Lin Hui really didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at the moment.

He stared intently at the console covered with various runes, his eyes were already blood red.

"Little Seven!"

Lin Hui rushed all the way towards the console, but when he stepped into the circular formation on the ground, Xiao Qi wailed in pain.


The roar made people's backs tremble, Lin Hui quickly retracted his feet, and Xiao Qi's symptoms were relieved.

He also realized at this time that the formation that Xiaoqi is trapped in now, once a living organism approaches, the pros and cons will activate, and will continue to eat away at her body, until the last trace of aura in her body disappears do!
Lin Hui gritted his teeth in hatred, but there was nothing he could do.

The purple barrier around the island is already closely connected with the formation. If the formation is forcibly broken, the formation will also collapse, and the entire Zhenjiang City will be implicated by it!
Once any irreparable loss occurs, it is by no means as simple as just one or two people dying.

Seeing the situation getting into anxiety, Lin Hui suddenly thought of something, and then made a decision.

And the system in his body seemed to have sensed his intentions, and kept sending out alarm reminders.

"Ding, the system prompts, please choose the host carefully!"

"It's none of your business how I choose? You haven't figured out who is the father yet?"

Lin Hui let out a low growl, and all the talisman papers he had prepared before were thrown out!A dense layer of runes appeared on the purple barrier, written in cinnabar, the handwriting glowed with various lusters at this moment.

But at this moment, a few muffled laughter came from the wooden house, followed by an old man slowly walking out of the house. He stroked his beard, looked at Lin Hui and laughed three times.

"Hahaha! You have made such a decision at such a young age, you really are the heir to the "Tianshi Zhuan"! I just wonder if you ruin all your own things, will you survive until tomorrow?"

This old man knows "Tianshi Zhuan"?
The movements of Lin Hui's hands didn't stop, and the speed of seal formation became faster and faster.

"Let me advise you, don't make unnecessary struggles. This kind of ending is not a bad thing for her."

"You keep your mouth shut for me, and I will deal with you when I have time!"

Lin Hui let out a low growl, and all the spells rushed into the air in response.

And the hand of the old man stroking his beard gave him a pause. He never expected that there was such a powerful energy in Lin Hui's body, and at the same time it was urging it to run. These spells were difficult even for a heavenly powerhouse!

But he finished it lightly? !

How can this be? !
Seeing the passage of time every minute and every second, the stingy man on the console began to tremble continuously because the surrounding magnetic field had changed.

At this time, the chains that bound her also broke, and some tiny cracks appeared on them.


At this moment, the old man's gaze towards Lin Hui finally changed.

There was a gleam of light in his cloudy eyes, but his aura was still as aggressive as it was at the beginning.

Seeing his virtue, Lin Hui smiled sarcastically, and after making the last spell, the Tiangang sword was already in his hand.

He really wanted to see what this old beast was capable of!
What is the purpose of using so many low-level methods of finding one after another?
Just for his own longevity?
That really deserves to be struck to death by lightning!

The longer he lives, the people around him will leave him decisively, and finally he can only exist alone in this world. Is it possible that the long life these people seek is for this purpose?
Lin Hui thought about the unpredictable expression on his face.

A golden light shot out from his hand, the old man took a step towards the left, the golden light passed through him directly, and nailed to the barrier behind him.

The two of you come and go, constantly using moves and spells.

Under the cover of the purple barrier, the brilliant spells were not noticed by outsiders at all.

The entire Jiangxin Island became dark in an instant. The broken branches and old facilities collapsed under this fierce attack. A huge crack appeared on the ground. The river kept pouring in, and the scene was close to getting out of control. .

At this moment, the Tiangang sword in Lin Hui's hand suddenly burst into a strange brilliance, followed by the sword's body swelled up, floating in mid-air, and slashed directly at the old man.

Because both of them were injured in the fight just now, the old man's injury was particularly serious, half of his arm was almost chopped off by Lin Hui.


With a loud click, the long sword that expanded several times has already torn a hole in the purple barrier, and the sunlight from outside penetrates the barrier and sprinkles on the river that has not seen the sun for an unknown amount of time. heart island.

But as this ray of sunlight poured into the entire Jiangxin Island, it vibrated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Lin Hui felt his feet sway.

Almost instantly, the old man rushed to the console where Xiao Qi was, and his big hands pressed directly on top of Xiao Qi's head.

"If you still dare to stop me, I will die with this little girl. If you are still so aggressive, this little girl may not see the sun tomorrow. As long as you stop, her life can be saved in the future." , although it becomes a useless person, it will never die!"

"Fart your mother! You really think you are a dish, don't you? Who doesn't know what you are planning?! If I let you walk out of Jiangxin Island alive today, I will cut off my meridians and change my name and surname directly. .”

How could Lin Hui agree?

Xiao Qi has been a natural cultivator since he was born, and has reached the realm that ordinary cultivators pursue all their lives at a young age.

This old thing obviously wants to use Xiao Qi's life cultivation to replace something!
Never let him wish!
Lin Hui took the opportunity to withdraw his sword, the red light in his eyes had turned into blood.

The soaring body landed steadily on the edge of the formation under Xiao Qi's body.

The replacement formation he made before has not been completely transformed.

If there is a mistake at this time, it is likely to fall short.

Lin Hui didn't hesitate, and quickly made a decision. He stepped into the formation and crazily absorbed the evil spirits around him. The skin on his forehead formed several obvious lines. An inverted seal emerged directly in the middle of his forehead.

The system also popped up at this time.

"Ding, the system prompts that the aura conversion has reached the critical point, has reached the critical point! Danger, danger!"

Lin Hui's eyes glared angrily, his whole body began to turn red, and a wave of demonic energy suddenly shot up from behind him. Almost in the next second, the formation surrounding the community suddenly collapsed, and the old man's body moved at a speed visible to the naked eye. Ageing.

People who were still a little bit alive turned into dead wood in a blink of an eye.

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