Feng Shui: Opening Secret Nine Money Raising Corpse Caves

Chapter 54 The Emperor's Uneasiness

Lin Hui didn't talk much, but it made many people unable to sleep that night.

The Supernatural Bureau stayed up all night, and people kept coming in and out. The cars outside had blocked the entire street, and the traffic department was required to assist in the evacuation.

Fulong Temple issued a warning to Taoist sects all over the world, ordering all the hosts of Taoist temples to gather in Fulong Temple within three days.

When the emperor received the report from his subordinates, he trembled with fear for the actions of these two departments.

"What are they doing? Find out... quickly find out what they are doing."

But the subordinate kneeling below remained motionless, bowed his head and knelt there on one knee without any reaction. Only then did the emperor remember that these people were run by his father, and he only had the right to use them, not ownership.

It can be said that the current emperor looks very good to others, but some important departments inside are not listening to the announcement.

"Speak, Father has something to pass on to me, right?"

The spy kneeling below took out a letter from his arms, and there was no name on the envelope.

But the emperor saw the seal of Fulong Temple from the corner of the envelope, and when he carefully opened it with a letter opener, the emperor's hand was shaking.

He knew that when his father used this method to convey news to him, it was either because he was disappointed with himself, or because he was afraid that the news would leak from the palace.

"Or... maybe both."

Open the letter, there are not many words in it.

But it made the emperor's hair stand on end when he saw it.

"The pirate trapped the dragon?"

What does it mean?
The supernatural bureau plus Fulong temple?

Is this about Feng Shui?
A series of questions lingered in the emperor's mind. As if he had figured something out, he patted the table to let people in from outside come in.

However, after calling for a long time, no one was seen.

He also forgot that as long as this group of people enters, the people outside will definitely be controlled.

"I, the emperor, are really useless."

Muttering, he repacked the letter into the envelope and threw it to the spy who was still kneeling below.

The spy quickly folded the letter and the envelope into a ball, put it in his mouth and swallowed it without chewing.

"What does the emperor need me to do?"

The emperor rubbed his forehead and asked.

"The emperor should do what the emperor wants to do. This is the answer of the emperor."

Hearing this answer, the emperor was taken aback again.

This is the patriarch's catchphrase, what are you doing now?

Shake your hands and let these spies with aloof positions retreat.

When all the spies retreated, the Royal Forest Army outside came late.

"Your Majesty, because the gate of the palace has been in disrepair for a long time, the subordinates cannot enter the gate, and the subordinates..."

"Okay, okay, there's no need to make so many excuses every time, who doesn't know that every time those bastards come to see you seriously."

The emperor was obviously tired of this kind of acting, and it was obvious that his father's people came over and put gold on his face. After hearing too much, he really thought it was such a thing.


The Imperial Forest Army's countenance at this time was constantly changing. It was the first time he had heard the emperor's straightforward words for so many years.

It's a pity that he didn't feel embarrassed for a long time, and the emperor asked him a question: "Li Dong, you have been with me for many years, can you tell me what the emperor should do?"


At this moment, Li Dong's mind kept spinning. This question seemed like a proposition.

Seeing that he hadn't answered for a long time, the emperor could only wave his hand to let him go down.

At this time, Li Dong saw the emperor's sad face, and couldn't help blurting out what his youngest son said jokingly to him last night.

"Your Majesty, everyone has a place for everyone. Shouldn't the Emperor patrol the country and maintain national security?"

"Inspecting the country? Maintaining national security?"

When the emperor heard this answer, he felt a faint inspiration in his heart, but he couldn't grasp it no matter what.

"The pirate trapped the dragon? Patrol? Safety?"

Several concepts kept spinning in his mind. For a long time, he couldn't think of it, and he sat on the dragon chair unwillingly. Outside the dragon chair was the palace, and outside the palace was the great country of the Dragon Kingdom.

"I'll go, Jiangshan... Feng Shui... Sleepy Dragon..."

The logic of such a line can make sense.

Clapping his hands together, the emperor shouted, "I understand!"

It's a pity that when he realized it, after thinking about it, a layer of cold sweat immediately broke out on his body.

"Damn it, the trapped dragon not only traps me, the emperor, but also traps the dragon veins of my Dragon Kingdom in Fengshui."

At this time, the emperor really panicked. For so many years, since the generation of the Supreme Emperor, he has paid special attention to the direction of the dragon's veins, but in his generation, he has fully implemented Westernization, and completely swept the old emperor's methods into the waste paper.

Only then did he know how the word "regret" was written.

"No, I want to hold an exercise to attract the attention of the whole world, so that the Fulong Temple and the Supernatural Bureau will be excluded from everyone's attention."

After figuring out the deepest meaning of the letter sent to him by the Supreme Emperor, the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom immediately summoned a group of officials, and insisted on holding a joint military exercise under the circumstances that all the officials opposed.

"Time, one week later, location, three hundred kilometers off the coast of Binhai City..."

When the news of the palace spread to the world, the whole world was shaken.

This is another big move after the last disaster drill in Binhai City, and this time the big move is not only held in the Dragon Kingdom, but [-] kilometers outside Binhai City, which requires several nearby small countries Desperate.

Who doesn't know that the military development of the Dragon Kingdom has been strong in recent years, and the Northeast Wind Express claims to achieve its mission; the ultra-long-distance artillery can cover the entire Pearl Island in Yuanfu City; there are also mysterious space-based weapons. One hair can sink the island country.

All of a sudden, the entire international situation turned cold sharply, and all the little monsters in the monster room were all staring at this giant dragon that hadn't woken up for a long time.

In Fulong Temple, the old emperor smiled comfortingly when he heard the news.

"This kid is finally enlightened, it's okay, and there's still a way to save him."

At this time, Lin Hui had obtained the drawings of all the investment companies of the Craftsman Group, printed out all the drawings, and then arranged them on one wall.

"Look here, everyone. This is the eye of the Nine Swords Trapped Dragon Formation. If I'm not mistaken, this should be an ancient tomb complex in Binhai City, and the scale of the burials is not small, at least at the level of a prince."

"Boss, we are familiar with this, leave it to us."

The one who raised his hand was a black and thin old man. The calluses on his hands already showed his occupation, Captain Nuggets.

"In addition, there may be some ghosts in the tombs..."

"Boss, this is what Maoshan does, so leave it to us."

Every time Lin Hui asked a question, a team of people would come out to take the task, and they would pat their chests and say that they would die if they did not complete the task.

"The last question, this time breaking the formation requires a person with a high destiny to be the center."


This question really stumped everyone. Even Lin Hui, who had his own system, was rated as high by the system, and the difference between him and Qi Gao was not one or two ranks.

"Come on alone, this is the country of the lonely family, and it is imperative to be lonely..."

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