Feng Shui: Opening Secret Nine Money Raising Corpse Caves

Chapter 69 The Military Exercise Begins

On this day, the much-anticipated Dragon Kingdom military exercise officially began.

In the open sea outside Binhai, all the latest warships of Dragon Kingdom are present, and even the missile force has lifted the security mechanism in the entire Binhai military base. It can be said that as long as the local top leader gives an order, these couriers will be ready to deliver quickly. Deliver to any corner of the world.

And such a large-scale military exercise is already a rule in the Dragon Kingdom.

Different from the previous military exercises, all the latest equipment was used in this military exercise, and all the preparation personnel were experienced veterans.The scale is currently the largest in the country, and it can even be said to be a military exercise that can be ranked number one in the entire world.

And such a large-scale military exercise not only attracted the attention of the whole world, even the world's most powerful ten-nation alliance sent observation ships, and even a certain powerful country sent the third sea fleet to stand by [-] nautical miles away.

The ten-nation alliance also responded to the call of the powerful countries and drove all their new warships to the vicinity of the exercise site to be on guard.

The island country is even more generous, pulling all the fleets of the whole country to the nearest position of the fleet of the powerful country, and implementing seamless logistics services.

Such a powerful military exercise coupled with such a large-scale observation team exploded the entire world's media at once.

All the great gods and ghosts and snake gods from all walks of life on the Internet came out of the cage one after another. For a while, bricks and saliva flew together, fists and kicks were the same color, and the fight was very lively.

And the staff of Longguo's network security department are now secretly laughing. These monsters usually hide too well, so the security department has no way to locate these bastards.It's better now, I don't know if I received the order from above, but this time everything has surfaced.

Each list was recorded by the security department, and all of them were sent to the national security department for record.

While everyone was busy, the exercise began.

Artillery, missiles, and torpedoes were all fired at the imaginary enemy, and the entire sea off Binhai City immediately became an imaginary battlefield.

Three minutes after the exercise started, suddenly a ship marked with the symbol of an island country issued a message that the route was wrong, and then shyly broke into the range of the exercise.

The supreme commander of the Dragon Kingdom ordered on the spot to silence him with the latest electromagnetic pulse gun, and sent two battleships to capture him.

At this time, Qiangguo's Third Fleet was also heading towards the island nation's ship. The commander of the Dragon Kingdom smiled and set the coordinates of the land-based missiles on the main ship of the Third Fleet.

For a moment the whole situation became tense.

The Third Fleet sent a message asking for a dialogue.

Without even thinking about it, the commander cut off the line of dialogue and directly ordered the firing.

I saw a burst of radio waves passing by, and the ship of the island country fell silent, and the whole world could not contact anyone on the ship, and then two battleships of the Dragon Kingdom appeared within the sight of everyone. The Third Fleet of a powerful country captured him under the nose.

At this time, the Third Fleet sent out a blank bomb as a warning, but in exchange for the radar beeping continuously.

"General, army, we... were locked by the courier."

"Fuck me, these rabbits are coming for real, finally, back off quickly... let the island fleet behind come to the top..."

"General... We were locked by ten couriers..."

"Mud horse... there was one just now, now there are ten, what are the rabbits doing... quick, connect me to the White Palace. I want to talk to the Sleeping King..."

At this time, a large number of media began to intervene, portraying the whole situation as if it was about to start a war.

When the eyes of the whole world were focused on the battlefield, the media on the island country panicked.

"Horse, there's an earthquake..."

"Flee, this earthquake is stronger than before."

At this time, a huge earthquake came from the bottom of the island country, and the whole island country obviously felt the vibration, and the frequency of this was getting bigger and bigger.

No one thought that before the tense moment of the battlefield here was over, a strong earthquake came from the island country, and the news from the island country kept listing how many city infrastructures were destroyed and how many people died.

The eyes of people all over the world have shifted from the battlefield to the island country.

The leader of the Third Fleet made a decisive decision and retreated to the island country.

On the one hand, it can avoid confrontation with the dragon country, and on the other hand, it can be said to go to the island country for rescue.

As for whether to save or not, it is not enough to wipe it off with a few words.

The commander of the Dragon Kingdom suddenly received an order from the Supreme Emperor, and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Ahem, the island country and our dragon country are separated by a narrow strip of water, so I decided to suspend the military exercise and go to the island country to carry out rescue operations. All ships except the heavy ships will quickly gather to the island country. In addition... each ship is ready for live broadcast equipment, we will send to the island country People all over the world show the horrors of the island nation."

Although this order is weird, as a soldier, you must strictly implement the order.

So the fleet of the Dragon Kingdom rushed towards the island country like flying. Since all of them were light fleets, the Dragon Kingdom was the first to arrive on the scene.

After arriving at the scene, immediately turn on the live broadcast equipment.

At this time, when the whole world looked at this picture, they all shouted: "I'm so stupid..."

The leader of Qiangguo's Third Fleet was furious when he saw the live broadcast, and loudly demanded that the person in the White Palace must ask the emperor of the island country to explain why the nuclear warhead that Qiangguo lost three years ago would float up on the bottom of the island country.

This picture made people all over the world see the ambitions of the islanders.

It also made Qiangguo see clearly that his dog had stolen his dog-beating stick, and it seemed that he was planning to use it against his master.

At this time, an order came from the White Palace for the Third Fleet to prepare to receive the bomb.

And the fleet of the Dragon Kingdom also received an even stranger order:

"Because of the habit of the islanders to go above and below, in order to prevent the islanders from jumping over the wall, the entire fleet will withdraw to the exercise area and make preparations for nuclear explosion and tsunami prevention."

This information was not transmitted through a confidential channel, and was captured by major media and the Ten-Nation Alliance at once.

"I don't care, the islanders really have such a habit of withdrawing...quickly withdrawing..."

The smart people in the ten-nation alliance also retreated far away with the dragon country.

While the commander of the Third Fleet was still hesitating, the nuclear warhead that had just surfaced exploded in response.

"My little devil..."

I saw that the fleet of a powerful country was just outside the range of the nuclear explosion. This strong explosion caused a shocking tsunami, covering half of the island country.

For a while, cries, screams, and explosions filled the entire screen at the same time.

The viewers who watched the live broadcast couldn't help but feel terrified.

"Damn it, these islanders really don't think of themselves as human beings anymore."

And the Dragon Kingdom Fleet, which had withdrawn from the explosion range long ago, couldn't help but be thankful at this time that the intelligence department of its own country was accurate in its judgment.

At this time, the Supreme Emperor of Fulongguan didn't even realize that the phone fell on the ground, and murmured:
"Those who are on the horse just absorbed a little bit of the fortune of the island nation and made such a big deal... If..."

"Don't think about it, it's a bad thing. It's enough to do it once, and the rest depends on whether the ten countries take the bait or not."

Lin Hui, who was lying on the sofa feeling exhausted, hastily pinched the old man's thoughts away.

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