearing Lin Hui's instructions, the man raised his hands flat with a serious expression on his face.

Lin Hui took out a thin red thread, one end was tied to a red wooden stick, and a paper kite was wrapped around the other end.

Then put the paper kite on the compass, the drop of blood seemed to have a mind of its own, and fell on the paper kite along the red line.

The paper kite, which was originally a dead object, unexpectedly had two small red dots appear on the top of its head after being stained by that drop of blood, just like eyes.

Then he moved strangely by himself, turned a few times on the compass, and finally the position of his eyes was facing the southwest direction.

"Think about it carefully, Your Excellency. Have you encountered any strange things or seen any strange buildings in the southwest direction in the past two days." Lin Hui put away the paper kite and compass and asked.

"Strange things and buildings?"

The man put on a pensive look, and after thinking for a long time, he said uncertainly: "I haven't encountered any strange things, but when it comes to buildings, I have indeed met one, but it can't be a ghost building!"

"Oh? Tell me." Lin Hui sat back at the booth and looked at the man.

"The strangest thing I have come across recently should be a restaurant in Linhai. It has nothing to do with ghost buildings!" the man explained.

Lin Hui didn't speak, but just listened quietly to the man's story. From the man's self-report, Lin Hui found out that the man's original surname was Zhao, and he was a manager. Among them was a very special restaurant, which left a deep impression on him.

The restaurant was built near the coast, without a single house around it, facing Binhai City, and behind it was the sea.

From a distance, you can only see this restaurant, which looks very monotonous and lonely, and also has a kind of eerie meaning.

Even Zhao Zichun, who doesn't understand Feng Shui, knows that whoever builds a restaurant will build it like this, so close to the sea.

And there are no mountains around, no shelter, and I am not afraid that the whole restaurant will be blown away when the tide is high and the wind is blowing.

And although this restaurant is called a restaurant, it is never open at night, and it is always open in broad daylight.

In the evening, before it is dark, it starts to close, and the door must be closed before 8:00 in the evening.

But it happened to be such a weird restaurant, it was full every day, and there were no empty seats.

"Master, is this the ghost building you're talking about?" After Zhao Zichun finished speaking, he looked at Lin Hui with hope.

"I'll know when I go." Lin Hui didn't say much, and asked Zhao Zichun to take a taxi.

In less than an hour, Lin Hui got off the taxi.A salty sea breeze blows towards the face with a slightly moist breath.

It is also mixed with the sound of waves crashing on the coast. From far to near, the restaurant is about 300 meters away from Lin Hui.

It was a coast, and only the restaurant was used as a building, and the building was also very large, and the others were narrow at the top and wide at the bottom.

From a distance, the shape of this restaurant looks like a toad, and the restaurant is closed at this time, so it looks even more similar in the dark night.

The golden toad looks at the moon, but what is being distributed is dead money, which is to damage Yin's morality.

Lin Hui squinted his eyes and found that it was not as simple as the golden toad looking at the moon.

This golden toad refers to the restaurant, and the golden toad has been a fortune-telling thing since ancient times.

At the same time, it is also one of the five poisons. If it is not used properly, not only will it not bring you wealth, but it will damage your luck.

Obviously, if it is a pure golden toad looking at the moon, it should be facing south.Surrounded by mountains and rivers nearby, the streams are coherent and accessible, so it can barely be considered a good game.

But here it is completely different, there are neither mountains nor streams around nor facing south.

It's just such a single-family restaurant, standing upright on the shore, no matter how you look at it, it feels a little weird.

Water represents wealth in the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams. This restaurant is built so close to the water. According to common sense, it is definitely not something that can be suppressed by one person's fortune.

So the real benefit of this restaurant is definitely not as simple as just one person.

"How about it, master, do you see anything strange?" Zhao Zichun leaned over and asked.

Lin Hui shook his head and said, "This is a ghost building, which is used to nourish evil spirits and gather wealth to harm people."

Zhao Zichun couldn't help being surprised, what is this Feng Shui?This master can see the clues at a glance from the outside?
"Master, let's crack this quickly." Han Zichun said excitedly.

"It's not difficult to decipher it. The difficult thing is how to get in. This house is healthy by the sea, just to absorb Yin Qi. It closes before 8 o'clock, because it is afraid that the secrets inside will be discovered by others." Lin Hui said while observing the vicinity of the hotel. .

He was looking for a place where he could climb over the wall, and while he was looking, he suddenly noticed two people coming out of the hotel.

A middle-aged man with a big belly and a fat head, and another man who looked like a foreman ran out of the hotel.

Although they were far apart, Lin Hui and Zhao Zichun could still see their pale and panicked faces clearly.

The foreman had a lock in his hand and tried to lock the door, but was so nervous that it took three consecutive locks to lock it.

Lin Hui and Zhao Zichun couldn't hear what they were saying because they were too far away, but judging from their panicked expressions, it seemed that something terrible happened inside.

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